Introduction and Welcome!

Hello everyone - - - and thanks for joining the group!

This group is for anyone starting a round of Insanity on 12/26/11 to have a place to comment, get support or advice, complain, cry or just otherwise vent to others that are experiencing the same pain and rewards! Anyone who has been through the program before can tell you that Insanity will challenge you physically AND mentally. Some days it will make you feel great and other days it will make you feel absolutely awful! The results are undeniable however, and the great feeling of accomplishment when performing that final fit test is like that of no other. So strap up them cross-trainers and get ready to DIG DEEPER!

A bit about me...

This will be my second round of Insanity! My wife and I completed our first round together about three months ago or so. Since then, I have attempted P90X and began running, but have since fallen into a post-Thanksgiving rut and have been stuck ever since. Time to hit the reset button folks, and another round with Shaun T is exactly what I need. P90X was way too boring after doing Insanity, however, running is something I have really began to enjoy and I may look for a way to continue to get out and run throughout this round of Insanity. We'll see how it goes and what the weather does, as it's not always easy to get out and run during the Iowa winter months.

Enjoy your holiday... because on 12/26 IT'S GO TIME!


  • YVL93
    YVL93 Posts: 121
    Hey I'm in. I have finals this week and the next but after that its good time =]
  • Jross65
    Jross65 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm in I was going to start on the 19th but i will wait a week. I just finished power 90 last week and was happy with my results but i'm sure insanity is going to be better!!
  • adammccrady
    adammccrady Posts: 99 Member
    Welcome, fellas. My wife did Power 90 for awhile and really liked it. I might have to try it out after this round of Insanity!
  • Jross65
    Jross65 Posts: 38 Member
    originally I started out to do insanity and couldn't make it through the fit test LOL So I decided to do power 90 I went through the whole program and never missed a day. Now I will make it thru this if it kills me and it just may!!!
  • adammccrady
    adammccrady Posts: 99 Member
    You can do it! I remember feeling the same way the first time I took the fit test, and then I remember thinking how hard just the warm-up was. Once you stick with it and get 3-4 weeks into it, you'll be surprised by how fast you progress... I'm sure those feelings will return after the holiday season I'm having...
  • Cindy_Fit4Life
    Cindy_Fit4Life Posts: 147 Member
    I am finishing my 3rd week of Insanity. Can't wait to see how everyone is doing on this wonderful yet challenging workout program!
  • Oni19
    Oni19 Posts: 3
    I started my Insanity round a few days before i found this web site and this forum but im only a week in and due to work I im a day behind so no sunday off for me this week, I tried P90X and i liked it but I go to the Gym every day after work and lift weights, so i dont need two muscle/ strength buidling work outs a day,I hate running on the treadmil, living in Germany i have acces to miles and miles of beautiful running trails but with winter here its hard to find a day were its not raining or snowing espesialy at 4am since i have to be at work by 0645, so insanity looked like the perferct subsitude for my Morning Runs.
  • adammccrady
    adammccrady Posts: 99 Member
    Oni - It sounds like you face the same challenges as me with running... cold/wet/snowy weather in the winter. I haven't ran on an tredmill in awhile, but I used to use an elliptical quite a bit, and I just got tired of staring at the same thing through my whole workout. That's one of the biggest appeals of running to me... it's an opportunity to get outside and see things.
    Insanity is definietly a challenging program that is great for the the indoor months. It should be great prep for the upcoming spring running season. I'm hoping to be prepared to run a 5K at the end of March.

    Determined - Welcome aboard One more week to recovery week. Get ready to crank it up a few gears in month 2! Good luck and STICK WITH IT!
  • hey everybody,

    My name is fatimah (timah for short) :) this is my first group i've joined. I'm here looking for support and encouragement and the title of your group attracted me to you all. i didn't see a description of what we are exactly doing, or supposed to do so if someone can fill me in on the details that would be great. that way now and once 12/26 comes i can be ready.

