Natural Falvorings

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
I posted in the forums too but I need to clean up even myself with clean eating. Totally disgusted by the show I saw on 60 Minutes about the Mega company I believe from Switzerland that pays research analyst to find flavors that will make us addicted to certain foods and buy more. I know apart of Clean Eating is a reality that you have to cook more because if you want to avoed the chemicals you gotta make it. I will make more time to cook. I usually do most on the weekends. My Farmers Mrkt is now closed till spring...but I will try harder...I got to...they are sabatoging us yet saying we need to lose wt but trying to make us addicted!!!!!!!! Like the journalist most likely said if it is in a box or package probably has the additives. Why I will read labels and encourage others to do the same. Thank you for letting me rant!


  • lisabstrong
    lisabstrong Posts: 165 Member
    Good ole spices work just fine for flavoring foods. I use alot of cumin, cinnamon, basil, oregano, etc in my cooking. Spices are naturally dried and ground. I use these in the winter and then in the summer I go for fresh. Better yet next summer I plan on growing a lot of my own spices on my balcony!
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    I saw that too - UGH. Definitely reinforces the importance of cooking from from real ingredients and spices and not buying stuff with "flavorings" natural or not!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Good ole spices work just fine for flavoring foods. I use alot of cumin, cinnamon, basil, oregano, etc in my cooking. Spices are naturally dried and ground. I use these in the winter and then in the summer I go for fresh. Better yet next summer I plan on growing a lot of my own spices on my balcony!
    I really do like spices and herbs...makes a difference. I just hope this 'clicks' with people. I don't think people see dye #54 as a problem.
    Trust me losing wt and having a healthy wt is important but what good is being 120 or whatever if the inside organs are not healthy because of the excess chemicals? Siiigh...
  • OSUalum
    OSUalum Posts: 449 Member
    I didn't see the show but now I want to check it out. I have been so disgusted by dyes, flavorings and MSG.
    Sometime check out so many additional names it may be listed as. Just another reason I'm trying my best to eat clean and stay away from processed foods.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Yup, it's amazing how good real food tastes when you cook it yourself from real ingredients and you can see just what goes into it.
    I absolutely agree that herbs and spices are the way to go. Or something as simple as a sprinkle of chopped chilli and a squeeze of fresh lime juice can lift a meal way out of the ordinary!
  • amyindm
    amyindm Posts: 93 Member
    I love spices for flavoring, and for things I want to be "sweet" like a smoothie, sometimes I find that instead of adding sugar to already sweet fruit, a splash of vanilla gives it a little more of a desserty taste.

    The other posters I agree with - real food tastes so good when the ingredients are high quality.