Mississippi Group --Week 3 Challenge

Sorry guys about being a day late posting this, but things have been crazy for us around here. Our 3rd week challenge will be to do 40 minutes of exercise, dividing it up between cardio 20 minutes and strength training 20 minutes. Good luck to all of you. Ya'll are doing great. LETS MOVE IT MISSISSIPPI


  • el4611
    el4611 Posts: 22 Member
    Day 1 - Goal met but I don't think my muscles will take strength training every day.
  • Mawskittykat
    Mawskittykat Posts: 241 Member
    You can do strength on the upper body one day and then lower body the next. That might help.
  • el4611
    el4611 Posts: 22 Member
    Day 2 - Goal met Thanks for the suggestion about doing upper body one day and lower body the next.
  • Mawskittykat
    Mawskittykat Posts: 241 Member
    Day 1 Goal Not Met ---I am trying with my sore leg to get back into the swing of things. :sad:

    Day 2 Only 30 minutes instead of 40 with no strength training :blushing:
  • Mawskittykat
    Mawskittykat Posts: 241 Member
    Day 3 Goal Met :smile:
    Bike with resistance 25 minutes ---185 calories
    Walking with hand weights 20 minutes ---130 calories
  • el4611
    el4611 Posts: 22 Member
    Day 3 Goal met
  • el4611
    el4611 Posts: 22 Member
    Day 4 Goal finally met. Had a busy day, but finished up 20 minutes of strength training at 10:00 p.m.
  • el4611
    el4611 Posts: 22 Member
    Day 5 - goal met
  • Mawskittykat
    Mawskittykat Posts: 241 Member
    Day 5 --Goal Met Walking with weights/ Kettlebells 40 minutes