I'm so excited to get INSANITY started. I have been trying to lose weight for a while now with no luck but that will turn around once I get started in the workout program. I have seen so many reviews and youtube videos on INSANITY and have seem nothing but great reviews.


  • TokiDokiGirl12
    TokiDokiGirl12 Posts: 73 Member
    I just got Insanity too and thought this would be a great incentive for 2012 to get fit and trim!!! Let's do it!
  • Jamiebaby05
    Jamiebaby05 Posts: 47 Member
    I have Insanity and i did a round a year and a half ago and i saw great results.....and now i am ready to do it again. Its going to be a challenge but with a new year brings new challanges and new goals. Lets do this!!
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm Anna from London, Uk.

    I tried Insanity once and thought it was too hard, but since then I've done P90X and Turbofire, so I think I should be fitter now.

    I can't start on the 1st of Jan as its my birthday, but I will start when the hangover is gone :laugh: probably the 3rd! I really need to get back to losing weight again. I've slacked off much too much in the last few months.

    Good luck to you all :flowerforyou:
  • mandalackey
    mandalackey Posts: 25 Member
    I have been doing Insanity on and off throughout the past year, but never consecutively because I just had a copy from a friend. I would throw it in whenever I felt like doing it, but have mostly been doing TurboFire (LOVE!), a little bit of running, and a little bit of P90X. We bought the whole Insanity program for Christmas and I'm excited to get started (well, technically my husband and I started yesterday). The meal plan is amazing! It's the first one I've looked at without cringing at half of the stuff in it...all of it looks SO good! I just had a baby so hopefully this will get that extra baby weight off quickly!
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 694 Member
    Hey!! My name is Abby and I also got Insanity for xmas...and was planning on starting on the 1st anyway so why not join a group. I recently finished p90x and I also run. I will not be following the program exactly. Most likely I will be doing it only 4 days a week and running 3 days a week. But I would still love to join!!!
    Oh I have about 10-15 more lbs to lose!
  • Hi Group!

    My name is Julia! This is my 2nd time "restarting" Insanity. I stopped on the half way through my 1st round :/ Although I did not finish my first round of Insanity, I saw great results in just few weeks. I've lost 8 lbs in 2 weeks and all i did was just push "play". So... I know for SURE it works :)

    This is actually my 2nd day... But I will be glad to do over my first week on 1/1/2012 .. so we can do this together!!! :)

    Goal: lose 25 lbs
    Current Weight: 139
    Height: 5'6"

    Julia :)
  • season1980
    season1980 Posts: 129 Member
    Hi my name is Shanna! I will be starting Insanity Round 2 on the 2nd of January with one of my close friends. I did a round last spring and lost 15 pounds but after my vacation to Costa Rica last June I quit working out and ate and drank whateva I wanted and gained it back.....So this time I am starting over and have been working out consistently for 2 months doing Heavy Weights 3 times a week and Zumba 2 times a week along with walking on my breaks. One thing I do remember last time I did Insanity was that I was starving and eating all the time and still losing weight! So I am excited to start but dreading the 5 am sessions.

    Todays weight: 152
    Starting BF%: 29.6
    Goal: Loose 10 inches total and body fat % down to at least 22% this round :tongue:
  • summergreen487
    summergreen487 Posts: 131 Member
    Hi my name is Nicole (aka Summer).

    I just got Insanity as a present. I have been doing various Jillian Michaels workouts for the last 3 months so I'm hoping I will be fit enough to keep up. I will be out of town for the holiday weekend so my start date will likely be the 3rd of January.
  • cuatesmom
    cuatesmom Posts: 173 Member
    I bought insanity 3 months ago and watched the fit test...decided i was not ready yet...since then i have done JM shred in 30 and am currently finishing ripped in 30...i run10k s/cycle/spin/swim have done 2 triathlons and 3 half marathons-- so I am pretty fit but am still a little scared to start this.

    I have lost 22 pounds in the past 98 days and am working on my last 15 pounds

    i am 5'6' and weigh 166 today.
    my goal weight is 151

    i love strength work and the shapely muscles that come from my goal is NOT to be bony...just strong, firm, and not round in the middle.

