1st weigh in of the Challenge!

Sorry the thread is so late but I was having problems with the laptop web this morning.

My starting weight was 180
and I weighed in at 179.6 this morning
I am a little disappointed but with Thanksgiving and LSU football tailgating I can say Im surprised but I'm grateful for not gaining!

How did everyone do??

When I get everyone's weight Ill post the total weight lost from the group, and the top 5 who lost the most!

Now is a good time to think about what worked and and what didn't to re strategize for the week!


  • justamyagain
    justamyagain Posts: 154 Member
    I started at 179, today I am at 177.4. I am happy w/ this after Thanksgiving.
  • kaylenlawrence
    kaylenlawrence Posts: 211 Member
    I started at 179, today I am at 177.4. I am happy w/ this after Thanksgiving.

    Happy Thanksgiving to You!!
    You did awesome!
  • sw33tn3ss07
    I gained 1.5 pounds. Did really bad because of thanksgiving and the leftovers! But starting new will do better next week!
  • kaylenlawrence
    kaylenlawrence Posts: 211 Member
    I gained 1.5 pounds. Did really bad because of thanksgiving and the leftovers! But starting new will do better next week!

    Yeh the fridge is still full from Thanksgiving!!
  • ninahh
    My start weight was 252.4 lb. After five days out of my house and after holiday im 252.2 lb... so not so good but at least i did not put in any weight.
  • pars1981
    pars1981 Posts: 167 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    Well I neither gained nor lost!! Still 135lbs.

    I am quite happy with this though as I know that Im coming up for 'that' time of the month (were I normally put on a couple of lbs!!) and although we dont celebrate Thanksgiving in this part of the world, I did have a big slap up meal on Saturday with my Aunty, and a teeny bit of alcohol thrown in.

    Think we have done so well considering you guys have had Thanksgiving.

    Go us!! :smile:
  • A11883
    A11883 Posts: 13
    Hey All -

    Sorry for not posting till today I left my computer behind when I went home.

    Starting Weight 245
    Sunday Weight 244.4

    Not so terrible since it was Thanksgiving, I was however at 243.8 Thursday morning. I had a very lazy three days after Thanksgiving.

  • modifyinglife
    Starting weight: 190lbs
    11-27-11: 188lbs

    I surprised myself and didn't dig in for seconds or thirds at thanksgiving this year lol
  • huckleberryhuck
    huckleberryhuck Posts: 21 Member
    Starting weight 144, yesterday I weighed in at 145.5. 1.5 lb gain. I am not thrilled but I am not going to beat myself up over it either. I kept up with my cardio goals, I just let my food choices slip...my long distance bf surprised me with a visit so I wouldnt be alone on Thanksgiving so I ate out several nights and drank more than I should have. All and all a great week, and a good learning experience for what I need be careful of when thrown off track by circumstance and temptation. I hit it hard at the gym yesterday after he left, and I will not let this setback ruin my progress.
  • kaylenlawrence
    kaylenlawrence Posts: 211 Member
    Sounds like Thanksgiving was nice to most of us but its time to kick in gear to" burn of the Grizzle" as Tony Horton would say
  • 8675309Jen
    226 today - so down 2 lbs. Bummed because last week, I had been down 7 at one point. I am thinking a lot of it is the sodium. I am determined to make a real change though. I am even getting my hair down completely different to start out the new me!
  • monielovv
    Sorry late check in for weigh in... Started 231 down to 225 but gained 2 over thanksgiving.. :-( Not going to be to upset.. back on track.. See you next weigh in...
  • babygurl1
    babygurl1 Posts: 196 Member
    Sorry I'm late been busy with two sick kiddos. My starting weight was 109 and I am still 109. Boooo...These last few are rough!!! I hope everyone had a great Turkey day!!