Hi, everyone!



  • cris00
    cris00 Posts: 13
    Exercise goes in first, always. :-)
  • HurricaneMom13
    Hiya All! I had to add 13 to my name as there already is a Hurricane Mom. (Whomever she may be.)

    Anyway I near my caloric limit and it's only 3:10 in the afternoon. May have to walk the dog if the rain lets up.
  • Mrsdjd
    Mrsdjd Posts: 25 Member
    I don't know, something is off. I have many calories left.
  • Kristyle_S
    Kristyle_S Posts: 9 Member
    I have a lot of calories left too, but that's not unusual, especially on a Saturday when I don't eat a lot early in the day because I'm rushing out the door to get to services. But I'm having chili for dinner, so I'm sure I'll blow the rest of my calories pretty easily. Eating consistently throughout the day and not all at once is one of the things I need to work on!
  • AllieFNP2B
    I need the dang pool to get their chlorine levels regulated. I like running and riding, but the swimming is what keeps my old butt from wearing out and getting injured.
  • IronDeli
    I don't know...it said I burned 321 calories from my 3 mile run today. Isn't it usually around 100 calories per mile??? I'm counting the extra 21, cuz it was HOT today! Now it says I have over 500 calories to spare, but I'm going to the Yardhouse tonight to have dinner with the Hello Kitty cheerleaders. I will definitely be in the red after eating there and drinking beers. DEFINITELY.
  • cris00
    cris00 Posts: 13
    Regarding the running calories, I pick the smallest estimated consumption between the Gamin and MFP.
  • Bob_III
    Hi friends. I compared my cals burned on here today ( 1986) to the running sites where I log my runs. On my RunningAhead running log I burned 2011 cals for the 17 miles today. On DailyMile it was 1961. So MFP seems to be right in the middle.
  • cris00
    cris00 Posts: 13
    Is this the place for some fat complaining? :-) I have been good for a couple of days (thanks to SB, and her initiative, basically) and ... no results on the scale! I have to admit that I ate like a pig and not gained for at least a week before that, so maybe I am just paying for sins that had not showed up on the scale yet...

    In any case, have a good day!
  • Mrsdjd
    Mrsdjd Posts: 25 Member
    That is nice to know, Bob. I figured that in the end, everything would even out.
  • morganalefay66
    morganalefay66 Posts: 16 Member
    Cris - This is one reason why I weigh myself once a week (same day, same time in the morning before eating breakfast). That's supposed to be a more accurate estimate of actual weight loss in comparison to weighing oneself once a day or even several times a day. It can take a while for the body to adjust to weight loss efforts (change in diet and exercise) and for you to see the results of actual weight loss. There are weight fluctuations every day that may look like weight loss, but aren't really.
  • i_will2
    Week 1 down, 1 lb lost.
  • TarHeelAmy
    I agree the calories burned seemed generous, but the number of calories allowed to be consumed seems stingy, so it must balance out.
    There is also a recipe section where we can post our own recipes (hint, hint, SB). I will probably put something in there when I do my weekly vegetarian meal.
  • ZackCB
    Hi everyone,

    I just joined this site today and I like the extra exercise calories. MFP gave me 784 calories for my 5 mile run today while my Garmin only said I burned 705. That's 11% more food I can eat!!!
  • smarterblonde
    smarterblonde Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, Mjsmith!

    I let myself get too hungry and ate too much at dinner. Now I have to go back and correct my entry for today. At least it was good healthy stuff that I over-indulged in.
  • mjsmith1223
    Hi all! It's time for me to get back to logging so things don't get out of hand over the holidays. MFP gives me about 1500 calories a day which is pretty close to what CalorieCount.com was giving me awhile back. It just means I need to board up the kitchen so I can't get in there and snack mindlessly.

    Since I spend more time in the trail running forum and the BF, just some really quick background for those of you I haven't "met" yet in L&O:

    - Lost 70 pounds over the last year and a half
    - Started running a little more than a year ago
    - Still running and building a base
    - Working on maintaining my weight and even losing a few more pounds so I don't have to carry it around while I run.
  • morganalefay66
    morganalefay66 Posts: 16 Member

    - Lost 70 pounds over the last year and a half
    - Started running a little more than a year ago
    - Still running and building a base
    - Working on maintaining my weight and even losing a few more pounds so I don't have to carry it around while I run.

    Wow! You've come a long way! Congratulations! I've been over to the trail running forum a couple times. I had some favorite trails in Kansas that were hard to beat. But since I moved to Georgia, I've found some pretty good ones here, too. The funny thing is that I'm going back to Kansas in a couple weeks, and I'm looking forward to running my favorite trail again. Sure, I'm looking forward to seeing my friends again, but I can't wait to hit that trail, Wecome!
  • morganalefay66
    morganalefay66 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I just joined this site today and I like the extra exercise calories. MFP gave me 784 calories for my 5 mile run today while my Garmin only said I burned 705. That's 11% more food I can eat!!!

    Welcome! So far I really like this site. It seems to work really well for something that's free.
  • Zoekat05
    Zoekat05 Posts: 99 Member
    Hey all. Thanks for inviting me to this fat-abulous group. I mostly lurk in L & O so a brief introduction. My name is Ena and I live up in Nanook's neck of the woods - Vancouver, BC. A couple of years ago I lost about 24 pounds but over the last year or so have put 9 back on, so I'd like to lose those and some more as well. I'm running lots of races in the winter/spring, so my exercise should be consistent, but for me it is the food that is the issue - I eat too damn much!
  • cris00
    cris00 Posts: 13
    Welcome new members!