sexual assault and alcohol



  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    If you're being realistic, it's obviously a woman.. women don't rape men. That just doesn't happen & if it did, or ever has, it's an extremely rare occurrence and not a real problem of the world.

    That's a ridiculous comment. Women DO rape men. Men are far less likely to report it however. It is a real problem, regardless of the fact that it is less prominent than the other way around.

    In college, I woke up after a night of drinking to a woman on top of me, having sex with me. Now, it just so happened to be a girl that I wanted to have sex with, so I don't consider myself a victim at all in this situation, but a guy could be.

    Misconceptions about sexual crimes against men and our unwillingness to admit that it can even happen is the driving force behind female statutory rapists often just getting a slap on the wrist while men who engage in the same criminal behavior are slammed in the courts.
  • futiledevices
    futiledevices Posts: 309 Member
    If you're being realistic, it's obviously a woman.. women don't rape men. That just doesn't happen & if it did, or ever has, it's an extremely rare occurrence and not a real problem of the world.

    That's a ridiculous comment. Women DO rape men. Men are far less likely to report it however. It is a real problem, regardless of the fact that it is less prominent than the other way around.

    No, it's not a ridiculous comment, it's a true comment. Men are in a position of power in society in every single country of the world.

    Physiologically, mens' bodies are stronger than womens. When men do get raped, I'm willing to bet that it's usually by another man.
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    If you're being realistic, it's obviously a woman.. women don't rape men. That just doesn't happen & if it did, or ever has, it's an extremely rare occurrence and not a real problem of the world.

    That's a ridiculous comment. Women DO rape men. Men are far less likely to report it however. It is a real problem, regardless of the fact that it is less prominent than the other way around.

    No, it's not a ridiculous comment, it's a true comment. Men are in a position of power in society in every single country of the world.

    Physiologically, mens' bodies are stronger than womens. When men do get raped, I'm willing to bet that it's usually by another man.

    While I agree that it is far more rare to hear of a man being over powered and raped by a women with force, there is many more ways to sexually assault a person.

    And yes, in much of the world men are in the positions of power, but that is a blanket statement that does nothing for the american argument. Women in this nation are congresswomen, police officers, doctors, teachers, principles, and a multitude of positions where they power over males.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Road Dog, can we be sure that she remembers whether she said yes or no? Just asking. Embarrassment may cause a girl to say the next morning that she said no, when in reality she said something like "I'm soooooo wasted, why not?"

    Just stirrin' the pot....

    I'm sure this has happened. Very sad that two persons lives have to suffer for a drunken encounter.

    I couldn't begin to cover all the variables, I'm just making a simple statement: "No means No." At any time in the encounter, no matter how far along it has progressed, a woman has the right to say no.

    It may be frustrating. It may be unfair. The man's recourse is to not ask her out again. I've been there. I've ended a date with a bad case of Blue Balls, but I'd rather take my over excited self home and take care of it myself than wake up the next morning and know that I had forced myself on someone or bullied them into sex when they did not want it.
    Very well said.

    I've been in mid penetration when a girl changed her mind once. It sucked, but I stopped. Now, I might have laid a few lines on her to see if I could get her to change her mind, but once it became apparent that she didn't want to continue, it was off to sleep for me. Now I could go on a rant about how she was indecisive, led me on, came back to my hotel room, gave me signals, got me all hot and bothered, but why? What ever she did, what ever mistakes she made are her mistakes, they don't have to be mine.

    Was her name Sue? Spent a night with her. C'mere, C'mere, C'mere !!! Get Away, Get Away, Get Away. Stopped me in mid-stroke. Finally got up and went and slept on my couch. She came out asking "what's the matter?"
  • futiledevices
    futiledevices Posts: 309 Member
    If you're being realistic, it's obviously a woman.. women don't rape men. That just doesn't happen & if it did, or ever has, it's an extremely rare occurrence and not a real problem of the world.

    That's a ridiculous comment. Women DO rape men. Men are far less likely to report it however. It is a real problem, regardless of the fact that it is less prominent than the other way around.

