Member Intros



  • Moneicalynn
    Moneicalynn Posts: 136 Member
    Hello!! Im Moneica and im 29 :) i am a wife and a mother of 4 :)
  • beachlove09
    beachlove09 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi, im Kt and i just turned 21! i live in LA and im looking to get more fit and in control. i have lived near the beach all my life and i love to surf and swim. i also enjoy all kinds of music and im teaching myself guitar.

    add me if you want to talk!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Welcome ladies!! :bigsmile:
  • Kaytee233
    Kaytee233 Posts: 54 Member
    Hello Everyone! I'm Katie turned 20 in May. I live in Missouri. I'm a full time college student with a part time job. I absolutely love music and reading. I'm pretty new to the site so I would love more friends to help be along this weight loss journey. 59 pounds to go!
  • Stephabee38
    Stephabee38 Posts: 24 Member
    hey i am stephanie ,
    25 yr old, phd grad student . ultrarunner, long distance cyclist and marathoner..... trying to lose the weight i gained from getting injured and gaining weight ( and then gaining more weight for feeling ashamed about gaining weight and not be able to run and ride as fast)

    i excited to meet ya'll ( sorry i'm from the south)
  • DannyA0130
    DannyA0130 Posts: 55 Member

    Im Cynthia 27 years old 28 next month and live in San Jose,Ca about 45 from San Francisco. I have been on MFP since January 2011 and have lost 50 lbs need 7 more lbs to hit my goal weight and 12 lbs for my UGW! I am also a new runner about 6 months or so and recently started weight training!

    Seems like we have lots of new people and some men as well, Good Luck to all!! :bigsmile:

    What can we say, Men have pants to get into as well

    This thread wasn't a group before but now has become a group and we never had any men so it's nice to see everyone on here and yes men can have the same issue I know!!
    We've had a few men come and go, but never any that stayed steadily from month to month...

    I think all the talk of kids, pregnancy and TOM scared 'em off :laugh: JK!

    A big welcome to the men as well! It's great to have some testosterone flying around these here boards once in a while! Please, make yourself at home!

    Haha this is funny. I have a son hes almost two hes a beast. been apart of the pregnancy with my fiancee and nothing worse than a pissed off Irish women. funny I found this on my phone. I got instantly addicted. Sometimes people you deal with day to day don't understand what a pain in the *kitten* this changing your lifestyle is. MFP is a lot of like minded people and its great bouncing ideas off and the support is awesome. I have lost around 9 pounds and I have 11 to go for my first goal. Add if you like .
    Cynthia I Am also from san jose. Hilarious 45 min from sf same description I used. Have a great day all.
  • kendib
    kendib Posts: 155 Member
    I'm Kendi, from Shawnee, OK. I work full time and really gained weight the first year of marriage, when I worked a high stress job. I have steadily been gaining and losing the same 10-15 pounds over the last 3 years and finally had enough.

    I have been on track since Sept. 1, 2011 and am really excited about losing the rest.
  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    A little bit about me...

    My name is Jennelle Yopchick, I'm 27 years old living in Boston with my boyfriend John of 10 years and our two kids...err I mean cats (I always forget there's a difference). I'm currently finishing my PhD at Northeasten University in Experimental Psychology. I recently just began my dream job working in the health and fitness industry, helping people to lose weight through a science-based weight management program while simultaneously teaching fitness classes! I am just in the training phase for this dream job while finishing school, but am LOVING everything I'm learning about nutrition and fitness and will definitely be sharing lots of info with you all!

    I lost 30 lbs in 2009 and joined MFP last April to help maintain and shed the few pounds I've gained back over the last three years. I'm on track and kicking *kitten*!!! :)

    I find a lot of joy in both helping other people and learning as much as I possibly can from them - I hope if you're reading this you'll become one of those people in my life very soon :)

