Binge Dream

Had a very detailed dream about binging last night. As I was eating pastries as fast as I could, I was wondering how my food diary was going to look to everyone in this group. So I think just being a part of this is helping me! Sunday was a bad food day for me, but otherwise, I've been on track, mostly, for the past 2 weeks!!

Thanks, everyone!!


  • rainydayboys
    And either I jinxed myself or that dream was prophetic because it's all I can do to keep myself out of the kitchen. I'm not (really) craving anything specific. I just want to eat. Now. And lots of it. I think I might actually be hungry for real, but I'm scared to have something little for fear I'll eat everything else on my way to the real snack. Bah.
  • SanFranRunner
    First, congrats on two weeks! That is awesome!

    I hope you were able to stave off a binge this afternoon. I agree, it is hard to distinguish between being hungry and simply wanting to binge. But hunger definitely exacerbates the problem, so maybe try to eat something healthy and filling and then get out of the house to prevent a binge? Good luck!
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    Sure does, I had that problem last night. Got home late and was starving but instead of just eating a normal amount I had three sandwiches. I really wanted to keep going too, its rough. Hope your afternoon went well!
  • rainydayboys
    Unfortunately I got into a bag of mini marshmallows. I parent my kids better than I parent myself.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    I have binge dreams quite often. They are very much fantasies. I am always able to eat as much as I want, and it is all readily available, and of course there is no impact on my health as a result. I am always sad when I wake up from these dreams because I was feeling such euphoria.
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    I've had quite a few binge dreams also. It sucks when they happen, cuz it doesn't work the same way in reality as it does in dreams.