    No, it's not a ridiculous comment, it's a true comment. Men are in a position of power in society in every single country of the world.

    Physiologically, mens' bodies are stronger than womens. When men do get raped, I'm willing to bet that it's usually by another man.

    While I agree that it is far more rare to hear of a man being over powered and raped by a women with force, there is many more ways to sexually assault a person.

    And yes, in much of the world men are in the positions of power, but that is a blanket statement that does nothing for the american argument. Women in this nation are congresswomen, police officers, doctors, teachers, principles, and a multitude of positions where they power over males.

    Are you kidding me? Thank you for mansplaining that to me, but no.. you are living a man's experience of the world, not a woman's, so you can't tell me how "progressive" it is when it's just not.
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    Road Dog, can we be sure that she remembers whether she said yes or no? Just asking. Embarrassment may cause a girl to say the next morning that she said no, when in reality she said something like "I'm soooooo wasted, why not?"

    Just stirrin' the pot....

    I'm sure this has happened. Very sad that two persons lives have to suffer for a drunken encounter.

    I couldn't begin to cover all the variables, I'm just making a simple statement: "No means No." At any time in the encounter, no matter how far along it has progressed, a woman has the right to say no.

    It may be frustrating. It may be unfair. The man's recourse is to not ask her out again. I've been there. I've ended a date with a bad case of Blue Balls, but I'd rather take my over excited self home and take care of it myself than wake up the next morning and know that I had forced myself on someone or bullied them into sex when they did not want it.
    Very well said.

    I've been in mid penetration when a girl changed her mind once. It sucked, but I stopped. Now, I might have laid a few lines on her to see if I could get her to change her mind, but once it became apparent that she didn't want to continue, it was off to sleep for me. Now I could go on a rant about how she was indecisive, led me on, came back to my hotel room, gave me signals, got me all hot and bothered, but why? What ever she did, what ever mistakes she made are her mistakes, they don't have to be mine.

    Was her name Sue? Spent a night with her. C'mere, C'mere, C'mere !!! Get Away, Get Away, Get Away. Stopped me in mid-stroke. Finally got up and went and slept on my couch. She came out asking "what's the matter?"

    I can't remember her name, but man she was smokin hot. Thing was, I've been in situations before where I tried to get with a girl, and was turned down. No big deal. But this was the first and only time I was ever with a woman who let thing progress as far as they did and just hit the brakes. I felt like the Coyote slamming into a fake tunnel that the road runner had painted for me.
  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member
    Are you kidding me? Thank you for mansplaining that to me, but no.. you are living a man's experience of the world, not a woman's, so you can't tell me how "progressive" it is when it's just not.

    I'm not quite sure what country you're living in, but I think woman's right in North America have greatly improved. But because you are SO certain your opinion is 100% correct. Please tell me what evidence there is that woman's rights in North America have not progressed within the last 100 years.

    Next, you're going to try and tell me Evolution isn't real either :grumble: (....kidding)
  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member
    I felt like the Coyote slamming into a fake tunnel that the road runner had painted for me.

    That's certainly an interesting way of looking at it.... :laugh:
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    There is no such thing as "Justifiable Rape.' I don't care if you're drunk, drugged or priapistic, "No" is No. I don't care if she said yes up until penetration and then changed her mind. It's still No, and any other course of action besides withdrawal is a crime.

    And....if she is claiming rape afterwards, when, in reality, she said yes, then she should suffer the same punishment as a rapist would, if convicted.

    Agreed, 100%.
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    If you're being realistic, it's obviously a woman.. women don't rape men. That just doesn't happen & if it did, or ever has, it's an extremely rare occurrence and not a real problem of the world.

    That's a ridiculous comment. Women DO rape men. Men are far less likely to report it however. It is a real problem, regardless of the fact that it is less prominent than the other way around.

    No, it's not a ridiculous comment, it's a true comment. Men are in a position of power in society in every single country of the world.

    Physiologically, mens' bodies are stronger than womens. When men do get raped, I'm willing to bet that it's usually by another man.

    While I agree that it is far more rare to hear of a man being over powered and raped by a women with force, there is many more ways to sexually assault a person.

