Challenges for weeks 12/6/11 - 12/20/11

hm_day Posts: 857 Member
Okay, so I'm finally adding some new challenges. Sorry for the delay!

Nutrition: Come within 50 calories (above or below) your calorie goal.
Exercise: Do 30 minutes of exercise 3x a week. This includes walking or a full routine.
Exercise Pt 2: Do 100 squats (Build up those legs!)
Wellness: Take a hot bubble bath to relax those muscles. You've earned it!


  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member
    I am in!! :D I guess I am actually back on track when it comes to commenting on everyone walls and the group.

    My Daily Report:
    Exercise: 1st. Did 30 minutes of strenght training.
    2nd. Did 3 sets of 10 of body squat and 3 sets of 10 split squats, total of 60 squats :)
    I still havent finished eating as of today, so I'll try to eat more

    Have a great evening everyone :)
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    My daily report
    Nutrition: I don't think I'm gonna be 50 calories to my goal.
    Exercise: Did a total of 20 minutes of cardio. No squats today.
  • twilightfan20
    twilightfan20 Posts: 113 Member
    Yay!!! For new challenges!! :happy:

    This may be a silly question though, but what is a squat??
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    It's where you bend at the knees. Your legs can be parallel to each other, or spread further apart. Google it :)
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Yesterday I was within 50 calories of my goal. Today, not so much. Didn't snack at all so have plenty of calories left over.

    Did 30 minutes of strength training (30min of cardio yesterday). 36 weighted squats, 45 wide stance squats.
  • twilightfan20
    twilightfan20 Posts: 113 Member
    Ok, school is over with, so I can put more into my challenges!

    Today: 12/11/2011

    Exercise: 30 minutes on the elliptical
    Squats: All 100!!
    Calorie Goal: Way under by about 300-400.
    Wellness: Defintiely taking a bubble bath tonight!!
  • twilightfan20
    twilightfan20 Posts: 113 Member

    Exercise: 1 Hour of Walking
    Squats: 100
    Calorie Goal: Still under by 300
    Wellness: Spending time with my boyfriend!
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Ugh, this has been horrible, haha. Once finals and stuff are over, I'm back on my game!

    Exercise: None today really.
    Calorie goal: Had 48 left over today.
    Wellness: Just took a nice hot bath :)