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  • Jupitermermaid
    Jupitermermaid Posts: 270 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new to MFP, and am so happy I stumbled upon it. I've been eating "clean" without knowing there was a name for it. I'll go through periods of eating only healthy foods, shop only the perimeter of the grocery store, and making as much homemade food as possible. Then, when I get too busy I end up stuffing myself with junk to "feel better." I'm learning that I DON'T feel better after eating the garbage, so I'm doing better now. It's a lifestyle that we live........we don't have to beat ourselves up when we "fall off the wagon," so to speak, because eating clean MOST of the time is still better than eating like the average person does ALL the time.

    Glad to join the group!
  • MrsFelton2010
    MrsFelton2010 Posts: 339 Member
    Hello, my name is Quita and i am trying to incorporate more clean eating in my lifestyle, as well as my household, starting this week. I feel as though the clean eating will help with my over all health inside and out. Please feel free to add as me as i welcome all help and motivation.
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    Hello! I am a stay at home homeschooling momma of 5 kiddos. I live in WI. I stumbled across clean eating about a year and a half ago but just kind of ignored it. I needed to lose ALOT of weight and let myself really go. When I started thinking about losing the weight, I kept going back to the clean eating and it just made sense to me. Since then Ive lost about 92 pounds. I feel so much better and know this is a big lifestyle change!
  • Abusser
    Abusser Posts: 22 Member
    I'm new to MFP and joined this group because I wholeheartedly believe in eating a more natural and organic diet as possible. I have done macrobiotics in the past but couldn't stick to it. I did lose 25 lbs in 3 months following a strict macrobiotic and cleansing diet. I gained it all back in less than 3 months oh well :(

    Anyway I'm a business process consultant and project manger and I work from home. I have worked from home for the last 8 years. It has actually made it more difficult for me to get out of the house and exercise. Also I am really bad at eating 5 small meals a day... many days I eat 1 meal I need help coming up with natural healthy snack that don't take long to prepare. I am always in front of my laptop... I'm trying to get back to being more active. I re-joined the gym and starting doing Zumba last week.. which I love.

    I know that eating preservatives and unnatural ingredients are making us sick. I learned that you can actually rid your body of cancer by changing your eating habits. It's not easy and I'm not perfect but I at least try to eat clean and want to eat cleaner :smile:

    :heart: Amanda
  • My name's Lori. I live in Michigan. I work as a social worker in a medium security prison. I heard about clean eating back when I was in college and read Oxygen magazine. At the time, I thought it sounded insane, since I was living off typical college foods. A few months ago, I decided I wanted to start making changes to my health and I joined a boot camp class. My instructor suggested I check out Tosca's eat clean recharged book. All of a sudden eating clean doesn't sound insane but really sounds like the most natural way to eat. That doesn't mean that I'm succeeding completely. I'm trying though. I try to eat more veggies, eggs, meat, whole grains. I've cut out most processed foods, but I still go out to eat with friends sometimes, which is my biggest downfall. I also would like to stick to the 3 meals and 2 or 3 snacks, but I mostly have some problems related to what I'm allowed to bring into work. It's like the rules are designed for unhealth eating. Like, I can bring in a single serving size bag of chips, but I tried to bring in Kale chips, and because they don't come in single serving size bags, they wouldn't let me bring them. It's wackadoodle. So, I do what I can and continue to look for good work arounds. I do have a sugar weakness and I'm working on that. Also, another poster mentioned Food, Inc., which I also just watched, so one of my next goals is to try to buy more local, grass fed, free range type meat. And I would be glad to have anyone add me as a friend, as I'm always looking for more motivation.
  • Hello Everyone!

    Drop by and say hello! Where are you from? What do you do for a living? How did you stumble upon Clean Eating?

    Hello, my name is Christina. I live in California. I'm a yoga instructor & ayurvedic health educator (Independent). I'm also going to school for Medical Massage & Nutrition. I was always a fit and lean person but when I hit 150 from being 130 in a matter of a few weeks, I knew I had to change my lifestyle in general. So I did alot of research, enrolled in the Ayurvedic Studies program and did a 360 on my lifestyle.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm Bella from Australia.

    I've been moving away from processed foods gradually for about 5 years or so. This change was influenced by a desire to get healthier and fitter and I read a bunch of books, some of which really hit home. These three were really significant for me:
    "Fast Food Nation" by Eric Schlosser
    "Changing Habits, Changing Lives" by Cyndi O'Meara
    "In Defense of Food" by Micheal Pollan.

    I can't say I'm a completely "clean" eater, I eat processed stuff from time to time (cupcakes yesterday, bad idea!) but my husband and I cook almost all our meals at home, we buy our meat and fruit and veggies fresh and we just don't eat pre-packaged meals or fast food (except for sushi, that's almost fast food these days!).
  • Hello!
    I would have to say I have been clean eating my whole life. My mom was going to the Health Food Store back when they were not very popular. My goal is to continue to eat clean and be as fit as I can be.