    And yes, in much of the world men are in the positions of power, but that is a blanket statement that does nothing for the american argument. Women in this nation are congresswomen, police officers, doctors, teachers, principles, and a multitude of positions where they power over males.

    Are you kidding me? Thank you for mansplaining that to me, but no.. you are living a man's experience of the world, not a woman's, so you can't tell me how "progressive" it is when it's just not.

    Ok, I guess if I can't relate to being a woman, you can't relate to being a man. And where was I complaining? It's hilarious that in a post talking about eh vicitmization of people where the common concensus is that rape is never justifiable, you have ladies like you that completely belittle male victims by stating that they don't even exist. But hey, that's the modern feminist, an exact reflection of all they claim to hate.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    Uhhhhh, women can and do rape men. It's not as common, but it happens.

    To think otherwise is to live in the land of rainbows and sunshine and Care Bears.
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    Uhhhhh, women can and do rape men. It's not as common, but it happens.

    To think otherwise is to live in the land of rainbows and sunshine and Care Bears.

    Right! Rape is rape and can never be justified. Makes no difference if the victim is male or female. Without consent it is rape! Gender does not change that.
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    Road Dog, can we be sure that she remembers whether she said yes or no? Just asking. Embarrassment may cause a girl to say the next morning that she said no, when in reality she said something like "I'm soooooo wasted, why not?"

    Just stirrin' the pot....

    I'm sure this has happened. Very sad that two persons lives have to suffer for a drunken encounter.

    I couldn't begin to cover all the variables, I'm just making a simple statement: "No means No." At any time in the encounter, no matter how far along it has progressed, a woman has the right to say no.

    It may be frustrating. It may be unfair. The man's recourse is to not ask her out again. I've been there. I've ended a date with a bad case of Blue Balls, but I'd rather take my over excited self home and take care of it myself than wake up the next morning and know that I had forced myself on someone or bullied them into sex when they did not want it.
    Very well said.

    I've been in mid penetration when a girl changed her mind once. It sucked, but I stopped. Now, I might have laid a few lines on her to see if I could get her to change her mind, but once it became apparent that she didn't want to continue, it was off to sleep for me. Now I could go on a rant about how she was indecisive, led me on, came back to my hotel room, gave me signals, got me all hot and bothered, but why? What ever she did, what ever mistakes she made are her mistakes, they don't have to be mine.

    Was her name Sue? Spent a night with her. C'mere, C'mere, C'mere !!! Get Away, Get Away, Get Away. Stopped me in mid-stroke. Finally got up and went and slept on my couch. She came out asking "what's the matter?"

    I can't remember her name, but man she was smokin hot. Thing was, I've been in situations before where I tried to get with a girl, and was turned down. No big deal. But this was the first and only time I was ever with a woman who let thing progress as far as they did and just hit the brakes. I felt like the Coyote slamming into a fake tunnel that the road runner had painted for me.

    I applaud both of you! You behaved with more integrity than either of the women. That being said, they did have the right to say no. You both listened when many other men would not have. That says alot about the kind of men you are.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    No, a man isn't "receiving signals".. that's an excuse. It's also incredibly sexist that women apparently can't wear what they want without worrying about some man attacking her. Are we supposed to live in fear? If he wants to have sex with her, he needs to ask for consent, not just go for it.

    Then, since we men can't understand and you speak for women, would you do us a favor and tell them to please stop liking it when a man, "doesn't ask and just goes for it."

    Ladies, do you prefer that a man ask if he has permission to kiss you or just lean in and go for it? Does it turn you on when a guy says "Would it be ok with you if we had intercourse? And could you sign this statement to that affect?"

    DO NOT mistake what I am saying for any kind of rape justification. Like my fellow bros here I too have had to shut things down mid-coitus. Not my best night, but damn sure better than ignoring the girl. That is simply not an option.

    YES men could ask for explicit permission before the occurence of a sex act. But if we did there would be no more sex acts.

