The number one question people ask when it comes to working out is, "How can I get a flat stomach?"

Not sure if this should of been a blog but, I know this is an important question for women, so I wanted to share my advice with you all. :ohwell:

THE FIRST thing you can work on is diet. Instead of eating three large meals each day, opt for 5-6 smaller ones spread throughout the day instead. This will keep your metabolism amped.

THE SECOND thing you need to do is include cardio in your routine. Thirty minutes three times a week is a good starting point.

THE THIRD thing you can do is incorporate a weight training routine that includes movements like squats, chin-ups and deadlifts, since they force your core to work. (These are a few of my favorites)

THE FOURTH tip is to focus on three basic movements for abs that are done no more than three times a week, since your abs are muscles that can grow and you want them to be flat.

I hope this information helps.


  • That is something that EVERY woman wants even though it's so friggin difficult. I know I can look up those exercises online somewhere but do you have any good sources? I have a semi-flat stomach but I think that is mostly due to diet control and not working out. Whenever I try and work on my core I seem to have more ache in my lower back because I tend to use those muscles as they've always been stronger than my abs. Suggestions?
  • dargytaylor
    dargytaylor Posts: 840 Member
    Whenever I try and work on my core I seem to have more ache in my lower back because I tend to use those muscles as they've always been stronger than my abs. Suggestions?

    me too! my lower back hurts doing planks!
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 992 Member
    My back also hurts waaay before I feel my abs.
  • The reason you feel your lower back hurt is for a couple of reasons, but the Number 1 reason is when you do push ups, a lot of women hang their hips low, meaning it is not level with their back and when they do push ups, they are dropping their hips and this will cause lower back pain. You have to lower your chest first and then your body will follow. Don't swing hips up and down as you do push ups ( I see this a lot in women) Remember don't use momentum...keep the body lined and only bend elbows.

    Do a plank and hold it for 20 or 40seconds, as you get fatigued the hips start lowering. Bring them back up to resist lower back problems.

    Lower backs are not a glamor muscle but it needs to be strengthen. The best exercise I love to do is Good Mornings and Romanian Deadlifts. You can go to Youtube to find any exercise.

    I hope this helped.
  • Good post!
  • nice post
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    This may help for those looking for some specific exercises. Just click on your body part- only a few, but not to bad.


    Planks, push ups, hanging leg lifts are all great ones that have helped me. I have a bunch more I do, but those are the ones I remember right now.
  • Biggest tip from me is diet, diet, diet. Your abs are there already. You just need to uncover them.

    Dieting alone will reavel your abs.

    Then you can do some cardio and weights and that will help. But remember its the diet.

    Good luck. :tongue:

    And if you do all this its good for your hips and thighs - it all happens at the same time as if by magic.
    Also if you get a tan - your skin tightens up around you. Drink lots of water too and plents EFA's. Low carbs. Increases skin tightness near the end. Hanging knee raises too.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    I liked this thread - in part because I have lower-back issues, too (despite years of bikram hot yoga...) and planks remain a bit of a sore spot, with me.

    I'm "over" trying to have abs worth showing off (got over that once the stretch marks from pregnancies spread everywhere, far and wide!), but I actually have a tiny waist and a flat stomach, anyway.

    I TOTALLY want to minimize my *kitten* and my hips and thighs, though....so, for the first time in about 20 years I am doing heavy lifting for lower-body and we'll see what comes out of that change!
  • I'm "over" trying to have abs worth showing off (got over that once the stretch marks from pregnancies spread everywhere, far and wide!), but I actually have a tiny waist and a flat stomach, anyway.

    - I agree I was and just trained hard a bit boring really and then they came slowly and people would compliment. Don't aim for anything really just enjoy yorself and if you don't like it stop.

    The best abs i ever had was when doing kickboxing 3 times a week, they were rock hard. - Best tip for anyone. But you do have to like kickboxing obviously.
  • raineraven78
    raineraven78 Posts: 42 Member
    Biggest tip from me is diet, diet, diet. Your abs are there already. You just need to uncover them.

    Dieting alone will reavel your abs.

    Then you can do some cardio and weights and that will help. But remember its the diet.

    Great info. I have a very strong core but I carry my weight around my waist - it's the last place I loose the weight!
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I'm "over" trying to have abs worth showing off (got over that once the stretch marks from pregnancies spread everywhere, far and wide!), but I actually have a tiny waist and a flat stomach, anyway.

    - I agree I was and just trained hard a bit boring really and then they came slowly and people would compliment. Don't aim for anything really just enjoy yorself and if you don't like it stop.

    The best abs i ever had was when doing kickboxing 3 times a week, they were rock hard. - Best tip for anyone. But you do have to like kickboxing obviously.

    With kickboxing, do you go to a class, or do a DVD at home? I'm kind of curious about this. The only closest to kickboxing I've gotten is Turbo Jam, but I do love all the kicking and punching and the way my body twists around. I would love to know more about kickboxing...

    I would also love a flat stomach if I can ever find it again. :wink:
  • kikih64
    kikih64 Posts: 349 Member

    With kickboxing, do you go to a class, or do a DVD at home? I'm kind of curious about this. The only closest to kickboxing I've gotten is Turbo Jam, but I do love all the kicking and punching and the way my body twists around. I would love to know more about kickboxing...

    I would also love a flat stomach if I can ever find it again. :wink:

    Not sure it's real kickboxing, but I love Tae Bo. Billy has a dvd called This is Tae Bo and it's very similar to his original stuff from the 90's. It's fun and I always feel empowered!
  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 784 Member
    love this post
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    Your lower back will hurt because your core is weak. Especially if you've had children.

    When you do a plank, be sure to "tuck" your pelvis, squeeze your butt, this protects your lower back. Your feet should also be pushed back into a dorsi flex position. Hands and elbows directly under your shoulders...everything tight.
  • MstngSammy
    MstngSammy Posts: 436 Member
    Whenever I try and work on my core I seem to have more ache in my lower back because I tend to use those muscles as they've always been stronger than my abs. Suggestions?

    me too! my lower back hurts doing planks!

    Something that always helps me with planks.....keep your butt and core tight....this will keep your back straight and give relief to those lower back muscles.