


  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    I'm up for the 30 Day Shred - just went on Amazon and ordered it so I am all ready come January 1st... Not something I normally would have done, but with encouragement and knowing others are "in the same pool", I am up for the challenge!!
  • pip_roberts91
    pip_roberts91 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm up for the 30 Day Shred - just went on Amazon and ordered it so I am all ready come January 1st... Not something I normally would have done, but with encouragement and knowing others are "in the same pool", I am up for the challenge!!

    Thats great! Its hard but with us all doing it together itll make it easier! and it makes you feel so good afterwards! Im so glad this group was made, it feels so good to have some encouragement from everyone :)
  • Hi All, I'm Paula! I'm somewhere between 5'5" and 5'6" and I started here at 190 lbs (my heaviest ever...). I'm currently in the low 180's (woot!) and my goal weight is 145ish. I'm glad to be in a group where we can share challenges and inspirations. I would totally be up for a challenge. I have the 30 day shred DVD but have never made it through a full 30 days!! Oh, and please feel free to add me!
  • 9cj8
    9cj8 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi! My name is Catherine, I am 5'6 and my starting weight was 170 lbs in May. I gained 15+ pounds in my first year of University, so now I have gotten past that in 2nd year and am looking to reach 135. I have lost about 22 so far.
  • Hi, I'm Alex. I'm currently 169lbs and would like to get down to about 145lb, but more if my shape dictates. I don't think I need to go the whole 40lbs, but maybe I do, because I looked pretty damn hot when I was 16 and weighted 129lbs!

    Can't wait for the challenges. When will they start?
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Thanks for starting this group! I'm super pumped! I'm 5'6 and 172.8 as of this morning, giving me 37.8 lbs to go until I reach my goal!
  • Hi all,
    I'm Kristina. My highest non-pregnant weight was 195, which was when I got pregnant with my youngest and what I weighed right after she was born.
    When I started MFP in May, I weighed 186 with the goal of getting to 150. When I reached that in Oct., I decided I would go for another 10 lbs by Christmas. I'm currently at 144, so only 4 lbs and 2 more weigh ins! (I record on Fridays.) I have gone from a size 15 to a size 7 or 9 (depending how it's made). I weigh about the same that I did in high school!!
    I have done it all by only watching what I eat, so once I hit my goal, I will focus on maintenance and toning up my flabby post-baby body. lol
    So since I've already dropped my 40+ pounds, think of me as a cheerleader. I'm here to tell you it can be done!! :happy:
  • MissingPixies
    MissingPixies Posts: 316 Member
    Hello, my name is Jess. I hope you don't mind that I joined the group, and that I'm not being an intruder or anything. I'm 5'6 and currently 40 lbs overweight, so I thought why not join. I'm a single mother of two, trying to look for a job so I can support my family. I'm just trying to get my sexy back, and become one hot and fit mama. Also regain that energy so I can keep up with my kids. I currently sit at 175 lbs and would like to be around 140-135 lbs.
  • shadea4455
    shadea4455 Posts: 173 Member
    Hello, my name is Jess. I hope you don't mind that I joined the group, and that I'm not being an intruder or anything. I'm 5'6 and currently 40 lbs overweight, so I thought why not join. I'm a single mother of two, trying to look for a job so I can support my family. I'm just trying to get my sexy back, and become one hot and fit mama. Also regain that energy so I can keep up with my kids. I currently sit at 175 lbs and would like to be around 140-135 lbs.

    Absolutely we don't mind!! We're all here to motivate each other to get healthier :) AND you appear to fit the criteria perfectly! Welcome :)
  • Hi Ashley! Thanks for inviting me into the group!

    My name is Alexis. My highest weight was about 175 in September 2010. That's when I started college. In January 2011, I joined MFP at 170 and over the course of this year have lost about 20 lbs, putting me at 148ish. I am a performer, so it's important for me to lose weight, not only for my health, but for casting and performance purposes (I want to look good up there!). I'd like to lose about 20 more lbs, putting me at a total of 40-45 lbs lost! Feel free to add me!

