


  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    So you wouldn't mind paying for high hospital bills for a family member terminally ill and in a coma with no chance of recovery? Even it if financially put you and your family in debt for the rest of your life? And would that person you're doing it for ask you to do that?
    I think that sometimes religion gets in that way of actual logical thinking when it comes to matters like this. Think about it in these terms. If the god you worshiped wanted them to live, then hospitalization and medical attention wouldn't be needed.

    No, I wouldn't mind paying medical bills for a family member in a coma. I'm not going to argue God's will with you. The issue is euthanasia. I would never end someone's life if they were terminally ill and begging me to do so. Couldn't do it. That is all.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    The biggest and longest lasting lesson I have learned in my 25+ years in healthcare is that there are far worse things to have happen than dying.
    The importance of having your wishes in these circumstances known and the important people in your life well aware of your wishes and can be counted on to make the hard choices cannot be overstated.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I absolutely do not want my family to waste money keeping me alive by hooking me up to any type of life support. Pull the plug on me.

    Make you wishes clear with your hospital and your family.

    The last thing I would want to do would see my wife and/or children spending their future on me, If I can't enjoy the quality of life I am experiencing now.

    That's why I have a living will and my wishes are explicityly laid out on paper.
  • Clark22K
    Clark22K Posts: 3 Member
    If your body is being kept alive by machines (oxygen through breathing tube and nutrients through a feeding tube) could you not argue that you are interfering with God's will? If all forms of support were removed, you would die.

    It's a common argument not to remove people off of life support because it's God's will for those people to live. Perhaps in reality you are preventing God's will.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member

    No, I wouldn't mind paying medical bills for a family member in a coma. I'm not going to argue God's will with you. The issue is euthanasia. I would never end someone's life if they were terminally ill and begging me to do so. Couldn't do it. That is all.
    The point was that we're keeping the person alive artificially. If there was no medical interference, then the outcome would probably be death. Not because you willed it but because that's what happens in nature.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    The point was that we're keeping the person alive artificially. If there was no medical interference, then the outcome would probably be death. Not because you willed it but because that's what happens in nature.

    So, are we debating euthanasia or "pulling the plug" or DNR?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    The point was that we're keeping the person alive artificially. If there was no medical interference, then the outcome would probably be death. Not because you willed it but because that's what happens in nature.

    So, are we debating euthanasia or "pulling the plug" or DNR?
    Isn't "pulling the plug" considered euthanasia to you?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Isn't "pulling the plug" considered euthanasia to you?

    "Pulling the plug" to me means removing a machine from an unconscious person who is brain dead. Euthanasia is different.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    Isn't "pulling the plug" considered euthanasia to you?

    "Pulling the plug" to me means removing a machine from an unconscious person who is brain dead. Euthanasia is different.
    So a terminally ill person who has been unconcious for a year with brain activity not the same?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    I never understood why we are able to humanely put our pets down when they are suffering at the end of their lives, but don't have the option to offer the same for people.
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    I never understood why we are able to humanely put our pets down when they are suffering at the end of their lives, but don't have the option to offer the same for people.
    Exactly. We don't want an animal that is not going to live with any quality of life to suffer so we do the humane thing and put them down. But a terminally ill cancer patient has to rot in pain in a body that is very slowly dying because someone else thinks it's wrong to treat them as humanely as they'd treat their dog.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I never understood why we are able to humanely put our pets down when they are suffering at the end of their lives, but don't have the option to offer the same for people.
    Exactly. We don't want an animal that is not going to live with any quality of life to suffer so we do the humane thing and put them down. But a terminally ill cancer patient has to rot in pain in a body that is very slowly dying because someone else thinks it's wrong to treat them as humanely as they'd treat their dog
    Well, for people of faith, there is a huge difference between the life of an animal and that of a human being.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    I never understood why we are able to humanely put our pets down when they are suffering at the end of their lives, but don't have the option to offer the same for people.
    Exactly. We don't want an animal that is not going to live with any quality of life to suffer so we do the humane thing and put them down. But a terminally ill cancer patient has to rot in pain in a body that is very slowly dying because someone else thinks it's wrong to treat them as humanely as they'd treat their dog
    Well, for people of faith, there is a huge difference between the life of an animal and that of a human being.

    Humans are animals.