    Love this site. Was doing Livestrong but I like myfitnesspal way better and I was reading review of the app for the iPhone and the reviews for myfitnesspal are way better.

    Also looking for some friends to keep me honest and motivated! Thanks :smile:


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  • returntorural
    returntorural Posts: 339 Member
    Hi! My name is TMC and I'm from California. Over the years I've eaten clean, been vegan and vegetarian and even raw for a time but I always fall back into the same bad habits of over eating and eat processed foods. I'm new to MFP and am starting on Bob Harper's Are You Ready! program. I'm just beginning but I think the food plans suggested are pretty clean. I've been comparing them to grocery lists on some of the websites I saw on another board here and it seems like they are a good place to start. I've also been enjoying information on The Gracious Pantry.

    I'm thankful for this group and am looking forward to learning more about eating clean.
  • Betsybeee
    Betsybeee Posts: 113 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I live in Annapolis, Maryland. I am striving to eat clean and become more healthy. I work with a Nurse http://peggy-buresh.healthcoach.integrativenutrition.com/ who is a Holistic Health coach. She introduced me to a clean living detox which is supposed to help get you out of the processed food habit. Unfortunately I was not able to complete the program but it did make me think that I need to really focus on my health and what I am eating. I am trying some different recipes and changing my diet. It's very hard with living with 2 teenage boys who see this as another one of Mom's 'diets' and not just important for health. I buy organic from the list of top foods with pesticides. http://www.ewg.org/foodnews/summary/. I'm glad to find this group and look forward to getting to know you. Good luck in your journey to health!
    MDLNH Posts: 587 Member
    Hello -

    My name is Mark and I live in NH . . .

    I recently decided to give clean eating a try (*my brother in-law has been doing it w/ some great results).

    I'm just getting into it and want to learn as much as possible - Any great ideas and/or suggestions - please feel free to share.
  • TempeB
    TempeB Posts: 43 Member
    I joined MFP about a month ago, per a friend's recommendation, and out of desperation. I'm a single 57-year old obese type-II diabetic woman, and have been in pretty bad shape for years since it takes time and energy and motivation to eat right and do the things necessary to lose weight.

    When I do cook for myself I make very basic things, what I've always called "peasant food". I only learned of the concept of "clean eating" at this website a few days ago, from reading the boards. But I'm familiar with similar concepts from growing up in the hippie 1970s, when I lived in communal group houses that ate vegetarian, so I learned a lot about how to cook and use legumes and whole grains and dairy foods and simple vegetables and fruits.

    But eating "clean"/good 80% of the time hasn't been enough for me, at least when I was overeating cheeses and baked goods (among other things) the other 20%. Now that I'm eating clean (though I didn't realize I was doing that) about 95%, I'm feeling much better.

    I have some "unclean" weaknesses. One of them is that I'm addicted to Diet Coke and drink a lot of that (I don't do coffee). Another one is beer: I brew my own beer, and also drink craft beers to educate my palate, so I'm not sure how "clean" beer is considered to be. The way I brew it is certainly "clean", as it's just malted barley (or wheat), grains, hops, and yeast. It's unpasteurized beer, so drinking it gives you good bacteria. I also bake sourdough-rye bread from my own starter, and frequently make my own yogurt, so I'm a big fan of fermented foods and of beneficial gut bacteria. I sprout seeds for leafy greens, and lentils for stir fries.
  • amyindm
    amyindm Posts: 93 Member
    I'm so glad to have found this group! I heard the phrase 'clean eating' after reading Oxygen magazine and browsing some of the Eat Clean magazines and Tosca Reno's books. I really love to cook but in the last few years haven't taken care of my body and it shows. I wouldn't say I am on target 100% of the time but our lifestyle has really changed dramatically and my body feels so much better. I used to struggle with IBS and I feel like my bowels feel better - after some initial discomfort that some others have noted. I got rid of the diet soda that i KNEW was bad for me and after a few days of craving it, I didn't miss it anymore. I found the having substitutions for trigger foods helped. If I need something fizzy I'll have some seltzer water.

    Greek yogurt is my wonder food -- it is such a great source of protein and a great substitute in so many recipes.

    I have a few foods that I keep that aren't technically clean - dark chocolate chips that i can have (about a tablespoon) to get me over a chocolate/sweet craving when fruit just won't do. But the white flours and pastas and rices are mostly gone and we are consuming so many more lean proteins, fresh fruit and veggies. I love how I feel and my body is starting to respond by losing weight steadily.