    I am a mother of 5 yr old twins (CUATES means twins in Spanish; so I am cuatesmom on here) who were proudly breast fed till age 3.5 so I have not been in a huge hurry to lose the momma weight...but I have begun that journey now.

    assuming i get over my current bout of the flu i will start INSANITY on 1/1/12 .

    best of luck to all of us!
  • Finallyfit1976
    Finallyfit1976 Posts: 154 Member
    count me in please????
  • I would like to join in the group, I also got insanity as Christmas present
  • cbaylis
    cbaylis Posts: 30 Member
    I also got half way through Insanity the first time. I did notice a difference in my tone, however when it jumped to phase 2, I had trouble staying with it because the programs were longer. Perhaps I will do better this time :-)
  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    Hey All,
    My name is Jennifer. I am 24 years old. A momma to three wonderful girls 2, 4, 7. They keep me busy. I also work full time. I have an amazing husband. We are going to be doing Insanity together!
    I am starting Insanity again on Monday 1-2. I got through almost the whole first month back in September and I had a lot of set backs. I am now ready to start over!

    Feel free to add me!

  • SheriSpen
    SheriSpen Posts: 2 Member
    Good Afternoon all. My name is Sheri, I've had the insanity program for about 2 years thanks to my son in the military who gave it to me. It's time now I begin the program and will work to figure out how to pull it up and get it started on my laptop :-/ At 45 I don't think it is ever too late to begin anything. I am also gearing up to return to running, I've picked up the proper shoe today for my Plantar Fasciitis issues and ready to just DO THIS and see what happens. :-) I am not a dieter, only a healthier lifestyle changer for this girl. I'd love all the assistance, pointers and info I can get to make it through each program. Looking forward to a new me.
  • virvin88
    virvin88 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello I just bought the insanity kit and will be starting on 1/1/12 also ...I have just started my weight lose mission about amonth ago and I also do jillian michaels in the afternoon and insanity at night ...So excited to start I hope I can make some new friends who are also starting Insanity on 1/1

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • My wife and I just started INSANITY. I'm on day 4 and she is on day 2. We're hoping to get our cardiovascular health back.
  • Sairasac
    Sairasac Posts: 12 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My name is Saira. I'm from Richmond, VA and have been doing TurboFire for the last 5 months. I am 27 and packed on a lot of 'grieving' weight after my father's death. I was NOT motivated when I started TurboFire but somehow got into it after the first HIIT workout. Since then, my life has changed completely and I'm forever grateful to Chalene and TurboFire for that! I am hoping TurboFire has prepared me for Insanity because it seems my body needs a shock.

    I'm looking forward to doing this program with all of you!:smile:
  • dancer4life627
    dancer4life627 Posts: 40 Member
    Hey! My name is Theresa and I started Insanity yesterday instead of Sunday. I started it once already in October but I only made it about half way through because I decided to start running and do C25K. It's a new year though and I wanted to start Insanity again and actually stick to it completely! I'm ready to do this!
  • Hi everyone! My name is Stephanie and I'm 26, 5'8" and 148 (recently gained almost 10 lbs over the last few months and holidays - not happy!) and I am trying to lose weight because I'm getting married in May (and I need to lose it in general). I've always loved working out, but I also love good food so it's been a challenge keeping my weight down. I started using myfitnesspal to log my calories, and I think this is going to help me keep perspective when eating "the good food."

    I am starting Insanity next week, currently doing Turbofire and just waiting for Insanity to arrive - I've heard great things and I can't wait to try it!! My goal is to lose 15 lbs before my last dress fitting, so that gives me about 4 months. It will be a challenge but definitely achievable if I put my mind to it.

    I look forward this experience with all of you!
  • I haven't bought it yet but I have wanted it since I heard about it, A couple of my friends did it last semester at school and they look so much better even after just one semester of school. I am going to go purchase it now! I am not really good at staying with things and am lazy when it comes to getting up. As I am typing this I was napping from 420-530 and and watching NCIS instead of going to the gym, or even to the store to return my moms Christmas gift. I hope that by joining this group I will have more motivation! Feel free to yell at me and get me moving! :)

    oh haha about me.

    I just turned 21 December 26th. I am 5'5" or 6" and weight 174-180 depending on the day and shoes or not. I weighted 135 in the spring of 2009 and I never noticed how good I looked until I lost it and gained so much weight in such a fast time. My metabolis is slower than usual, I work as a nurses aid at a hospital while going to nursing school, and my family has bad genes so I am fighting a lot. It doesn't help my gf lost 70 lbs this past year bc I am jealous of her and yet don't get going.

    I hope to really lose it this year. My brother is getting married in july and I want to fit into my 2009 dress but given that is too much to lose in a short time I will settle for a size 34 males jeans instead of 38 and size 11 female jeans instead of 16.