Sunday 12/4/11

So I lost no weight this week. I will be honest, while my workouts were fine my eating habits were awful, I wasn't having time to eat and when I finally got something to eat I was starving and didn't make the best choices. I even had fast food for the first time in months. How did everyone else do?


  • dabratt92
    I'm right with you on the no time and bad choices.
    SW: 215
    Today Weight 209
    Total Loss 6 bls
    2lbs weight loss this week with TOM this week, and out of town for 2 days.

    I think the Fast food joints advertise low carb but fill the meat substance with carbs. I cannot say the Turkey burger at Carl Jr's was really turkey. Tasted like fluff wrapped in lettuce.

    Not enough water since I was on the road alot and no one wanted to pit stop every other town. We did that on the way to Albuquerque but did not want to on the way back to darn cold.