Week One



  • wisgal77
    wisgal77 Posts: 59 Member
    Just completed week one. It felt good.

    Day 1: walk: 3.5
    run: 4.0

    Day 2: walk 3.5
    run 4.2

    Day 3: walk 3.5
    run 4.5

    This isn't a bad pace for me. I haven't attempted to run since I was in middle school, so I'm taking it slowly. Pretty happy with the program so far. I have a sneeking feeling I may have to repeat week 2 at least once or twice, but I figure if I keep upping the speeds, then that is progress.
  • Malissas
    Malissas Posts: 64 Member
    hi everyone!

    I've just started week 1 day 1 :)
    Just jogging at this stage and will speed up as I get into it.

    I had actually completed the program about 3 years ago and then got injured (not from running) and wasnt able to maintain or practise. So starting of at a worse place this time than when I did it first - hence why I'm just taking it easy this time.

    Anyway w1d1 done :)
    What exercises do you all do on days in between the runs?
  • nowornever47
    nowornever47 Posts: 333 Member
    Thanks for starting the week one thread - even though some of you started a couple weeks ago... my friend mentioned this and I've been so tempted anyway, reading all about it on here. Ok, so day 1 was yesterday and it was tough but I think I was able to jog 30-60 sec each time and completed 3.62 miles. I didn't have the schedule with me and I'm going to also invest in a stop watch so I can time each time I jog. Good luck everyone! Having asthma doesn't help but I'm going to give it my all... maybe, just maybe this'll help to break this silly plateau I've been stuck on!! Dani
  • Hey everyone!

    Just did week 1 day 1. Whew! I am jogging outside, and I live in a very hilly place, and it is no picnic! Haha! I despise running, and have tried it before, and it never stuck. I am prone to shin splints, so I am very excited about this program, gently breaking me in, and from what I hear and have read, it does not lead to injuries. I am doing this program because I want to overcome my hatred of running. Make sense? I want to own IT, I don't want it to own ME. I'm also running for my life, and because I don't want to end up with heart disease, like I'm watching a family member slowly die from. Good luck to you all, and friend me if you are in your first week! We can do this!

    Mary Anne
  • Elos everyone =)
    Well I'm done with W1D2 and I'm really motivated and loving this I would like to get to know you all better and want some new MFP friends so we can share our goals and all that!

    Strongs for all your challenges
    We all deserve to be healthy <3
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    I think I'm gonna join you all and do this starting today on the treadmill. I have been doing the elliptical and treadmill depending on the day but not regularly this should give me a goal. Gonna go print out the schedule now.
  • Just did my first run of week one. I walked at 3.7 and jogged at 5mph. The whole series was easy for me, but I've been running for a few weeks. I just decided to start C25K so I had some structure to getting myself to a 5k since the way I was doing it before wasn't getting me there. My question is... I'm not sure if I should skip ahead, increase my speed, or just sit tight. Any suggestions???
  • wisgal77
    wisgal77 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm repeating week one and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I have been increasing my speed each time, so I have been increasing the difficulty level.

    I've attempted this at different times in my life. This time my body is reacting differently. Instead of being completely out of breath (which has been the problem in the past) my legs just feel like rocks by the end. I do feel good once it is completed.

    Has anyone noticed any significant differences if you stretch before and after your run? I wonder if that is part of my issue.
  • abetterliv
    abetterliv Posts: 50 Member
    I just finished week one! I kind of messed up with timing on the treadmill this time because I kept not looking at the time and realizing ive been walking for too long haha. So i just added another running section to the end. I definitely think my runs went better as the week went on, and now I look forward to starting week 2 on saturday!
  • Adventuretown
    Adventuretown Posts: 120 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I started Week 1 of C25K this week and am LOVING it so far! Tonight will be W1D3 for me :)

    It's bitterly cold where I live, so I've been doing my training on the treadmill at home. It's interesting to see the speeds everyone has been running at.

    I usually do my warm-up walk at 3.4 MPH, brisk walk at 3.7 MPH, and run at 4.2 MPH, but all those numbers seem SO slow compared to everyone else on here!

    Actually, last night, DH came into my workout room and I asked him "does it look like I'm running fast enough?!" I figured since it said to jog, I wouldn't go all-out and run as fast as I could... especially since I'm not in great shape and am not a runner. But now I'm wondering if I should step it up a bit?

  • i am jogging at the same speed as you. I started doing the program jogging at 5mph and my lungs burned like crazy (i am out of shape and asthmatic) so I cut it down and have gotten through week one but def scared of week 2. Do whatever speed feels comfortable. You don't want to injure yourself or make the program an impossible climb for you. Get the time down and then work on your speed. Go at your pace, not anyone elses!
  • Rydell86
    Rydell86 Posts: 27 Member
    I just did Week 1 Day 1 this afternoon and boy did it hurt! I got excrutiating pain shooting up the outside of my ankles - old netball injuries coming back to bite me I guess. I think I need to spend more time stretching before I start and see if that helps.

    Luckily being in Australia we've just come into summer, so it's pretty nice to go outside for a walk/jog. I'm looking at off-setting my C25K days with zumba. Then after Christmas I hope to get back into yoga. Just need to find a way to balance all my exercise out to help me. :-)
  • Malissas
    Malissas Posts: 64 Member
    I just want to say that I have graduated from week 1 :)

    I'm not aiming for speed, just completion!
    I figure it doesnt actually matter how slow or fast I go, if I can jog for 20 mins, I can jog eventually for an hour.

    I dont need to outrun a lion, I just need to learn to run.

    See you in week 2!
  • Adventuretown
    Adventuretown Posts: 120 Member
    As of last night, I have also graduated from week 1!!! I jogged at 4.6 MPH and it was doable.... I think I'll gradually add more speed as time goes on.
  • Biglovelovesme
    Biglovelovesme Posts: 133 Member
    Week one day three completed. Walked at 3.5 and jogged at 4 .7. I did as well as can be expected given that I have been a total slug for so long. Happy to find this thread and hope to make it to week two and see everyone there.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,338 Member
    I have tried this programme twice before and both times crashed out. The first time I think it was from expensive but wrong for me shoes, and the second time I possibly pushed too far too fast.

    I have just started it again from week one day one, and this time will stick to the programme and not be impatient. While I think my fitness could move me ahead faster, I am mindful of both previous attempts ending in buggered knees so need to stick to the pace as set.

    Also, this time I am doing it barefoot. Tonight was the first time I have run barefoot (as an adult!) and I have to say it felt really great!
  • soccer8s
    soccer8s Posts: 238 Member
    Just finished week 1 last week - starting week 2 tonight....

    W1D1 - walk 3.5, run 4.5 (ran for 90 and walked for 60 though....) not quite 2 miles
    W1D2 - walk 3.7, run 5.0 (ran for 90 and walked for 60) right at 2 miles
    W1D3 - walk 4.0, run 5.5 (ran for 90 and walked for 60) - for the first 1/2 and then back to 3.7 and 5.0 for the 2nd half - I think I did almost 2.3 miles this day...

    Excited to see what week 2 brings!
  • paeli
    paeli Posts: 295 Member
    Hey all! I have "attempted" C25K once before, I really only did one run before I gave up. That was before I changed my lifestyle entirely. So I'm back to do this for real this time.

    I decided on a whim to take on the treadmill last night, not officially following c25k but doing 90s walk 90s jog and did

    Walk: 4.0mph
    Run: 5.5 mph
    Distance: 2.2mi

    I felt I could push myself harder, but I don't want to overdo it. I'm excited to progress through C25K.

    Happy running everyone! :)