
So I determined today my budget for a bike is $800. Should I go with a tri bike or a road bike? I don't ever race in bike only events and I don't ride in a group, so the aerobars of a tri bike not being "acceptable" in group rides isn't an issue. I could also just get the clip on aero bars for a road bike. What are the pros & cons of a road bike versus a tri bike? Which one should I get considering I'll only use it to train for tri's and in tri races? Any favorite brands in that price range? Features to make sure I get?

Also, I'm going to get fitted for a bike on Wednesday. I've heard this bike shop is very reputable but what should I make sure they look for/measure/etc.?

Thanks in advance!


  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I am very interested in the responses.

  • Kilter
    Kilter Posts: 188 Member
    For a proper FIT, you'll need to already have your bike. Bike geometry between Tri and Road bikes are different, so it won't be a one size fits all.

    Price point, I'd go with a road bike (for various reasons), you can usually get more bike for your money at the lower end on the price scale. You may find a smoking deal though.

    FELT has a decent tri bike that one shop I know really likes at that price point. The folks there are solid riders and triathletes and know their gear and have told me a few times that the bike is the best value for the money hands down. I haven't ridden one though so I can't give personal experience.

  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    So I need to just buy the bike for my height range, then all the other adjustments will come after I have the bike, right? Thanks for the info!
  • saraht77
    They will help you! Your knee should not ever go ABOVE your hip while peddling. I bought a SPECIALIZED, hybred. It's in between a road-off road. Tire size is about in the middle. And it was under 800! Just like a CAR, If you get 'last years model' they are also cheaper!! Some bike shop can '****er' with prices so don't be afraid to ask, they took 200 off friends bike cause it was a '09 but looked just like my '10!

    Also tests bikes out, know your 'size' then shop around...You could probably get a killer deal in middle of winter, also on CRAIGSLIST!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    For a proper FIT, you'll need to already have your bike. Bike geometry between Tri and Road bikes are different, so it won't be a one size fits all.
    I strongly disagree, at least with the first part. Any good shop will but you on a fitting machine and get your numbers. They will then pick the bike (with teh right stem, bars, etc) to fit you. The second part is true however... geometry between the 2 bikes is very different.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    So I need to just buy the bike for my height range, then all the other adjustments will come after I have the bike, right? Thanks for the info!
    NO!!! Do not do this! Your budget may force you to if you decide to go new, but this should not be your goal! At the very least get fitted first and have the shop give you an idea of your stack/reach and what bikes might be good for you.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Your budget is going to limit you if you want to go with something new. If I were in your shoes, I'd look for something used that is a little better rather than something new that is a little lower end. You can get a solid tri bike for that money if you're patient, but going new will get you all entry level stuff, which I'd avoid if I were in your shoes (wheels and shifters esp).

    As for tri vs road, it's up to you. This may sound like an odd question, but are you a good rider? Tri bikes are SO stiff and your weight is SO far forward and the head angle is SO steep that they can be really twitchy. I'm a pretty experienced rider and it took me a few long rides to really get comfortable on the bike.

    IMO, it really comes down to this... a road bike will likely have a significant (i.e. noticeable) advantage in comfort. The tri bike will be slightly faster (i.e. probably not noticeable in shorter races, minor at best in medium races).

    If it were me with your budget, I'd buy the best bike I could for the money... be it a road bike or a tri bike.

    Good luck!

  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Thanks Jackson--I am NOT a good rider. I knew the geometry was very different between the 2 bikes but couldn't find (through google anyways) what difference the geometry made based on my riding experience. The bike is my weakest leg by far. For now, I am doing sprint tri's and maybe an Olympic distance tri. By the time I would be ready to do a Half Ironman, I'd have a lot more than $800 for a bike and would upgrade significantly. My dad, who is an avid road cyclist, has found a new bike for me but it is a 2009 model so significantly cheaper than the sticker price of a "new 2011-2012" bike. It's a road bike and I'm really looking at going that route now.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Unless you plan on being super competitive, a tri bike is overkill and like Jackson said, it takes getting use to. I have both a road and tri bike, and right now, the difference in speed is not even noticeable. But in time as I train more and get more efficient with the tri bike, that's when I'll see the difference.

    I plan on being competitive (not just a participant) in the local sprint series in 2012.
  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    I believe that the best fit comes BEFORE buying a bike. Get your LBS to fit you first, then they can help you figure out which bike and/or style is best for you. Truth is, not only do different styles of bikes have different fits, but different brands within each style differently, too. So, for instance, Cervellos will have a more aggressive fit than say Kestrels.

    Also, if you go to bike shops, and get on different bikes, it's probably a good bet that you're NOT - repeat NOT - going to feel the most comfortable on the bike that fits you the best. It sounds wrong, but it's not. When you test ride a bike, it's not fit to you. It's just roughly adjusted to your hip height. So be wary of wanting the first bike that feels good on a test ride.

    Probably, with your price point, tri bikes are out. Those things start high and get higher, relatively speaking. A good quality road bike is probably more in your price range. Saying that, I ALWAYS prefer my tri bike to my road bike. Always.

