Welcome and Introductions

kendernau Posts: 155 Member
Welcome, everyone. Feel free to post a small introduction here, just to let me know you are interested, and I will add you to my tracker. Our goal is to burn 100,000 calories just through exercise throughout the year in 2012. This is equivalent to just over 28.5 pounds of weight burned throughout the year and averages out to right around 275 calories burned per day. Depending on your weight goals, health issues, and diet, you will lose more or less than this amount.

I am looking forward to working with all of you as the year progresses. This is an open group, so anyone can join or leave at any time. I will be tracking calories burned from January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012 (assuming the world doesn't end on December 21, 2012 :laugh: ).

Any type of exercise works - we are mostly interested in the number of calories burned. Although an HRM (heart Rate Monitor) is recommended, as it tends to be more accurate, use whatever you have available to you to track the calories you burn through exercise.

You may post updates anytime - I just ask that you post at least once every other week, so I know you are still trying. When you post an update, just make sure I can tell if you are posting new calories burned, or a cumulative total for yourself. Feel free to ask questions, ask for support, impress us with your progress, tell funny stories, or anything else you think the group would be interested in reading.


  • Hello! My name is Sandra and I plan to burn most of my calories through walking. I walk on my breaks at work, which is VERY important to me because I work at a desk and recent studies show just how unhealthy it is to sit all day.
    I'll also be going to my campus recreation center on a regular basis to burn extra :)
    I like this group, it's got an awesome (reasonable and perfectly sane) little goal... I hope we can keep each other motivated!
  • NZblue
    NZblue Posts: 147 Member
    Hey! I'm Elisha.

    I'm a twenty-year-old university student in New Zealand.
    I plan to burn my calories through switching between Zumba and the 30 Day Shred DVDs. I'm planning to get the Boost Metabolism Burn Fat DVD, also, to workout to this.

    My husband and I have decided to do a half marathon in October, so we'll be running at least every other day, during the year.

    I also have stopped taking the car to uni, and my husband and I bought bikes. I plan to continue biking to my classes (8km away).

    Hubby is slim and toned, already, so he's a great person to exercise with, as I feel encouraged by him, with his words, but also in trying to keep up with him when biking. I have built up a really good fitness, so in some areas, I have more stamina. His strength is greater than mine, but I have a stronger breathing system, now, when we exercise together. Because I'm competitive, it is really fun. He can run faster than me, but I can run longer, now.
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    Hi, I'm Tracey from Australia.

    I turn 48 later this month and have lost 51kg so far. I am aiming for another 15 to 20kg over the coming year, although I will have to stabilise and maintain for a period early in the year. My son is getting married in April and I am planning to start dress shopping in late January so will need to maintain from when I buy until the big day!

    I like the idea of tracking my cumulative calories burned over a year so I can see how much progress I make.

    I love rock n roll dancing, bicycling and swimming, and also enjoy walking. I would like to get into running over the coming months as well.

    My husband is my greatest support and loves to come exercising with me, even early in the morning.
  • Hi everyone! My name is Katie and I'm a 19 year old college student at Elmira College. I am also somewhat new to MFP.
    I decided to join this group because I am at my heaviest weight ever, just over 180 pounds and I need some motivation to lose about 40 pounds! This group looks great and I'm excited to work with all of you.
    I plan on doing the Insanity program as well as running about 4 days a week because I would like to run a half-marathon in Obtober.
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    Hey, everyone! My name is Tatiana and I'm a 22 year old graduate student. I finish in May, but this past semester was very difficult for me and my weight loss. Although I was trying, the lack of time and plethora of stressful situations made it difficult for me to lose anything.

    I'm hoping that this challenge will be a jump start for me for the new year.

    I'll be doing C25K and I'll be moving to a gym closer to my house to motivate me to go when I'm just sitting around the house and bored.
  • nalfavi
    nalfavi Posts: 174 Member
    Hi, this is such a great idea! My name is Flavia, 24 years old from Lewes, Delaware. I'm currently 509lbs, my highest was 536lbs. I'm trying to get at least 10-15mins of exercise in every other day, and I joined this group as another inspiration to do that and more when I'm able to. I would eventually like to start jogging and become a runner, but with my dislocated knees and bursitis in my heel I'm not sure how attainable that goal is. Hopefully with the weight loss and muscle tightening with exercise, it should pull my kneecaps back into place, and I'm hoping the bursitis will also give way with continued weight loss. I want to run!! I have never ran in my life, and it looks so fantastic. I'm also interested in bicycling, and will be buying one once I'm at a weight where one can hold me without the tires going flat. I will be getting gastric bypass surgery in 2012 as well, and exercise is super important with that, of course as well with anything! I love having a group of friends to be accountable to and to help motivate each other :)
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,161 Member
    Sounds like a great idea! My name is Monita and I live in OK with my husband and two boys. I have done well with my weight loss for 2011 going from 297 lbs to 239 lbs. I want to keep up my healthy lifestyle throughout 2012! Count me in!
  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    Hello, I'm Mel! I think this challenge is realistic and exciting. I burn most calories through walking. I look forward to a great year! :flowerforyou:
  • PennyNickel14
    PennyNickel14 Posts: 749 Member
    i am really excited about this group and challenge! I think not only is it doable (i love smart goals). But also it will be great adding up over time and seeing our progress!!!

    I am 33, F, Have about 65 left to lose. My goal for 2012 is to lose 39lbs :).

    I will be finishing up the 30day shred challenge mid jan! Then doing insanity :) starting Jan 16 with @Superjoseph. i also walk my dog.... Alot...
  • Cdcaldwe
    Cdcaldwe Posts: 189 Member
    I am 37 years old from West Virginia, and would ultimately like to loose about 42 more pounds this year and get down to an even 200. I started using MFP at the end of April beginning of May 2011. During warmer weather I like to get out and walk and jog. During the cold weather months I have been hitting the elliptical machine. This spring I plan to start "participating" in 5K's in the area.
  • damifogg
    damifogg Posts: 26 Member
    Hey all!