    I do agree with you that it does not matter what a woman wears, she could be stark naked. If she doesn't want you to touch her you don't touch her. Period.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    No, a man isn't "receiving signals".. that's an excuse. It's also incredibly sexist that women apparently can't wear what they want without worrying about some man attacking her. Are we supposed to live in fear? If he wants to have sex with her, he needs to ask for consent, not just go for it.

    Then, since we men can't understand and you speak for women, would you do us a favor and tell them to please stop liking it when a man, "doesn't ask and just goes for it."

    Ladies, do you prefer that a man ask if he has permission to kiss you or just lean in and go for it? Does it turn you on when a guy says "Would it be ok with you if we had intercourse? And could you sign this statement to that affect?"

    DO NOT mistake what I am saying for any kind of rape justification. Like my fellow bros here I too have had to shut things down mid-coitus. Not my best night, but damn sure better than ignoring the girl. That is simply not an option.

    YES men could ask for explicit permission before the occurence of a sex act. But if we did there would be no more sex acts.

    I do agree with you that it does not matter what a woman wears, she could be stark naked. If she doesn't want you to touch her you don't touch her. Period.

    I hate women that send mixed signals and then cry foul when the guy misreads their intentions.

    That said, if a woman says no or even hints at not being ready, not being into etc, then the guy needs to do the respectful thing and stop. And if she has to go as far as say no, then that absolutely means stop what you're doing asap.
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    No, a man isn't "receiving signals".. that's an excuse. It's also incredibly sexist that women apparently can't wear what they want without worrying about some man attacking her. Are we supposed to live in fear? If he wants to have sex with her, he needs to ask for consent, not just go for it.

    Then, since we men can't understand and you speak for women, would you do us a favor and tell them to please stop liking it when a man, "doesn't ask and just goes for it."

    Ladies, do you prefer that a man ask if he has permission to kiss you or just lean in and go for it? Does it turn you on when a guy says "Would it be ok with you if we had intercourse? And could you sign this statement to that affect?"

    DO NOT mistake what I am saying for any kind of rape justification. Like my fellow bros here I too have had to shut things down mid-coitus. Not my best night, but damn sure better than ignoring the girl. That is simply not an option.

    YES men could ask for explicit permission before the occurence of a sex act. But if we did there would be no more sex acts.

    I do agree with you that it does not matter what a woman wears, she could be stark naked. If she doesn't want you to touch her you don't touch her. Period.

    Right! I don't think I'd want to sign a waiver before getting to the good part. Just as you seem to have a good understanding of how these things work.

    Please people....teach that no means no! Please adults.....understand that sexual relations requires consent.....from both participants. Consent cannot be given if the person is s***faced drunk. Consent the rest of the time does not have to be verbal. But the word NO should always be heeded.
  • WarriorMom2012
    WarriorMom2012 Posts: 621 Member
    No, a man isn't "receiving signals".. that's an excuse. It's also incredibly sexist that women apparently can't wear what they want without worrying about some man attacking her. Are we supposed to live in fear? If he wants to have sex with her, he needs to ask for consent, not just go for it.

    Then, since we men can't understand and you speak for women, would you do us a favor and tell them to please stop liking it when a man, "doesn't ask and just goes for it."

    Ladies, do you prefer that a man ask if he has permission to kiss you or just lean in and go for it? Does it turn you on when a guy says "Would it be ok with you if we had intercourse? And could you sign this statement to that affect?"

    DO NOT mistake what I am saying for any kind of rape justification. Like my fellow bros here I too have had to shut things down mid-coitus. Not my best night, but damn sure better than ignoring the girl. That is simply not an option.

    YES men could ask for explicit permission before the occurence of a sex act. But if we did there would be no more sex acts.

    I do agree with you that it does not matter what a woman wears, she could be stark naked. If she doesn't want you to touch her you don't touch her. Period.

    You are so right Brett and it's sad. I know I have been guilty of sending mixed messages and expecting a man to read my mind. It would be awkward to have a man ask me if he could kiss me, hold my hand, touch me, etc. and at the same time I would be pissed if a man just started dry humping me with no provocation.