    You might want to think about a cyclocross, or cross bike. Blasphemy, I know. However, their geometry is similar to a road bike, you can put aero clip ons on them (assuming their brakes permit it), and the bike itself has a more versatile range of uses. Bianchi, Kona, and Raleigh make some good cross bikes close to your price range.

    I hope this helps.

  • stefanieswanger
    stefanieswanger Posts: 10 Member
    There has been some great solid advice given!

    I will offer my point of view from personal experience which may or may not help you. I was similar to you several years ago. The bike was my weakest link and I was only interested in Tri's. However, when choosing a bike, I went for a road bike. For me, it was more important to learn bike handling skills and riding etiquette before jumping on a tri bike. Tri bikes are a bit tricky and I can't imagine the difficulty I personally would have experienced by starting out on a tri bike.

    About a year later I upgraded to a high end tri bike and I have very happy with my decision. I am thankful I bought mt road bike first because I would not have know what I was looking for in a tri bike.

    Best of luck in your decision!
  • keldawm
    keldawm Posts: 35 Member
    I bought my bike last March. My first tri was in August. I did not want to spend a lot on a bike. I went with a road bike. It is the Trek Lexa. It is designed for women. I had a fitting done before I bought it, and spent @ 900. I agree that you should be fitted for the bike before you buy.
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    I just realized I never responded with what I ended up with:
    2012 Jamis Ventura Comp road bike. I LOVE it. Thanks for all of the advice, it really made me more confident about choosing road bike over tri bike. I've only had 1 ride on it so far (its so cold...cant stand the wind chill!) but it's my pride & joy :smile:
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Good choice. Jamis are nice bikes. My tri bike is a Jamis Comet. :)
  • Kilter
    Kilter Posts: 188 Member
    nice choice! glad you love it, now grab a trainer and get some indoor spinning done to a Spinervals dvd if the weather is nasty :)
  • kbwdad
    kbwdad Posts: 50 Member
    Good choice, I have a Jamis Comet. I considering buying a Jamis Road Bike this year.
  • Training2Tri
    Training2Tri Posts: 28 Member
    I love my areobars! I have a road bike with them added on. It makes for a comfortable ride.
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    So I determined today my budget for a bike is $800. Should I go with a tri bike or a road bike? I don't ever race in bike only events and I don't ride in a group, so the aerobars of a tri bike not being "acceptable" in group rides isn't an issue. I could also just get the clip on aero bars for a road bike. What are the pros & cons of a road bike versus a tri bike? Which one should I get considering I'll only use it to train for tri's and in tri races? Any favorite brands in that price range? Features to make sure I get?

    Also, I'm going to get fitted for a bike on Wednesday. I've heard this bike shop is very reputable but what should I make sure they look for/measure/etc.?

    Thanks in advance!

    I used to work in a cycling shop and am an avid rider and triathlete, so anytime you have questions just message me!!!

    First of all, I would recommend a road bike over a TT bike (for now). A road bike provides more versatility and comfort. When you purchase a TT bike, you are limiting yourself and so you would only want to do that when you are a committed triathlete. Road bikes handle all sorts of terrain much better than TT bikes (i.e. I would NEVER take my TT bike to ride in the N. Georgia mountains as I do a few times each summer). The TT bike is simply too specialized for the average rider even if you are going to do triathlons. You are meant to get into the aerobars and limit movement to and from. They are also generally more expensive. Most likely you will not find one in that price range unless it's used. I have always had a road bike and did not purchase a TT bike until I had committed myself to doing a Half Ironman. A road bike is enough for shorter distances. If you want the advantages of a TT bike, the clip on bars will help. If you do plan on doing a distance such as the half, then go with the TT bike.

    There are many bikes available in that price range, although it will definitely be the bottom entry level unless you are buying used. Specialized, Trek, Scott, and Felt are great brands. There are many of them though as long as you stick with a pro shop and stay away from big box stores. Cervelo and Specialized make the best TT bikes IMHO.

    As far as features and thing to measure during your fit, it depends on what you are buying, so message me and we can talk more!
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    For a proper FIT, you'll need to already have your bike. Bike geometry between Tri and Road bikes are different, so it won't be a one size fits all.
    I strongly disagree, at least with the first part. Any good shop will but you on a fitting machine and get your numbers. They will then pick the bike (with teh right stem, bars, etc) to fit you. The second part is true however... geometry between the 2 bikes is very different.

    Yes and No.... You need to get a preliminary fit to determine what size/characteristics to buy and then fit again to dial in your purchase. Does that make sense?
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    2 things.

    I have a Giant Trinty A2 I love it. I didnt get fitted but I did a ton of research a head of time. I plan to get professionally fitted this spring. I have made a tremendous amount of adjustments and tweaks on my own to the bike and in both my races I was very comfortable. Still I would suggest you get fitted.

    I found my bike for an incredible price so I couldn't pass it up. I wouldn't suggest you go in to a Tri bike but I wouldn't discourage you not to. you are in the same place as me. You know what your going to ride for why by the dual purpose bike when you can potentially get more benefit from tri specific. However... I've been whooped by people on road bikes. and in my first Team Tri Early last year I was just trounced by a guy albeit 50 lbs lighter then me on a Old steel road bike.

    One more thing...I promise you there will be people that will be on road bikes in a HIM.