    Why should your faith determine what other people do? Why should your faith have any say in what a terminally ill patient decides as far as passing along peacefully and no longer suffering? That's fine if your faith keeps YOU from deciding that euthanasia is never an option for YOU, or even for your family member if proper documentation has been in place to allow you to make that decision for a loved one. But your faith should NEVER have ANY say over what someone else does just because it's part of your religion. Ever.

    ETA: I want to make it clear that I'm pro-euthanasia in terms of assisted suicide where the patient is consenting to this. I'm also in favor of it if the patient is brain-dead and only being kept alive by machines. That's not any quality of life for these people to continue. I am NOT in favor of it if the person does not want to do it.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Humans are animals.

    Why should your faith determine what other people do? Why should your faith have any say in what a terminally ill patient decides as far as passing along peacefully and no longer suffering? That's fine if your faith keeps YOU from deciding that euthanasia is never an option for YOU, or even for your family member if proper documentation has been in place to allow you to make that decision for a loved one. But your faith should NEVER have ANY say over what someone else does just because it's part of your religion. Ever.

    This right here.

    It should be a personal decision. No one's religion should have any say over what I choose to do with my life. Just as Patti (or anyone else) wouldn't want their life's decisions interfered with by someone else's views.

    I was disgusted when complete strangers were demanding Terri Schiavo be kept alive over the wishes of her own husband. Consider the flip side of that coin. Let's say your loved one is hooked up to machines and the public is calling for them to be unplugged, you don't want that because of your beliefs. Well if we're letting everyone vote on when and how we get to die I guess that's ok too.

    The only person you control in this life is you. Insisting that other people live up to whatever code you have for yourself is nothing more than arrogance.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    Humans are animals.

    Why should your faith determine what other people do? Why should your faith have any say in what a terminally ill patient decides as far as passing along peacefully and no longer suffering? That's fine if your faith keeps YOU from deciding that euthanasia is never an option for YOU, or even for your family member if proper documentation has been in place to allow you to make that decision for a loved one. But your faith should NEVER have ANY say over what someone else does just because it's part of your religion. Ever.

    This right here.

    It should be a personal decision. No one's religion should have any say over what I choose to do with my life. Just as Patti (or anyone else) wouldn't want their life's decisions interfered with by someone else's views.

    I was disgusted when complete strangers were demanding Terri Schiavo be kept alive over the wishes of her own husband. Consider the flip side of that coin. Let's say your loved one is hooked up to machines and the public is calling for them to be unplugged, you don't want that because of your beliefs. Well if we're letting everyone vote on when and how we get to die I guess that's ok too.

    The only person you control in this life is you. Insisting that other people live up to whatever code you have for yourself is nothing more than arrogance.

    I love you.

    I never understand why people think that their own personal faith or religious beliefs should have ANY say over what others do. If something is wrong because their religion says so, that's great for them and whether or not they want to abide by that. But to try and force that same 'code' on the public simply because your 'god' tells you that it's his law??? Gimme a break.
  • kerriknox
    kerriknox Posts: 276 Member
    I believe they should not spend so much time playing video games.

  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I never understand why people think that their own personal faith or religious beliefs should have ANY say over what others do. If something is wrong because their religion says so, that's great for them and whether or not they want to abide by that. But to try and force that same 'code' on the public simply because your 'god' tells you that it's his law??? Gimme a break.
    Religion aside, it's "wrong" to kill another human being because it's against the law. No? I have only answered this question based on what *I* would do. The reason I mentioned religion was to respond to why some people treat their pets differently than their human family members.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    No one's religion should have any say over what I choose to do with my life. Just as Patti (or anyone else) wouldn't want their life's decisions interfered with by someone else's views.
    Well, if you told me you wanted to kill yourself, I'd do what I can from Texas to stop you. :smile:
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Well, for people of faith, there is a huge difference between the life of an animal and that of a human being.
    Humans are animals.
    I'm quite sure you know I was just trying to explain that to Christians man is the only "animal" made in the image and likeness of God and has a soul.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    I never understand why people think that their own personal faith or religious beliefs should have ANY say over what others do. If something is wrong because their religion says so, that's great for them and whether or not they want to abide by that. But to try and force that same 'code' on the public simply because your 'god' tells you that it's his law??? Gimme a break.
    Religion aside, it's "wrong" to kill another human being because it's against the law. No? I have only answered this question based on what *I* would do. The reason I mentioned religion was to respond to why some people treat their pets differently than their human family members.

    Are you against the death penalty too?

    There's a huge difference between someone murdering someone in malice and assisted suicide. Not comparable.