    2012 will be seeing me hit 30, (March 5th - I like presents). So thought it would be a good year to get my *kitten* into gear. At my heaviest I was just shy of 300lbs, but have always been fairly muscular and rugby player build.
    My weight seems to settle around the 260lbs mark and has done for the last 10 years or so. I'd look weird at under 220lbs I think, so that's the goal!!!

    I plan on doing a lot of rowing and circuits classes, and I'd like to get back into running. I've done one 10k race in 2009, so know I can do it. Just need to get back out there and get to the doing. 5km in sub 30 minutes is the goal before my birthday.

    100,000 calories sounds like a daunting task, but every journey - first step - all that jazz.
  • Hello everyone! My name is Alexis and I'm also new to MFP so please feel free to add me as a friend. I'm a 26 year old graduate student who foolishly made up her mind to start losing weight right in the middle of holiday season :)

    I will be burning calories mostly through Zumba and running, but eventually I would like to try CrossFit. I've had a few friends who's been doing CrossFit exercises for awhile and they've had amazing results.

    Good luck everyone!
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    This group looks amazing.
    I'm Hannah and i'm 20 and I find that I lose lots of weight when I'm not at university just to put it back on when I'm there.
    I'm currently 151.5lb and want to get back to 140 or under. (i'm 5'8 aswell)
    My sister gets married in may 2013, so losing the weight in 2012 means i won't have to crash diet in 2013!
    I thought I'd join this group as it would be great to get into a routine of exercising!
    I have a gym membership so i can imagine I'll be mainly losing weight via cross training and using the treadmill. :)

    Good luck everyone :) xx
  • OooLaurenooO
    OooLaurenooO Posts: 227 Member
    Hey im Lauren and im from Birmingham, England.

    Im 24 and 5'5 weighing in at 158.2lb. Ideally like to get to 137lb but is be happy at 140lb. :smile:

    I plan to work the weight off with a mixture of walking, Zumba & Just dance.
    My weight is coming off slowly and steadly and im happy with that, i dont want to lose lots and gain it all back quickly.
    Ill be holidaying in June/July and dont want to look or feel fat in my bikini like i did this year.

    Good luck everyone. x
  • Hi ! This is my second day on MFP. I am still learning about
    all of the features. I have a 6 week old baby boy:), 7 yo and a 10 year old.
    Yesterday i was able to get on the elliptical for 12 min before baby boy started to cry.
    Breaking down the calories in daily amounts
    makes the challenge seem less daunting,
    This challenge is perfect for me. Baby steps to weight loss !
  • 2011_4mygirls
    2011_4mygirls Posts: 298 Member
    Hello, my name is Bobbi! I am 35 and the mother to three beautiful daughters. I am excited for this challenge because I believe it will help me stay focused!!! I can't wait to see everyone's progress ----we take pictures on 1-1-2012, so we can post them once we are ready :)
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Hi, I'm very interested in this challenge because I am not going to walk around hungry all day anymore, and I am going to lose this weight. Which leaves me two options. Cut off limbs, or exercise.

    After some back and forth I finally decided on exercise as the means to reach and sustain a healthy weight.
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    Good choice MaraDiaz! I would prefer to keep my arm and just get off my rear! :wink:

    I'm Teresa and I'm a geek (chorus of "Hi Teresa"). Hi. I am in Washington State and sit in front of spreadsheets all day, hence the geekiness. I've been on MFP for about 3 months now and lost 28 pounds but I have about twice that left to go.

    I am really pushing hard and consistently burn between 4,000 and 5,000 calories per week right now so this challenge is right up my alley. I hope to reach my goal my the middle of 2012 and will really need all the accountability I can find to keep me going. All of my calorie burns are from my HRM (I can't imagine working out without it now!) and I do a variety of things: elliptical, treadmill, weights, TurboFire and other BeachBody workouts, Jillian Michaels, Bob Harper and lots of pushups and crunches right now (doing both the Hundred Pushups Challenge and Two Hundred Situps Challenge). Also plan to graduate from C25K by year end and MAYBE start the Bridge to 10K but definitely hope to run my very first 5K next year!
  • babynew
    babynew Posts: 613 Member

    OKAY,a question wmbarrassed, but here goes

    What's the easiest way to burn 275 for
    Someone with a lil handicap,no t.v...& hardly
    EVERleaves the house.(yep i am ) Help
  • kendernau
    kendernau Posts: 155 Member

    OKAY,a question wmbarrassed, but here goes

    What's the easiest way to burn 275 for
    Someone with a lil handicap,no t.v...& hardly
    EVERleaves the house.(yep i am ) Help

    Hello, and welcome. As far as places to get an HRM, you can find them at just about any sports store or online (Amazon has a bunch, as well as most fitness related sites with stores). The HRM just estimates how many calories you are burning based on your height, weight, and heart rate - you don't set it to a particular number of calories since it just measures.

    As far as burning the 275 per day, you will have to experiment. Since you are at home, and don't have a TV for one of the fitness DVDs, I would recommend you get some sort of cardio-based exercise equipment that you can handle with your handicap (no details, so can't be more specific than that), if you can. If that is not an option, just be as active as you can - general aerobics (things like jumping jacks, running in place, etc.), body weight exercises, or anything else.

    If you get the HRM, it can help you figure out if you are doing enough activity to get to the 275 calories. Just keep in mind HRMs are not designed to be worn all the time, and are most accurate if you can get your heart rate up into the 65-75+% of your max heart rate.