    "Being mindful is really working out"
  • Hello everyone! I am Nicole 25 Female from AZ! I have been on this weight loss journey for far too long now and am happy to say I am getting closer to my goal each day. Currenlty down 40 lbs from day one...and since being on here I am down 4 lbs. I have found the love of hiking..rollerblading and Bikram Yoga which have helped improve my lifestyle and overall health. Hoping this group will help motivate and encourage me get to my next goal....and maybe a bit more after that!
  • eleanoreb
    eleanoreb Posts: 621 Member
    Hello I'm Eleanore,
    I'm 26 and from Ottawa, Canada. I've been on MFP for about a year now :) I stopped logging in June but have recently started again. I lost 40 pounds and noticed them starting to creep up again lately, so I want to stay on track. I also love the support and the people on here :)
  • annejuju
    annejuju Posts: 111 Member
    Hey, I'm Anne. I'm 26 and currently living in Reno. I'm finishing my Bachelor's in a little more than a month then I'll be moving to Sacramento where I am from originally. I started Weight Watchers April 13, 2011 and I was seeing great losses until July when I began having long and frustrating plateaus. I started trying out MFP at the beginning of October and so far I'm loving it! I've lost 6lbs on MFP and 27+ since starting my weight loss journey altogether. I think understanding what I'm eating in real numbers rather than points is really working for me.
  • I'm Elizabeth, I'm 26, I have a boyfriend, a dog, and 100 pounds to lose. I like going to movies, reading, fashion, and entertaining at home.
  • gem_cat
    gem_cat Posts: 62 Member
    hi! i'm gem. i recently turned 20 last september. i just joined MFP this month after some great reviews on Tumblr. i'm single, will be taking my board exams next year to get my registered nurse ID.:tongue: i love MOVIES, books and coffee, though i stayed off from my favorite cup for a while now coz i need to lose weight.

    so uhm... yeah add me! thanks!:bigsmile:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    welcome to the newbs :bigsmile:

    It looks like the group has come to a total stand still these days. What do you folks think? Stick with the group or head back to the discussion threads for good?

    Let me know! December is quickly approaching...
  • My name is Ellie, I'm 22 and from London, England. Today's my first day on MFP, if this is going to work better than any diet I've had before I'm going to need help and support!
  • Seokie
    Seokie Posts: 197 Member
    Hi everyone- My name is Lindsey, I'm 24 (turning 25 in January) and I'm overweight :( Overtime I just gained so much weight and its gotten out of control so here I am on MFP trying to lose weight.

    I'm finishing up a BS in chem and live in New Jersey :)

    I've had some weird medical stuff which prevents me from doing certain things like running or other high impact stuff but I'm trying :)

    Feel free to add me - I like having friends here that are around my age going through the same things
  • Jessie544
    Jessie544 Posts: 127 Member
    I'm 23y/o, work full time, married to my best friend, and have a son who will be turning 3 in July 2012. My husband and I had a New Year's resolution last year to lose weight.... and I lost a total of 40 lbs, but have gained about 15 back. I want to lose that, as well as an additional 15 or 25 lbs.

    I just joined MFP, and have posted my January 2012 goals which include: losing 10 lbs (might seem like a lot but I think the first 10 lbs will be easy since the last month has been spent eating and drinking), logging my food/exercise on MFP, and staying dedicated to the cardio classes I've registered for at the gym.
  • dani22105
    dani22105 Posts: 76 Member
    Hello! I'm Danielle, 23 years old from CT! I joined MFP Dec 5 for many reasons! I just graduated college and have no clue what I can do a my bachelors degree so I plan to go back and finish my nursing degree since it is where my heart is! I love life and am usually very happy so I want my outside me to match the inside :) I'm ready to change and dedicate my life to living heathy and happily!
  • dani22105
    dani22105 Posts: 76 Member
    Hello! I'm Danielle, 23 years old from CT! I joined MFP Dec 5 for many reasons! I just graduated college and have no clue what I can do a my bachelors degree so I plan to go back and finish my nursing degree since it is where my heart is! I love life and am usually very happy so I want my outside me to match the inside :) I'm ready to change and dedicate my life to living heathy and happily!
  • lindz625
    lindz625 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Lindsey ,I'm 25 years old, and I live in Virginia Beach. I joined MFP a while ago, but just started really getting serious about it a couple of months ago. I've lost about 35 lbs since 2008 and have been losing and gaining the same 5 lbs for about 6 months now. My goal is to lose 15-20 lbs and tone before my wedding in April. I'm slightly, okay very, obsessed with success stories. I'm determined to post my own one day. I have a horrible tendency of going hard and then slacking off. I can use all the help/support I can get!