Week 6



  • opalmel
    opalmel Posts: 147 Member
    I'm repeating week 6 this week. I never really got through W6D3 without stopping a couple times in the 25 minute run. I can't seem to be able to do it without stopping.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Why do you stop opal?
  • opalmel
    opalmel Posts: 147 Member
    Because my legs were really sore and my heart was pounding like it was gonna come out of my chest. Lol.
  • Cheeta_HH
    Cheeta_HH Posts: 489 Member
    I think the program that I've been using has a different time schedule. I finished W6D3 today, but the longest run was 15 minutes. I am sure that the cold weather was part of it, but it was my most difficult run. I am going to have to repeat this one a couple times at least before running 20 minutes in W7D1. The jump from 10 minutes straight to 15 just seemed like so much longer!!!

    Have any of you noticed any significant weight loss since starting C25K? I've also been using the MFP food diary for the past 3 weeks or so, but my scale is not budging! Any advice? Thanks!
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 742 Member
    I'll be starting Week 6 on Tuesday. Just did the dreaded Week 5 Day 3 20 minute run today. Wasn't as bad as I feared. Can't believe I've made it this far.......awesome!
  • msiamjan
    msiamjan Posts: 326 Member
    W6D1 done. It was raining, so it was on the treadmill. Kinda different. Preferred today to the 20 minute run last week. I found that soooo hard.
  • AnnaE
    AnnaE Posts: 53 Member
    Week 6 day 1 today. Can't decide whether to run outside in the rain (which feels great but since I wear glasses means I can't see!) or inside on the treadmnill surrorunded by gym bunnies!
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 788 Member
    Will be doing W6D1 on Wednesday! I am amazed I did so well with W5D3... Now I am actually looking forward to my next run!
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 742 Member
    W6D1 is finished! It was 19F when I headed out at 5:15AM. I still can't believe I'm out in that extreme weather running! I'm concerned about how I'll do once there is snow/ice. I don't want to run if I don't have sure footing. I do have a treadmill to fall back on, but really don't want to do that.

    Anyway, I didn't find the running segments overly difficult. Of course, I go quite slowly so I'm sure to be able to keep running. I really need to start working on speed at some point!

  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 788 Member
    W6D1 is finished! It was 19F when I headed out at 5:15AM. I still can't believe I'm out in that extreme weather running! I'm concerned about how I'll do once there is snow/ice. I don't want to run if I don't have sure footing. I do have a treadmill to fall back on, but really don't want to do that.

    Anyway, I didn't find the running segments overly difficult. Of course, I go quite slowly so I'm sure to be able to keep running. I really need to start working on speed at some point!


    Have you heard of Yak Trax? The Pro version is made for running on snow and ice. They fit over your shoes and run about $30.00.
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 742 Member
    I do have a pair of Yak Trax.....but not the kind made for running. I may have to look into that! Thanks!

  • 79smudge
    79smudge Posts: 26 Member
    I'm using the revised running schedule in Bluefin Apps' Ease into 5K, so my 20 minute run was yesterday (Week 6 day 2) rather than Week 5. And although it was my third consecutive run yesterday (December is nuts to try and find time to do anything...), I completed the 20 minutes. I was glad it wasn't any longer, as my legs were done, but I did it!! Not that long ago, 90 seconds seemed like a long time... And adding another 10 minutes to the total still seems daunting, but will be here within a few weeks.
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 788 Member
    W6D1 complete! It seemed like a step backwards to do 3 intervals again... My pace was a little slower today, but I think that is because of the extra walking. 36:38 seconds for the entire session and I covered right at 3 miles -- a pace of 12:13 per mile or 4.912 mph. Looking forward to day two on Friday!
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 742 Member
    W6D2 finished! About 2 minutes into the 2nd 10 minute run, I wanted to stop and walk, but I kept on plodding along. The long run in a couple days has me a bit worried.....not to mention weeks 7-9! :noway:
  • MissMollieK
    MissMollieK Posts: 316 Member
    I am going to be doing week 6 day 3 next- just finished day 2 yesterday and was so excited that I completed the day I never thought I would complete! A lot of mental effort to overcome! my app had me run 20 min and walk warm up and cool down. I actually ran about 25 min and walked about 2 min for cool down after app ended. So excited because I KNOW I can run 30 now. I never would have imagined being able to do this months ago....oh wow, anyone can do this if I can:)
  • MissMollieK
    MissMollieK Posts: 316 Member
    I'm using the revised running schedule in Bluefin Apps' Ease into 5K, so my 20 minute run was yesterday (Week 6 day 2) rather than Week 5. And although it was my third consecutive run yesterday (December is nuts to try and find time to do anything...), I completed the 20 minutes. I was glad it wasn't any longer, as my legs were done, but I did it!! Not that long ago, 90 seconds seemed like a long time... And adding another 10 minutes to the total still seems daunting, but will be here within a few weeks.
    This is also the app I use- a bit different from original c25k but I think I like it better because it doesn't seem to throw you into a long run sooo fast...more of an "ease". Great job!
  • msiamjan
    msiamjan Posts: 326 Member
    Completed W6D3 this morning. Fought the whole way, but made it to the 25 minute mark without stopping. Still waiting to have it feel good--other than the enormous relief when it's time to stop. But, at least I did it.
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 788 Member
    W6D2 completed yesterday!!! I found it a little difficult to complete - definitely harder than W5D3. Hoping it is just mental due to the break in the middle?

    I have a 5K tomorrow night and will be doing my W6D3 session during the race, but imagine I will do a little more running to make it through the entire 3.2 miles. Hoping I can make it through the entire 25 minutes without stopping. I am not sure if I should just start out the race walking the 5 minutes and then do the 25 minutes of running, or if I should do the 5 minutes of walking beforehand and begin the race running... Thinking the former? I will be happy just to beat my previous 5K time of 39:54.61. If I walk the first 5 and run 25 and that gets me anywhere close to the end, I would be ecstatic... Yesterday, I completed 3 miles in 33:36, so it's possible...

    Sorry, I think too much when I am nervous! :blushing:
  • MissMollieK
    MissMollieK Posts: 316 Member
    Hey everyone---I managed to do week 6 day 3 and I made a decision before the run that if I felt good enough by the walking part of the run I would just keep running. I managed to run 33 minutes today. Does that make me an official grad of the program???? I am super happy and know I ran at least a 5k because I ran pretty fast today. I don't have anything to calculate my distance or pace, but tried to manually figure it out. I am going to continue running the last couple of weeks, but I am telling myself that I completed my goal I set out to do....What a great feeling! Keep it up everyone...I really never expected to achieve this...amazing!
  • MissMollieK
    MissMollieK Posts: 316 Member
    :bigsmile: Thank goodness. I try to do C25K before I let Jillian kick my rear!
    Hilarious! Yes- it is great and your confidence is probably going to be higher with this allowing you to put up with Jillian longer! lol