


  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Great ideas!!!
    Hi!! I for 1 would like to see more nutritional challenges like adding a min of fruit per day (i don't eat fruit at all) or a min of water, min of sugar.

    hmmm what else... maybe exercise wise we cud do like a number of miles a week or min of minutes in the gym.

    lifestyle wise we could do like a min of hours sleep, less buying fast food.

    just a few suggestions. I just want to be challenged! hehehehe
  • jdawg1105
    jdawg1105 Posts: 42 Member
    Since I am new to MFP and this will be my first challenge I think anything and everything that we will be doing will be putting me out of my comfort zone so I am up for anything.
  • darlalu00
    darlalu00 Posts: 187 Member
    Team Mates: I would like input from members in regards to the type of challenges you would like to see for group challenges. Obviously, I can't please everyone every week...but this is a lifestyle change, and as we move toward being healthier, some of it will certainly take us out of our comfort zone! That being said, I would like to give everyone an opportunity to have a voice! Challenges will be both physical and nutritional in nature. Thanks in advance!!!

    GO PINK!

    I'm cool with any challenges you give us.
  • lisalamb62

    I am Lisa and I am a full-time student and a homeschooling mom. Next semester is a full load, have an internship to do and for I commute 100 miles for school, sooooo everything will be a challenge for me!
    I was never this overweight until the past 3 years. I use to carry about an extra 25 pounds but I was also a cyclist and hiker...very active. I went back to school and have gained 60 pounds in 3 years!!!! I am horrified that I let myself get this way. Driving, sitting on class, studying....It wasn't the eating as much as no longer exercising that got me so heavy.

    PS I just ordered a Biggest Loser pink T-shirt to wear during my workouts. Go Pink team!!!
  • vwhite33
    vwhite33 Posts: 22 Member
    Howdy y'all! :) My name's Victoria; I'm 20 years old. When I first gave my info for this challenge I weighted in at 199.6 lbs and at my "unofficial midweek weigh-in" I'm around 196 lbs. I cannot remember a time since 5th or 6th grade since I've been this small! I wore size 18 jeans in 6th grade! I mean, being an obese kid was no joke! but I think I tolerated it well! I was always outgoing and made friends easily so I was never really bullied but as I got older, I became more self-conscious of my weight and became more introverted!

    I joined MFP toward the end of March 2011 and since then have lost roughly 53 lbs and am still going strong! I've changed A LOT! I eat healthy now! I no longer crave chocolate all day everyday...or ice cream...or cake. you get the point. I eat relatively well...I still eat a lot, but I eat good, filling foods; foods that are going to help me not hurt me! I was exercising a good bit...but that stopped when I had my car accident in October 2011. I'm just now getting back into the swing of things!

    Through this challenge I'm hoping to drop AT LEAST 30 pounds; I'd love to drop 50 but lets be realistic, once I start getting smaller losing weight will be harder! Any challenge is fine by me! :)

    Um yeah...I'm in college. I study biology. I live with 3 other girls! so yeah...hmu! :)
  • ssbarfarkle
    ssbarfarkle Posts: 150 Member
    Hey Pink Peeps- any name & any challenges work for me. I probably won't be as active as most members since I am an accountant & tax season is right around the corner.But I will do my part for Team Pink! I can't let you all down!!

    Do we weigh in again on the first or just go with the weight we gave earlier?
  • Hyperspace

    I want to look good in a bikini again. So the "Bathing Suit Challenge" attracted me. The last time I looked good in a bikini was only about 3 or 4 years ago, so I figure I'm not too old! LOL.

    I "only" weigh 123 lbs, but I don't carry it well. I'm 5'2' and small-boned-- up until age 40 I usually kept my weight under 115 lbs or so, but it slowly has crept up . My body fat % is 33%--- and that tells the tale right there. I've got too darn much fat on me!