    I no longer have any form of penis envy. You guys have it hard (no pun intended).
  • mikajoanow
    mikajoanow Posts: 584 Member
    If you're being realistic, it's obviously a woman.. women don't rape men. That just doesn't happen & if it did, or ever has, it's an extremely rare occurrence and not a real problem of the world.

    That's a ridiculous comment. Women DO rape men. Men are far less likely to report it however. It is a real problem, regardless of the fact that it is less prominent than the other way around.

    No, it's not a ridiculous comment, it's a true comment. Men are in a position of power in society in every single country of the world.

    Physiologically, mens' bodies are stronger than womens. When men do get raped, I'm willing to bet that it's usually by another man.

    While I agree that it is far more rare to hear of a man being over powered and raped by a women with force, there is many more ways to sexually assault a person.

    And yes, in much of the world men are in the positions of power, but that is a blanket statement that does nothing for the american argument. Women in this nation are congresswomen, police officers, doctors, teachers, principles, and a multitude of positions where they power over males.

    Are you kidding me? Thank you for mansplaining that to me, but no.. you are living a man's experience of the world, not a woman's, so you can't tell me how "progressive" it is when it's just not.

    Ok, I guess if I can't relate to being a woman, you can't relate to being a man. And where was I complaining? It's hilarious that in a post talking about eh vicitmization of people where the common concensus is that rape is never justifiable, you have ladies like you that completely belittle male victims by stating that they don't even exist. But hey, that's the modern feminist, an exact reflection of all they claim to hate.

    Nu uh. I am a modern Feminist and I would say that men can and do get raped by females. Men who rape will justify how the woman wanted it if she gets wet or has a natural body reaction and I can only assume the same could be said for a man.
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    Road Dog, can we be sure that she remembers whether she said yes or no? Just asking. Embarrassment may cause a girl to say the next morning that she said no, when in reality she said something like "I'm soooooo wasted, why not?"

    Just stirrin' the pot....

    I'm sure this has happened. Very sad that two persons lives have to suffer for a drunken encounter.

    I couldn't begin to cover all the variables, I'm just making a simple statement: "No means No." At any time in the encounter, no matter how far along it has progressed, a woman has the right to say no.

    It may be frustrating. It may be unfair. The man's recourse is to not ask her out again. I've been there. I've ended a date with a bad case of Blue Balls, but I'd rather take my over excited self home and take care of it myself than wake up the next morning and know that I had forced myself on someone or bullied them into sex when they did not want it.
    Very well said.

    I've been in mid penetration when a girl changed her mind once. It sucked, but I stopped. Now, I might have laid a few lines on her to see if I could get her to change her mind, but once it became apparent that she didn't want to continue, it was off to sleep for me. Now I could go on a rant about how she was indecisive, led me on, came back to my hotel room, gave me signals, got me all hot and bothered, but why? What ever she did, what ever mistakes she made are her mistakes, they don't have to be mine.

    Was her name Sue? Spent a night with her. C'mere, C'mere, C'mere !!! Get Away, Get Away, Get Away. Stopped me in mid-stroke. Finally got up and went and slept on my couch. She came out asking "what's the matter?"

    I can't remember her name, but man she was smokin hot. Thing was, I've been in situations before where I tried to get with a girl, and was turned down. No big deal. But this was the first and only time I was ever with a woman who let thing progress as far as they did and just hit the brakes. I felt like the Coyote slamming into a fake tunnel that the road runner had painted for me.

    I applaud both of you! You behaved with more integrity than either of the women. That being said, they did have the right to say no. You both listened when many other men would not have. That says alot about the kind of men you are.

    Thank you. Although I would disagree on one point. My decision was based on integrity, hers was just indecisiveness and bad judgement. She has to realize what could have been if it were another guy without the restraint I had. That is why this is such a tricky subject.

    Morally speaking, there is, and I think we are all in agreement, no justification for rape. And it angers me when I hear women blamed for their decisions like what they wore and where they were, or how much they had to drink because people assign the guilt to the victim.