    Very cool! What kind of performing do you do??

    I do a lot of musical theatre and some straight plays! I'm more of a "singer who dances" and have been working on becoming a better dancer, so losing weight will really help!
  • Hi everyone, my name's Maria. I had the myfitnesspal app on my iphone for ages this past year, and I found that it did help me but I don't really have anyone cheering me on and so I lost motivation about two or three months ago. I have about 42lbs to lose to get me to my pre-baby weight of 147lbs (ish). I don't want to lose too much weight as I'm a Latin girl and I want to try and keep my curves! I have a lovely husband and three beautiful kids. My hubby is great and loves me the way I am, but in a way I wish he would be on my case a bit more so I was accountable to someone! That's one of the main reasons I've joined this group. I really want to do this and I would really appreciate some support and maybe even a little bit of pressure to keep to it this time. I feel like I've rambled on...does this make sense to anyone? Anyway, I was reading a blog on here and someone said that they feel like they have to start over every 10 minutes sometimes...I really know how that feels. I've been procrastinating for weeks, but I'm starting over again right now! :)
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    This is weirdly specific and yet there are so many people in it!

    I'm 5'6", I started here at 205ish, currently 169 so I don't have 40ish lbs to lose anymore but I do want to lose another 20.
  • Hey, I'm Lauren, and I'm looking to lose nearly 40lbs! I havent set a timeframe, just going to try my best everyday :D

    p.s I'm 5ft 5 and 1/2 inches. does that count? xD I sure hope so!
  • bostik
    bostik Posts: 68 Member
    Hey guys :) You're all doing so well!

    I'm 23, 5'5 with another 35-45lbs to go!

    Highest weight was around november 2010 when I was somewhere over 308lbs. Didn't really weigh back then. Then I got ill in November and wasn't keeping food down often so over the months I was ill, I went down to 238lbs. Joined MFP at 238lbs and have managed to lose 54.8lbs bringing me down to my current weight (183.2lbs). Wanna get down to a healthy bmi for my height which is 149lbs (just under 35lbs I think!)
  • Emllynn
    Emllynn Posts: 21 Member
    Hi everyone! Thanks for the add to the group! I am brand new to the site. I stumbled across it last night while trying to surf myself to sleep. So glad I did!

    I am at my highest weight ever. I went to the doc this week and the scale said exactly 200 pounds. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I have been so busy with my career that I just haven't been taking care of myself. That's about to stop.

    I want to get down to 150... That's my goal.

    Let's do this!
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    AGREED : )
  • rougette66
    rougette66 Posts: 210 Member
    Hi everyone I'm Jo, but everyone calls me lucky. Im 5'6, and as of today at 178.8 lbs (yays) and i'm hoping to get down to 145-140 ish. I bought a pair of size 7 skinny jeans as they are my inspiration. I want to develop all over tone and feel better about myself. feel free to add :)

    good luck everyone!
  • Hiya I'm Sammie, 5ft 6, 18 years old and I'm currently at 155lbs. I have got down to 133lbs before but going on holidays and generally just not watching what I was eating caused me to gain. But I'm ready to get back on it and lose the pounds the healthy way and continue to my goal of 120ish lbs. (:
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    Hey, my name is Suzanne..I have about 15-20lbs range, maybe a bit more if I decide at 145lbs..I'm 162 now. Hope its ok..I'm 5"6 too, and have photos in my album if you want to get ideas. Nice to meet everyone, add me if you wish..just leave a note in the request..I'm sure with that rule, some of you may understand! :smile:
  • KCrandi
    KCrandi Posts: 125 Member
    I'm Kimberly.
    5'5" with 60 to go all together. I'm curently 202, I've lost 10 lbs recently, and ready to ditch the rest.
    This group is an awesome idea! :)