Meeting Like Minded Singles



  • Libby81
    Libby81 Posts: 734 Member
    I tried the online dating site... it seemed promising until I actually met someone in real life. Online connections are deceiving. You can have the greatest conversations, text for hours and when you meet there's no chemistry, either on one or both sides. Most of the people on those sites say they want to meet someone with similar values, interests etc, and build on a friendship, but I think that what they really want is instant chemistry. Thesse days I don't know how else to do it though. Bars suck. I work from home too so the interaction is really minimized right there.

    As for divorced people getting together with other divorced people, I get the feeling that it's more difficult for a divorced to meet and start a relationship with someone who is not in the same boat. Who wants all that baggage from someone else? Am I wrong?

    Exactly what I've found too. Although I did have a decent relationship with someone I met online, but when his true colours started to show it went bad fast.

    I would really like to find something like the OP said, a group of local singles, approximate same age group, to join at the gym or go on nights out etc. It's hard to meet new people when all you do is work and work out.
  • knight_owl
    I'm shy which makes it's hard to meet people. Most peope my age are into partying or hooking up, and that's not me. So it's hard finding like minded individuals. Plus I'm picky and finidng a guy who even meets half of the things I'm looking for is next to impossible.
  • Its4CJ
    Its4CJ Posts: 14
    I'm also shy. Which sucks. I spend most of my time at work, or at home, but I play pool 3 nights a week. For a couple of hours. That's the extent of me getting out. I don't get along with the people in this town (hopefully will be moving at the beginning of the year), and I am not into partying, drinking, smoking. That's what dang near EVERYONE in my town does. And it drives me nuts! There's nowhere else in town to meet "like-minded singles". Even my pool team told me I'm boring because they all like to get drunk, and I'd rather drink a bottle of water, maybe a squirt!
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    Options quote something i read earlier for a friend.:smile:
  • dixiech1ck
    dixiech1ck Posts: 769 Member
    I'm also shy. Which sucks. I spend most of my time at work, or at home, but I play pool 3 nights a week. For a couple of hours. That's the extent of me getting out. I don't get along with the people in this town (hopefully will be moving at the beginning of the year), and I am not into partying, drinking, smoking. That's what dang near EVERYONE in my town does. And it drives me nuts! There's nowhere else in town to meet "like-minded singles". Even my pool team told me I'm boring because they all like to get drunk, and I'd rather drink a bottle of water, maybe a squirt!

    I wasn't shy up until a few years ago. I used to be able to go up to anyone and chit chat about everything and nothing and now, I just feel so out of place. I went to a fundraising event for a local animal shelter last night and sat by myself while others were mingling and talking. I felt so stupid sitting there, all dressed up and just feeling like a wallflower. The Main Line where the event was located is full of hoity-toity, rich snobby people, wearing their furs (to an animal event, no less) and have the perfect hair, the perfect makeup, etc. I'm not perfect, so I don't quite fit in, but would it be so hard to see someone and say "hey, come join us" if they look like they are there alone??
  • grobbygru
    grobbygru Posts: 295 Member

    @robin - This is interesting. I'm not saying there is a lot of chivalry in the US. I bet women wish there was more but there seems to be a bit more here than there. Must be a cultural thing. ??? Yes, I was in the US Air Force for 21 years. I did get to travel a lot and miss the travel very much. You say you have given up. I don't believe you. :-) But I do believe that you should be happy and not have to put up with a bunch of BS. I should believe it myself when I say, when you least expect it..... You just never know. :glasses:

    Well like I said - I went to Hawaii in 2005 and didn't find them that much better to be honest - I know that is just a small slice of the USA though.
    As for here - it happened again the other night - I was out - met a guy and next thing he expects sex - I mean WT?? How cheeky, disrespectful and rude!!! (go hire a pro if you want it now I say) - I don't know if it's maybe the amount they drink - you know give them a bit of dutch courage or something? So yes - they spoil themselves and I have given up because I never meet anyone else that is not like that. Maybe it is just the area I live in - not sure.
    Glad you enjoyed your Air Force time and travel. I am a traveller and basically live to travel :-) So there is another reason I don't bother much either - I don't want anyone ruining my travels lol. I am just waiting for my house to sell and I will be travelling around Australia permanently in an RV :happy: :bigsmile:
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    I do wonder why chivalry isn't terribly common. Most gals I know really appreciate it, even expect it! I will say however, that I've met some... hard core feminists who tear a strip from a guy who's trying to be nice. It ruins it for the rest of us!
  • suavequeen
    suavequeen Posts: 273 Member
    Hi all my single peeps... I am currently single and un-sure if thats good or bad lol. I like the idea of being in a relationship with romance, fun, and friendship but as I have met men online that thought has changed. I asked myself why and I found that I have changed since I was in a relationship. I want different things now than I did back then. I have new dreams and goals in life and until I figure out who the new me really is and her needs, I feel that I am not ready for that "relationship".

