Have you found a special interest in a sport after 40.



  • sewerchick93
    sewerchick93 Posts: 1,440 Member
    Kayaking and yoga. In fact, this summer I was doing a program called Yak n Yoga, it was sooo much fun. We would meet on a bluff overlooking the Mississippi River and do an hour of yoga up on the bluff and then we would walk down the bluff and spend an hour kayaking the feeder streams along the Mississippi. It was only once a month, but it was so relaxing and yet energizing :)
  • Irish2002
    Irish2002 Posts: 17 Member
    I always loved to swim and play in the water, but around 40 I decided to train and become a Lifeguard. It has changed my life. If I am not in the water at least 5 times in a week I get to feeling lost. I love the fact that I can do hard laps and burn and build at the same time. I live in the Sunshine state so it is easy for me to find a pool to do this. But I have improved my stroke and breathing to the point of not having to think and I just love that I don't have to hear anyone else durning my swim. I call it my me time. The best part is that it does not hurt my joints and I always feel refreshed afte not worn down like a workout in a gym.
  • Jujubie
    Jujubie Posts: 130 Member
    Bowling! What a great stretching exercise! In my women's league, we laugh so much that it actually works out the abs! ;)

    Snowshoeing! I love, love, love the intensity of it and the outdoors. It can be practiced practically anywhere ... there is snow. Good burn for every minute,
  • wndlady
    wndlady Posts: 70 Member
    I started Tae Kwon do with my kids when I was 39. Currently up to a blue belt and ready to test again soon.