    I am a stay-at-home mom and do a bit of freelance writing work. I love that there are boards now on MFP. Happy to be here thanks!
  • clemsontgr4evr
    clemsontgr4evr Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I am so excited to find this group. I am fairly new to clean eating so I am looking forward to learning from all of you.

    A little about me: I'm 30 years old. I live in Maryland and work for a non-profit. It is a very rewarding job but also very stressful. I work many 10-12 hour days and often have to work weekends as well so it makes meal planning tricky sometimes. Also makes it hard to find time to exercise. I love to cook but it's hard to find the energy to do it after I have worked such a long day.

    I am trying to lose weight so I am hoping to make some friends on here who can support me on that journey and hold me accountable. I live alone so it is easy to make bad choices when it comes to eating because there is no one there to encourage me to make better choices. So, to help with accountability, I have made my food journal viewable by friends so they can see what I am eating. Hopefully, knowing that others will be looking at what I am eating will help me to make good choices.
  • lisabstrong
    lisabstrong Posts: 165 Member
    Welcome everyone...hope you find this forum helpful!
  • Guadalupana
    Guadalupana Posts: 18 Member
    HI everyone! I'm searching for people who are also, not only trying to drop lbs, but eat well and exercise. I'm just staring to work out more, and reduce portions. If I could afford it I would eat all organic, but I can't! Though I eat/ drink some bad stuff sometimes too.
    Please feel free to add me, feeling connected to others in this journey really helps.
  • Emmadennewitz
    Emmadennewitz Posts: 106 Member
    Hello everyone! I live in Las Vegas unfortunately not the best place to live and raise a child but I'm stuck here until my husband retires in 10 years as his job as a police officer. I've worked retail loss prevention for the last 15 years and love it. I have struggled with my weight since high school. I have tried so many diets and finally got sick of the yo-yo diets. I was at a healthy weight 9 years ago before my son was born I'm 5'2 and weighed 130 lbs. I gained over 70 lbs. during my pregnancy and felt terrible about myself it took me 8 years to lose all the weight. I am currently at my jounior high weight of 122 and a size 4. I stumbled on the clean eating lifestyle thru a Facebook friend that talked about her weight loss and clean eating. I was amazed at her weight loss results so I started researching the life style. I'm new to clean eating been eating clean for about 6 months now and I love the way I feel. Prior to clean eating I would bruise really easy but now I don't have a single bruise anywhere on my body also I have never been able to grow my finger nails because they would crack I now have long strong nails. I can't imagine going back to eating processed foods. I ,like others have watched Food Inc. along with many other good food related documentaries and have thought about going vegetarian which would not be difficult since I don't really like meat. I've tried to get my son and husband to eat clean but neither one wants anything to do with it. My husband doesn't think processed foods are unhealthy and he thinks I'm crazy for eating the way I eat. I try to eat as clean as possible most days I'm about 95%. I did fall off the wagon thru the holiday but managed to maintain my weight.
  • tkslp
    tkslp Posts: 19 Member
    Hey! My name is Tanya and I am from South Carolina. I had a friend who started a clean eating group online. We started Jan. 2nd and I am 3 weeks into it now. I am loving eating clean so far. Beginning to have more energy! Looking forward to being part of this clean eating group!
  • Hi there, this is GREAT to find this site:):):) I am so excited to find others that love to eat clean/raw/whole foods:)

    I have not researched what people formally call eating "clean" but I will tell you what I love to and live out now in my new lifestyle change. I eat organic as much as possible, lots of fresh veggies/fruits/grass fed local beef/organic chicken/lots of organic extra virgin coconut oil/EVO/nuts

    I have worked to eat this way for several years but JUST now stepped up my game on January 4th and finally took the plunge to cut out ALL refined sugars, ALL breads, potatoes,pasta and everything processed!!! So basically I cook the way I have always cooked lean meats, fresh veggie etc..but without the things above.

    When I started my antifungal diet on January 4th I waited 1 week to see how life would be without refined sugars and carbs and I LOVE it..at that point I got rid of a few grocery bags full of items that were in my pantry that had sugar/soy/high fructose corn syrup etc. (I have stayed away from corn and HFC syrup for many years but didn't realize how much "JUNK" crept in my pantry).

    I am so excited to meet you and learn from you.
    I really need some good recipes to try:)

    I have found great recipes on GAPS websites online. We will not go back to gluten again either!

    The few items that we eat that are grains are: Oat flour, oats, brown rice flour, rice pasta, coconut flour, almond flour. I only eat of some this on occasion:)
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member

    My name is Cathy and I do Quality Assurance for a living (Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm the enemy) :)

    I found Clean Eating just through the MFP groups tab. I'm really excited to be a part of this group! I eat fairly healthy, staying away from most processed foods, sticking to lots of fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and dairy products.

    I'm looking forward to learning and sharing with all of you!