    That being said, there is a reason I can't leave my house unlocked or my children unattended. People will take advantage, so while I would never ever assign moral judgement to a rape victim or try to give a lady who was the victim of an attack my 20/20 hind sight into what she did foolishly, I just would give women the same advice I would give and have given my sister. Of course we want to have fun. Of course many young people want to go out and drink and have a good time. But no one else is going to look out for you like you will. So go out with friends, don't drink yourself into oblivion, don't go into strange places alone with strange people, have a DD. With fun, no matter what it is, almost always comes an inherent risk. You can still have a blast and manage those risks to minimize the risk that you will be a victim. And not to be an alarmist, but you have to realize that on any given night in any busy bar, there is at least one rapist. Statistically, there almost has to be. Don't let it be you.
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    Road Dog, can we be sure that she remembers whether she said yes or no? Just asking. Embarrassment may cause a girl to say the next morning that she said no, when in reality she said something like "I'm soooooo wasted, why not?"

    Just stirrin' the pot....

    I'm sure this has happened. Very sad that two persons lives have to suffer for a drunken encounter.

    I couldn't begin to cover all the variables, I'm just making a simple statement: "No means No." At any time in the encounter, no matter how far along it has progressed, a woman has the right to say no.

    It may be frustrating. It may be unfair. The man's recourse is to not ask her out again. I've been there. I've ended a date with a bad case of Blue Balls, but I'd rather take my over excited self home and take care of it myself than wake up the next morning and know that I had forced myself on someone or bullied them into sex when they did not want it.
    Very well said.

    I've been in mid penetration when a girl changed her mind once. It sucked, but I stopped. Now, I might have laid a few lines on her to see if I could get her to change her mind, but once it became apparent that she didn't want to continue, it was off to sleep for me. Now I could go on a rant about how she was indecisive, led me on, came back to my hotel room, gave me signals, got me all hot and bothered, but why? What ever she did, what ever mistakes she made are her mistakes, they don't have to be mine.

    Was her name Sue? Spent a night with her. C'mere, C'mere, C'mere !!! Get Away, Get Away, Get Away. Stopped me in mid-stroke. Finally got up and went and slept on my couch. She came out asking "what's the matter?"

    I can't remember her name, but man she was smokin hot. Thing was, I've been in situations before where I tried to get with a girl, and was turned down. No big deal. But this was the first and only time I was ever with a woman who let thing progress as far as they did and just hit the brakes. I felt like the Coyote slamming into a fake tunnel that the road runner had painted for me.

    I applaud both of you! You behaved with more integrity than either of the women. That being said, they did have the right to say no. You both listened when many other men would not have. That says alot about the kind of men you are.

    Thank you. Although I would disagree on one point. My decision was based on integrity, hers was just indecisiveness and bad judgement. She has to realize what could have been if it were another guy without the restraint I had. That is why this is such a tricky subject.

    Morally speaking, there is, and I think we are all in agreement, no justification for rape. And it angers me when I hear women blamed for their decisions like what they wore and where they were, or how much they had to drink because people assign the guilt to the victim.

    That being said, there is a reason I can't leave my house unlocked or my children unattended. People will take advantage, so while I would never ever assign moral judgement to a rape victim or try to give a lady who was the victim of an attack my 20/20 hind sight into what she did foolishly, I just would give women the same advice I would give and have given my sister. Of course we want to have fun. Of course many young people want to go out and drink and have a good time. But no one else is going to look out for you like you will. So go out with friends, don't drink yourself into oblivion, don't go into strange places alone with strange people, have a DD. With fun, no matter what it is, almost always comes an inherent risk. You can still have a blast and manage those risks to minimize the risk that you will be a victim. And not to be an alarmist, but you have to realize that on any given night in any busy bar, there is at least one rapist. Statistically, there almost has to be. Don't let it be you.

    You are right....The situation with another man without the interity and or self control would have been very different for her. I worded things poorly. The advice you've given your sister sounds like the advice I gave my daughters (adults) and sadly, I already have talks about keeping herself safe with my 13 yo daughter. My job when parenting my daughters is to try to keep them safe. When parenting my son (also adult) I began early teaching him that no means no!