    24 y/o
    155 trying to get to 135-130 by 1/17 or latest 1/21
    (with a side goal of 140-145 by end of the month)
  • Hi, new to fitnesspal here, but i am on my first round of insanity, and currently in my second month. My goal is to lose at least 5lbs for the second month. Just did Max interval circuit, and gosh, i was sweating buckets.
  • adammccrady
    adammccrady Posts: 99 Member
    Max Interval Circuit is killer... definitely the toughest workout in Insanity. Can't wait to get back at it!
  • cat_1977
    cat_1977 Posts: 79 Member
    I'm in!

    I'm also terrified! Had planned for a new year start but you're dead right - why wait!
  • balibee146
    balibee146 Posts: 127 Member
    Hello all

    I hatched a plan around Oc tober to start my first round of Insanity on 26th December. Posted a couple of times on the forums looking for others interested but there didn't seem to be anybody! So i am real excited to join this group.

    I'm Ali, 42 and mum to two pre schoolers. I work full time (boo!!) and live in Central Scotland. Really looking forward to getting to know you on here and please freiend me too if you'd like to - I love the support i get on here from my buddies. I tend to keep my numbers fairly small so i can really keep up with people.....

    Good luck everyone
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    Hi! I have been planning for a while now to start Insanity on January 2nd with a friend, because I am moving around and busy until then. Hopefully this is okay, since I am away from home until then and do not have the DVDs with me. I will just have to finish a little later than the rest of you! This will be my first round, but I have had the DVDs for a while and have tried a few of them out.
    I plan on following the meal plan, at least as much as possible. Has anyone else done this or are you planning to?
    I'm really excited to start, have seen some amazing results from other members on here! Good luck everyone :)
  • I'm going to actually start the Insanity program tomorrow. So, I hope I can still join and participate!

    I just sent my husband on his 6 month deployment yesterday, so am bound and determined to lose the 30 pounds before he returns in the summer. I haven't been working out at all for about a month, so I'm excited to get into a routine.

    I'm going to be doing my own meal plan (I'm a very picky eater!), but will be doing Shakeology for a while until I run out of it; then will just make my own protein shakes.
  • adammccrady
    adammccrady Posts: 99 Member
    Welcome to all the new faces, er, screen names....
    Definitely excited about the number of people interestedin the group. It's always so motivating to have a team around you that KNOWS what your going through when you're doing a program like INSANITY. During my first round, I found a thread on the forums that I would keep going back to for support and to see how others were doing with the program, so it'll be nice to have this group to come back to each night.
    I did not follow the meal plan during my first round of Insanity, nor do I plan to this round. I will be setting my fitness profile to lose one poind a week, and will be STRICTLY logging my meals... something I have fallen off the wagon on since Thanksgiving. That is what I did during my first round and had great results. I also make it personal goal to try to keep my fat intake below 16 g per day, which I feel like makes a huge difference for me.
    Can't wait to get through these holidays and get started!
  • cbaylis
    cbaylis Posts: 30 Member
    Hi I'm Christy. I did Insanity almost a year ago for the first 30 days and got to the second part and well, wasn't too successful. I am also running to train for a few races, so sometimes I use that as an excuse :-) I was going to start after the new year but I saw this group and thought it would be great to start on the 26th. Problem being I am traveling a lot through the holidays. I am going to pack my DVD's and computer thought and give it a go. Hopefully the group will help.
  • HisChild2011
    HisChild2011 Posts: 145 Member
    Hi all! I wanna join! I just finished P90X last week and was gonna wait til the new year to start Insanity but lets do it! I'm looking forward to the intense cardio so I can shred some more weight off!
  • raven56706
    raven56706 Posts: 918 Member
    Im in home boy...

    Need to burn off this flab i have from all the weight loss i have done... on the 26th its on... I will be doing it from my labtop...

    Starting weight: 232
    Current weight is 198.2
    Goal weight : 180

    Add me as a friend if you need some motivation!
  • How are you adding the exercises into your journal?