    When I was at my best-- mid-20's and working out a lot-- I weighed 98 lbs and it was muscle. Not skin and bones-- muscle. I wish I'd had a professional naked photography session done then, LOL

    I mostly need encouragement to exercise more. I don't like to do it so I don't force myself to make time for it. Overeating isn't really my problem, but when you're my size you can't eat very many calories unless you keep very active.
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    We will do another weigh in just prior to the challenge. I will be posting challenge weigh in time information this weekend. What would REALLY help me to make it manageble for all team members is to let me know what time zone you are all in (as many people don't have their locations in their profiles). I'm trying to make the weigh in process easy for everyone yet streamlined. Still looking for a co-captain, if anyone is interested please inbox me! Thanks!!
    Hey Pink Peeps- any name & any challenges work for me. I probably won't be as active as most members since I am an accountant & tax season is right around the corner.But I will do my part for Team Pink! I can't let you all down!!

    Do we weigh in again on the first or just go with the weight we gave earlier?
  • Wendyma1
    Wendyma1 Posts: 289 Member
    Hi Pink team,

    My name is Wendy. Never really had a problem with weight until I hit 40! Now everything is going downhill. I'm here because I want to be healthy! My whole family has diabetes and I am the only one left without it. Personally, I would like to keep it that way and I know the only way to prevent that is to stay as healthy as possible.

    So here I am! Cant wait for the challenge to begin. I'm sure we will all do great, especially since we have each other!
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    im from eastern time zone
  • lisalamb62
    Good morning! I am on Central time! :)
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    That's awesome!!!!! Maybe I will find one, also, to keep me on track and to go along with my new gym membership :)


    I am Lisa and I am a full-time student and a homeschooling mom. Next semester is a full load, have an internship to do and for I commute 100 miles for school, sooooo everything will be a challenge for me!
    I was never this overweight until the past 3 years. I use to carry about an extra 25 pounds but I was also a cyclist and hiker...very active. I went back to school and have gained 60 pounds in 3 years!!!! I am horrified that I let myself get this way. Driving, sitting on class, studying....It wasn't the eating as much as no longer exercising that got me so heavy.

    PS I just ordered a Biggest Loser pink T-shirt to wear during my workouts. Go Pink team!!!
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Ok Teammates! It looks like we will from here on out be named Pink Panthers :)

    We will have a weigh in prior to the beginning of the challenge. I am requesting that the pre challenge weigh in be submitted by Thursday evening, 8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (December 29th)

    Our 1st challenge weigh in will be Friday January 13th. Weigh ins will then be every Friday. I am requesting to have ALL weigh ins no later than 2:00 pm Friday (Eastern Standard time). If you're going to be out of town or away where you are unable to weigh in, please send weigh in early.

    I will be out of town Friday, Saturday and Sunday this coming week, so I will do my best to have a blog set up and keep everyone updated prior to.

    Let's Do This!!!! :)
  • lisalamb62
    Sounds great! I usually weigh in on Sundays so, I will change my weigh-ins to Friday starting this week.... :)
  • thompsoj05
    thompsoj05 Posts: 86 Member
    Eastern time zone
  • Wendyma1
    Wendyma1 Posts: 289 Member
    Pacific time!
  • rikorb
    rikorb Posts: 51 Member
    Hey everyone!
    My name is Kristy and I'm 28 and from Australia. This is my first big challenge so I'm very excited.
    My story is, I'm a single mum of 2 young kids and since having my first child I have put on 55lbs, was around 143 and now up to 191lbs. I have been trying to lose weight for the past year but things have got in the way and I just wasnt in the right mind set. But I am now at the stage in my life I am feeling happy and positive and ready for my new life and new lifetsyle change.
    I am training to become a massage therapist and in April we start the on campus practical side where we massage each other. I really want to lose the majority of this weight by then so I'm not so self concious about having my whole class mates seeing A Lot of me lol

    Good Luck everyone and I look forward to spending this journing with you all.
  • rikorb
    rikorb Posts: 51 Member
    I'm new to challenges so I don't know exactly what happens but is there a separate blog or group for our pink team?
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Yep! I'll be setting up a group page for us this week :)

    I'm new to challenges so I don't know exactly what happens but is there a separate blog or group for our pink team?
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Eastern time zone