WLS - November / December Daily Conversation Thread



  • alleyrat
    ..shortened to save space....

    I wanted to cry.

    I thought about running out at lunch to get some melting chocolate and repairing them here before I go but I'm not sure it would work and I'm thinking about not going to the party anyway. I do have 10 other generic "holiday" pops so I do have something to bring to the potluck but I am worried about my head. If I can get through the work day without a headache, there is no way I should go to a party because that will definitely give me a headache. I'd been having "I want to go. I don't want to go." thoughts for a while now and my reindeer breaking seems to have shifted me firmly over to the "don't want to" position.

    Chin up old girl! Come on you can do it - no need to not go because you don't have the fabulous pops. Sorry to hear about all that hard work being wasted. It seems a bit spooky that he poor reindeer came to grief - with you and the head injury and all. Just tell yourself you are welcome at any event just for who you are not for what you bring or what you do! I'm cheering you on because I struggle with social events - will get out of them if possible, but when I do make the effort and turn up I find someone interesting to talk to and feel good that I got out.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I ended up not going because of my head. I am trying to be very careful because we're going to WDW in two weeks and I want to be able to run around the parks and stuff!

    My family and I ate the antler-less reindeer and I'm bringing the other cake pops to my Board meeting tonight. I also don't want to go to that and I know my head will be killing me but we're doing the annual budget tonight so I have to be there.

    I am very social so that wasn't the real issue. The issue was whether or not I'd have a good time not being able to skate and worrying about my head.
  • GenieM0119
    GenieM0119 Posts: 32 Member
    I"ve been away for awhile....not only from the boards but from the scale as well. I knew I had picked up a few pounds, but I was not prepared for what I saw on the scle this morning. My surgery was in January 2007, with a starting weight of 265lbs. my lowest weight was 168lbs...97lbs lost. My weight this morning was 202lbs....a weight gain of 34lbs. I almost passed out from the shock.

    Back to basics and exercising is the only way I know to beat this monster on my back. I tell everyone that talks about WLS and thinking that it's the easy way out...IT'S A TOOL not the solution to the problem. It still takes work and a lot of input from you.

    The holidays are over and I have a birthday coming in March...and a 20lb. goal in mind. Hoping for more, but one day at a time is my beginning. Packing my lunch and snacks...weighing weekly and logging daily...back on track.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I"ve been away for awhile....not only from the boards but from the scale as well. I knew I had picked up a few pounds, but I was not prepared for what I saw on the scle this morning. My surgery was in January 2007, with a starting weight of 265lbs. my lowest weight was 168lbs...97lbs lost. My weight this morning was 202lbs....a weight gain of 34lbs. I almost passed out from the shock.

    Back to basics and exercising is the only way I know to beat this monster on my back. I tell everyone that talks about WLS and thinking that it's the easy way out...IT'S A TOOL not the solution to the problem. It still takes work and a lot of input from you.

    The holidays are over and I have a birthday coming in March...and a 20lb. goal in mind. Hoping for more, but one day at a time is my beginning. Packing my lunch and snacks...weighing weekly and logging daily...back on track.

    welcome back Genie!! You can do it girl!
  • melvac
    melvac Posts: 333 Member
    we are here with you and for you. All I can say is just do it it works. I have the same issue until I got serious here in July since have lost the wt I gain plus I am gonna get to my goal this round..:drinker: :drinker: