Check in and intros



  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Thanks Emma, I think I was added to it yesterday :smile:
  • SmujnZ
    SmujnZ Posts: 47 Member
    Hi All! Finally found a moment to check out the NZ specific group - great to read through all the intros and see loads of fellow Aucklanders too!

    My name is Bonni, I am a 32yo single mum to a quirky 11yr old boy and breed Arabian Riding ponies as a hobby and have many slightly psychotic animals with which my son and I share our lives!

    I started my weight loss journey in mid August last year and as of Friday 9/12/2011 I have lost 48.9kgs... still a fair way to go to get to my goal weight though! I have gone from a 24jean size and today - mooching around on a Sunday morning I am comfortably in my size 12's..... I am finding this last stretch the hardest for various reasons but am determined to stick to it!

    Looking forward to getting to know you all!
    <edited to add - please feel free to add me! - always good to have a strong support network!>
  • Jahro
    Jahro Posts: 3
    Hey guys,

    My name's Jahro. Age is 23 and reside in Auckland. Day 1 on MFP completed. :) YUS! 2nd year at uni (doing Sociology and Psych).
    A fan of music, arts etc. I play football (soccer) for a casual team.

    Signed up on this to keep track of my intake, stabalise my highs and lows and get fit. :)

    Cheers all for the support so far. :D
  • w3nch
    w3nch Posts: 23 Member
    Hi all :)

    My name is Bridgit, I'm 36 from Auckland. I'm married (nearly 5 months now) and have two beautiful children (girl 13 and boy 2 1/2).
    I joined MFP about 5 weeks ago, as it was suggested by a friend who I'm doing Atkins with. I was starting to lose weight mid year (and even lost weight while on our family holiday cruise in May) but then started putting back on the kgs when my dad passed away in August. I really should thank that friend for introducing me to Atkins .... I feel so good and it's the first "diet" that I've done that I haven't been obsessed about food and what/when I was going to eat next. So far I've lost 4 kgs and my clothes are fitting better and people are commenting on how I am "melting" away (lol if only).

    So hi, that's me :)
  • kiwigal111
    kiwigal111 Posts: 21 Member
    Congrats on your recent wedding and welcome.......
  • w3nch
    w3nch Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks Kiwigal :happy:
  • gail_cook
    Hi all,

    My name's Gail. I'm from Christchurch, been back here for 8 months after 5 years in Aus.
    I am loving this site and the support you get from people on the same journey as you.
    Would love to meet any other Chch people interested in getting together for a walk etc to keep each other motivated.

    Start Weight:: 97.8 kg on 19th December 2011
    HEIGHT IS : 152 cms
    Current Weight:: 94.6 kg on 20th December 2011
    GOAL WEIGHT: 52 kg

    I've got a long way to go, but all the struggles and tumbles will be worth it!
  • w3nch
    w3nch Posts: 23 Member
    Excellent Gail! Good luck for your journey :) You're right, it is going to be worth it :)
  • SmujnZ
    SmujnZ Posts: 47 Member
    Welcome guys! I'm about to take the wild hounds for a walk - thanks for adding me Gail, looking forward to getting to know you :)

    Here's to our new body images and NEW CLOTHES! yeahha
  • w3nch
    w3nch Posts: 23 Member
    Wow SmujnZ, excellent work losing 45 + kgs!! That's awesome! Curious to know how you did it? What sort of plan did you do?
  • alleyrat
    Hi - I thought I put an intro but it disappeared... Anyway I'm 58 yo live in Auckland and am currently down to 93kg. Regained some of a big loss but determined to continue to my goal. Have set this goal at 80kg but once that is achieved will set my sights on 75kg
  • KahuNZ
    KahuNZ Posts: 401 Member
    Welcome and good luck in the journey - it can be done! One day at a time.
  • pukekolive
    pukekolive Posts: 237 Member
    Hi All my name is Elaine and I am 58 years old living with my partner in Hamilton.

    My weight has gone up and down all my life since my late teens and I have lost a few stone (5 stone at one stage) a couple of time in my life but not kept it off.

    Now I am middle aged I want to look forward to an active retirement so trying my best to get fitter and lose some pounds along the way.

    I have an electronic treadmill which I use every day for at least 20 minutes and my partner and I do 'geocaching' which can involve us in various lengths of bush walks etc.

    We use Endomondo sports tracker (free for both Iphone and Android) and also use their web application to log our walks etc using GPS and Google maps.

    Glad to find a specific Kiwi group and hope to catch up with some of you in real time one day

    Elaine Byrne
  • w3nch
    w3nch Posts: 23 Member
    Hello Pukekolive, good luck with your journey to a new you :)
  • leahevans
    Hi everyone!
    My name is Leah, i'm a 27 year old kiwi girl from Auckland (but been a Wellingtonian for the past 3 years). Right now I am living the slow life in Whistler, BC. I threw in my job at the beginning of 2011 and decided to have a year of being FREE - which involved moving to the other side of the world.In my "real life" I am a PR consultant, but right now I work retail and am learning to snowboard.

    In my last job I was diagnosed with chronic stress, and gained an extreme amount of weight - My starting weight was 76.2kgs (which was very heavy for me). I worked with a personal trainer and completed Round 1 of Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation (an online weight loss programme) to get down to 71kgs when I left NZ in May, Since being overseas, lessening my stress, and being in a job where I stand/walk constantly I have shed a further 6kgs - currently sitting at 65kgs. My goal is to get to 60kgs.

    It's winter and cold and full of snow/little exercise/comfort foods right now - I have been feeling the pudge a bit. I am reigniting my MFP account and thought that joining some groups was sure to help!

    Look forward to meeting you all!
  • FiremanSam111
    Hello, I'm Sam. I'm a 36 year old solo Father of 2 lovely children, Tyler 8 and Cassandra 6. I'm originally from England and Wales, but I've been living around Palmerston North since 1988. My fitness motivation is to run the Wellington marathon in June 2012, and to become a NZ Fireman. I currently teach intermediate children in Palmy. My biggest challenge is to handle hunger! Exercise is not a problem, although my knee has just flared up yesterday :-( I enjoy running, cycling, swimming, and hiking the Manawatu Gorge track. I also do a bit of body building, and hope to see my 6 pack some time soon! My body... Height 5" 11, Chest 47", guns 16" I've been working out for 5 weeks, and lost 4% body fat while gaining 2Kg lean muscle. I am 105Kg at the moment. I hope to get to 90Kg, and about 15-20% body fat.
  • SmujnZ
    SmujnZ Posts: 47 Member
    Hi again! Welcome to all newbies :).
    W3nch - sorry for taking so long to reply! I didn't really follow an official plan, just made a conscious effort to have breakfast lunch and dinner rather than "starve, starve and binge" - meal replacement shakes are my friend - super quick and easy to grab on the run! Its still been an up and down process though.

    I don't deny myself anything - if I really want something, I'll have it (I am totally addicted to chocolate and liquourice) but I try to be "accountable" for what I put in my gob - even before I found MFP I had a little food diary that I wrote everything in! I actually find calorie counting MUCH harder to stay on track with than not - as before I always had fruit and veg as "free choice", I think I need to get back to that because now I find myself grabbing a muesli bar or some other diety processed snack as it leaves me with a lower calorie count.

    Christmas has been a tad abysmal - 2kgs back on YIKES!!! Best get my a into g again ;)
  • melantie
    Hi everyone!

    I joined this group yonks ago, but never actually said hi!

    I joined in June this year, i have been up and down in weight, my highest was 119.5, my last MFP was 112.3, so ive burnt off 7.2kg! YAY. However, i fell off the wagon (stress, quit course, got married, had health problems) And i am back at 114.3, even though its been going up and down for the last few months ive never gone back over 114.5 so thats a positive!

    I am an addict (not serious), i have an addictive personality and it can be really horrible at times, i get carried away with small things, computer, smoking, drinking (one every night kinda thing) I need to learn that if i just stop ill still be ok, i have stopped and started smoking alot in the last few years, hopefully 2012 will be the final year that i stop!

    Im 29, i have 3 kids, nearly 6, 4 and nearly 3. I was studying bachelor in social work at EIT in Napier. But i stopped due to reasons above, i hope to pick it up again once my middle child is at school.

    Im looking for friends that are going to be consistent with me, i really need people to tell me what to do, otherwise i can get lazy lol!

    I still have a few health problems, i had bad hips, but they havent played up in ages now since losing that first 5kg! Amazing what that little amount of weight can do! However i now have a foot problem, doctor says ganglion cyst but im not so sure as it is really quite painful in my foot no matter what i do! ie washing dishes, walking to the letterbox etc. So this is discouraging to want to exercise when im in pain!

    Good to see there are a few more hawkes bay people in this group.
  • kiwigal111
    kiwigal111 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi again.
    Hey Sam I'm a teacher too...I teach Y6-8 at a 3 teacher country school.

    I'm loving the holidays, been able to exercise. I have a 7 yr old son who has become a personal trainer to both his Dad and I.... he's fair cracking the whip!!!!! lol......

    I hope I can keep up the exercise when school starts.... life gets soooo busy when school's back.
  • StudyMum
    StudyMum Posts: 9 Member
    Hey All,
    I'm Rosie from Hastings. I'm 33, 178cm tall and about 75kgs (will weigh in in the morning). When I got married at 19 I was 60 kgs, then just 4 years later I was 84kg. At 24 I'd dropped down to 72 kg when I got pregnant with my eldest, and 18 months later I was 68 when I got pg 2nd time around. I'm almost certain I haven't been below 72 again & I really want to get there!

    My sis who's basically been the same size as me has now dropped down below 70 and it's driving me nuts that I can't keep up. Can you tell we've always been competitive?

    I'm part time extramural uni student, part time mum now they're all at school, and part time office worker for my hubby who works for himself.