Check in and intros



  • Hey ya. I just came across this site this month and I love it. Ive had a fair bit of support from people from around the globe since I started, but was also looking for something closer to home so stoked i found this group:) I live in Tauranga and want to lose 20kg.
    Hi and welcome. I am in Tauranga till tomorrow, walked up the mount this evening!
    I walk up the mount on monday mornings to start the week, i love it, such a rewarding effort once your at the top:)
  • sarahgilmore
    sarahgilmore Posts: 572 Member
    Hey ya. I just came across this site this month and I love it. Ive had a fair bit of support from people from around the globe since I started, but was also looking for something closer to home so stoked i found this group:) I live in Tauranga and want to lose 20kg. I have two daughters aged 5 & 7 and study part time. My motivation, when I first started trying to lose weight was summer.. which is pretty much here so that ship has sailed. So now I just want to be fit, healthy and at my goal weight for my 29th birthday in May. I would love to be able to compete in a marathon or something too.

    Hey I'm in Tga too (Welcome Bay). My kids are 6(boy) & 7(girl). I study part-time too thru Massey, and work full time. And we're about the same age. LOL
  • faw1001
    faw1001 Posts: 131 Member
    Hi. I am 32, I live in Napier and work full-time in Hastings. I am also studying extramurally through SIT and Open Polytechnic. I want to lose about another 15kg but mostly just want to get to where I am comfortable then tone up a bit. I have just started getting into the forums and find them really interesting.
  • BethGutschlag
    BethGutschlag Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Everyone, I live in Wgtn. I am so glad to see a NZ group. Would be great to add friends from this group to share diary's etc. as I know I sure get bored of my diary!!! Also ideas for Xmas food would be great to share!

    My husband and I have a fairly active social life so I find dropping weight pretty hard. I want to lose about 10kg and evertime I get a few kg down, we have events, functions etc. and the weight just comes back on!

    Look forward to making some MFP friends that are willing to share their ideas!

    EDIT: My diary is public too for anyone who wants food ideas from me!
  • BundangKiwiGal
    BundangKiwiGal Posts: 78 Member
    Hello hello! So great to see so many Kiwis on here.

    Anyway, my name is Andy and I live and work in South Korea. I've been here for nearly three years teaching English at a middle school, and will most probably be here another year before moving onto the next country. I love being able to work and travel, and moving here has been one of the best decisions I've ever made.

    With the recent loss of my father and returning to Korea after being away for two months in September, I have a real what-am-I-waiting-for attitude, and am slowly working towards improving myself in all aspects of my life. Losing a parent is something that I would not wish on anyone, but an event like that really forces one to really look at themselves, evaluate life and ask the big questions.

    So I'm on here to slim down, trim down, and feel good about myself and my body. Oh and of course make some good friends along the way. Please feel free to add me as a friend. The more support we can give each other, the better!

    Cheers everyone :smile:
  • My names Becky. I'm currently living and studying in Dunedin. I am recently married to my best friend and partner of 5 years. When i met my husband I was 60 kgs, when I got married in June 2011 I was 80kg (my largest). I am currently at 77kg and hope to get down to 70kg.
  • KahuNZ
    KahuNZ Posts: 401 Member
    Hey Becky - Good luck on your journey.... all in a similar position.
  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    Hi! I am Lesley from Oamaru! I have been on mfp since January! Joined to support my daughter but have done great for myself as well!

    I am ancient in comparison to you all - 60. Have 3 sons and a daughter and they all live overseas. Have a 5 1/2 month choc lab who gets me out for 2 walks a day. I was running but he is too young to run yet!

    Nice to have a Kiwi group, thanks for starting it Emma
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Hey all

    I am Elle from Auckland - a single empty nester - my "baby" moved to Sydney 5 years ago for "summer" :-(

    I have just come back from a lovely 3 week holiday to visit family and friends in South Africa (3.5 kg gain) - so back to logging and being good from today (Friday) - no such thing as waiting for Monday!!
  • mmhenry28
    mmhenry28 Posts: 163 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I know alot of you already.

    My name is Mel, I'm 28 and from Taupo, but lived in Dunedin for a while when I was at Uni and that is where I met my lovely Fiance.

    I live in a regional Mining town in Queensland called Mackay where I do IT for an engineering company.

    Im getting married in 3 months and am as of today 1.6 kilos from my goal weight having lost 6.4 kilos over the last 3 months.

    Im starting P90X in the next few days with my fiance who luckily for him is trying to gain 15 kilos!!!