    Don't get me wrong I will still go out and have fun meeting new people and experiencing new places and atmospheres since this has helped me realize what I want and don't want. I've met decent men and creepy ones too.. Life is good for now...
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    My biggest problem is not meeting people its meeting people close to my age. I like going to the bar and playing pool watching movies and just hanging out. But I seem to get hit on by 23 year olds. Now as flattering as that is I really dont need to be someone trainer- If you get what I mean. I couldnt date guys that age when I was that age. Im only 31 but sometimes I swear:grumble:
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    In London and surrounding areas one doesn;t seem to meet in pubs and location anymore, you meet online first, suss out if you are interested, then go on a date and go from there...
    I still find it bloody hard though to find someone I am really interested in - but then I might just be fed up anyway due to my last experience.... I shall buy myself a reclused farm in the Beacons and livce there with my twenty dogs (can;t have cats I am allergic) and 100 slightly mental and mean sheep
    VTXJOCKEY Posts: 362 Member
    Sorry Jen. Those 23 year old guys are just getting started. A pretty girl like you will always be hit on by the "cubs".
  • GaiaGirl1992
    GaiaGirl1992 Posts: 459 Member
    I think I would want an older for now, I am friends with a lot of guys in their mid 20's, while i'm 19. just more mature, while still being themselves. But I love a guy who can laugh at himself, sense of humor, and I don't mind what he looks like either (or she for that fact LOL) OH and a guy that isn't a complete and utter disrespectful @sshole.....that's a good start =/

    hi folkas, I'm Mindi =^-^=
  • FatgutBgone
    FatgutBgone Posts: 73 Member
    I am the same age as you and I think you look better than most younger girls. You are beautiful.
  • FatgutBgone
    FatgutBgone Posts: 73 Member
    It's hard to meet single men. Most men in my age group are looking for very young girls who wouldn't give them a second look unless they had money. :) I would love to meet single men in my area to go hiking with. The weather is really nice right now for out door activities.

    I am the same age as you and I think you look better than most younger girls. You are beautiful.
  • nmcdee
    nmcdee Posts: 11
    I meet people everywhere! I can't go to the grocery store without meeting someone new. I try to have a fun attitude wherever I go and strike up converstion with just about anybody.

    This is so me right now, everywhere I go I meet new people. Smiling is infectious and it attracts people.

    I'm friendly and cheerful...I genuinely like people, for the most part, and I let it show. So, right or wrong, I'm going to go out on a limb and say my body type and lack of confidence might be an issue...I'm improving both, whether it gets me a date or not, but I'm curious for the results.
    I fall into this category..I talk to anyone and everyone...thought of getting a shirt printed saying "will you be my friend?"...LOL! Kidding...maybe not ?!? Funny...was smiling at an elderly man at the liquor store... he looks at me and says "what are you smiling at" I just laughed...God love the grumpy ones too :)
  • MiaOrange
    MiaOrange Posts: 151 Member
    I can meet people here and there all the time, but not really singles. Most people that I actually know are married or partnered up with someone. My school is 90% women so that doesn't work, except you can find a lot of friends from school, about 400-500 of us.

    Clueless, but if I figure it out I'll share. I did plentyoffish for a few weeks but didn't go out with anyone because everyone who asked me out wanted to go out for drinks and I don't drink. I posted an ad on craigslist but got flagged in 5 minutes...
  • MiaOrange
    MiaOrange Posts: 151 Member
    I am finding it quite hard! I have primary custody of two kids, so that naturally minimizes my 'getting out there time'. I am a full time student at a small private prospects there. My social circle is made up nearly entirely of couples. There are no single guys at church over the age of like 20. I get out for drinks or things with my girlfriends sometimes, but they're all happily settled so it's not a flirty or attention drawing sort of atmosphere. I try to look my best when I'm out and about anywhere, but it's not like guys seem to notice me at all...which is a shame, because I am one helluva nice person, I think. :) Oh well, maybe it's just not the right time anyway.

    I can relate. I raise my kids alone and am a full-time student and there are like 2 single guys at church one who's like 20 yrs older than me and the other just got divorced... The only place I ago besides that is the grocery store. I assume the guys my age are already married... because the one's I actually know are...
  • vox23
    vox23 Posts: 246 Member
    I am finding it quite hard! I have primary custody of two kids, so that naturally minimizes my 'getting out there time'. I am a full time student at a small private prospects there. My social circle is made up nearly entirely of couples. There are no single guys at church over the age of like 20. I get out for drinks or things with my girlfriends sometimes, but they're all happily settled so it's not a flirty or attention drawing sort of atmosphere. I try to look my best when I'm out and about anywhere, but it's not like guys seem to notice me at all...which is a shame, because I am one helluva nice person, I think. :) Oh well, maybe it's just not the right time anyway.

    I can relate. I raise my kids alone and am a full-time student and there are like 2 single guys at church one who's like 20 yrs older than me and the other just got divorced... The only place I ago besides that is the grocery store. I assume the guys my age are already married... because the one's I actually know are...

    This is my problem too. Hard to get out there when you have to be home by 7:30 every night to put the little ones to bed. Twice a month I get to socialize, and, at this age, the bar is not a viable option. Last time I went to a club, the only guy that hit on me was probably 65! I'm trying to be content with not having a guy in my life, focusing on me, my kids and friends, but it does get lonely.
  • Gatorjrm
    Gatorjrm Posts: 54 Member
    Will check out ... thanks for the tip!
  • 1FitMom326
    I have heard about Fitness Singles, but I have yet to check it out. I am definitely not a fan of some of the online dating sites. I never seem to attract people that I am remotely interested in so it seems a waste of time. I have my daughters the majority of the time, work and go to school so I have been a bit limited on meeting new people.