    I have two beautiful dogs and no kids although the reason we are trying to get really healthy is so that are bodies are in peak form when we start trying for kiddies.

    Feel free to add me if you like!
  • Hi everyone, I haven't been on the message boards for ages so its great to see they have made groups now.

    I am Tania, 27 years old, I live on a farm 20 min out of Rotorua with my fiancae and 8 yr old daughter and nearly 2 year old son.

    I have been on MFP for AGES but only started really trying to move the weight in July this year. Between my partner and I we have lost over 25kg.

    My current weight is 69kg and my goal is 59-65 kg, I have had a bit of time off tracking the last few weeks but have managed to maintain so thats good.

    Feel free to add me.
  • zenJes
    zenJes Posts: 198 Member
    Hey Kiwis, im so stocked with how many of us there are now!! wahoo,
    My name is Jess Im doing a PhD at Otago in biochemistry and i love it!! My aim for using mfp is to get fit!!! so mostly logging to make sure im eating a balanced diet for the amount of exercise i do!! But i also understand loosing weight as have been yo yoing between size 12 to 16 for years and as one of my dementia residents told me on saturday - i have solid hips and a nice big bum lol :D o yeh thats from my second job where i work as an activities co-ordinator at a high security dementia ward, awesome but also tiring depending on the day. Add me if you need a friend !! cus that is the real key to how mfp works :P
  • Halloooo Fellow Kiwis!
    I'm Kayla and I'm 24, currently residing in CHCH. Joined MFP about 6 weeks ago? after tipping the scales @ 125kgs and decided it was time to change! I have lost 11kgs so far but still have a long road ahead of me... Now to find the motivation to keep it up!!
  • kiwigal111
    kiwigal111 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi there, I'm from Turangi (south of Taupo)

    New to message boards.

    Enjoying reading the introductions of others.
  • Hi i'm Tom (where are all the guys on here)???

    I'm 37 and live in Geraldine, South Canterbury with my lovely wife and awesome 3 kids (4yo, 2 1/2 yo & 8 months)

    Reasonably active, love my mountain biking and getting out for a run which doesn't happen much as there is always some excuse, (well that was before MFP) Have been sitting around 88kg for the past few years with a not very flat stomach and no matter how much i exercise i have always seemed to be around that weight and figure.

    Have been using MFP for 1 month and starting at 88kg i am now 83kg and target is 78kg. With MFP I can now see that my serving sizes were far too large, in the past if i ate something healthy I thought I could eat as much as I liked.

    My job is being on the road all week so pies and other crap food were always an easy option, now that i see how many calories these have in them I haven't gone near them in a month.

    Now I am eating right thanks to MFP and exercising lots and its working and FAST.

    My wife has now started to use MFP after seeing my results to get her body back into shape after kids.
  • Hi all! I'm Chloe, 17, originally British but now living in Auckland! I'm pretty new to MFP but am enjoying it so far.

    I'm 173cm and 75kg and my long term goal is to lose about 10kg. My short term goal is to lose maybe 4kg over the summer so I can go back to school looking fabulous. :) My diet isn't too bad but my main problem is exercise!! I have no motivation to exercise ever. I'm hoping that'll be something I can work on... Right now I figure it's good enough if I can keep my diet good for a few weeks - maybe exercising will come to me?? I'd like to get into strength training later down the road too.

    Feel free to add me! :)
  • emmaskye15
    emmaskye15 Posts: 60 Member
    Hey Ya

    I'm Emma im 23 from CHCH I would love to meet some of you lovely ladies to keep me on track and maybe come for some walks around the chch cordon or the gardens ??? I don't know im keen for anywhere or any exercise :) I have got to my plateau I think so I need to keep up the motivation to keep losing!

    I weighed in this morning and i'm back up to 84.1 this is not good!!!! lol maybe I will go for a walk after work again in the rain :(
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Hi, I'm Patricia. I'm 28, a wife and a mother of 2 and live Hastings.

    I've just given birth to #2 and so want to proceed to loose the baby weight slowly and healthily. At this stage it is mostly maintaining my current weight or loosing no more than 1/2 pound a week at the most as I am also feeding baby.

    Hoping to find some great support on here.
  • kiwigal111
    kiwigal111 Posts: 21 Member
    Congrats on your new addtion to your family 'Historysmissinglady' and HI
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,338 Member
    Welcome Patricia - I am in Hastings too! We have a facebook group too for kiwi MFPers!