The Attack Phase

Shaz_74 Posts: 100 Member
thanks for starting this group :)
I'm just reading through the Dukan Diet book now and will start the first phase either tomorrow or Saturday. According the the book I should do this phase for about 5 days. I'm really hoping for a nice kick start to get me into the new year. Will post here what I've eaten for the day and any progress / observations.

Cheers! :drinker:


  • meex
    meex Posts: 135 Member
    sounds good! I have started for 2 days, though i havent been exercising because i have a cold and i don't have any oat bran until payday. So i guess i'm on an adapted plan for the time being. I think i will 100% commit after xmas so Monday
  • cauliwobble
    cauliwobble Posts: 26 Member
    Hiya, glad to have found this. I lost 10lbs on the Dukan last summer, I need to loose 4 stone and was doing really well, then I got a col fitted and the 10lb went back on over a couple of months despite still being pretty strict with the diet. So now my cycle has finally (fingers crossed) settled down I am going back on it. Starting properly after the 9th Jan as kids go back to school and husband goes back to work. I also cant get my wheat bran & oat bran till then. I'm really looking forward to it though. I keep pickng up the book and having a wee read.
  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
    I just started today and will be in the attack phase for 6 days.
  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
    Yesterday was day 1 of the attack phase. Today I got on the scale and lost 5 pounds! I am really glad to see this major jump start. I have gone on the perscribed walk yesterday and today. I am excited to see where I will be at when i complete this phase. Good luck to everyone!
  • Shaz_74
    Shaz_74 Posts: 100 Member
    Yesterday was day 1 of the attack phase. Today I got on the scale and lost 5 pounds! I am really glad to see this major jump start. I have gone on the perscribed walk yesterday and today. I am excited to see where I will be at when i complete this phase. Good luck to everyone!

    Wow! That's great!
    What did you eat for the day?

    I've got a week off work starting on the 23rd, so I'm posting my Attack Phase until then.
  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
    I have lost 12.2 pounds in 5 days on the attack phase. I have had one egg with chicken sausage for breakfast, sirloin slider patty, grilled chicken, one night I had a NY strip steak for dinner, low fat jerky ( nice for a quick snack), fat free greek yogurt. I also had a beef chili no beans that I made at home. I have pre cooked several things which have made it easy just to reach in the fridge and go. Anyway, those are some examples of the things I have been eating. I also have used a little bit of dijion mustard for flavor.

    Good luck!
  • tashdownunder
    I have lost 12.2 pounds in 5 days on the attack phase. I have had one egg with chicken sausage for breakfast, sirloin slider patty, grilled chicken, one night I had a NY strip steak for dinner, low fat jerky ( nice for a quick snack), fat free greek yogurt. I also had a beef chili no beans that I made at home. I have pre cooked several things which have made it easy just to reach in the fridge and go. Anyway, those are some examples of the things I have been eating. I also have used a little bit of dijion mustard for flavor.

    Way to go Newkell! Can't wait to keep up with your progress.
  • tashdownunder
    Hi there,

    just wanted to introduce myself, I'm Natasha and I've just started the Attack phase today. So far so good, an omelette and a skim milk latte for breakfast. According to how much weight I want to lose (10kgs, optimistically) I should do the attack phase for 3 days. I'm really glad I only have to do it for three days as I'm not that crazy about eating meat and protein 24/7. I missed my morning crumpet this morning! Feeling pretty overwhelmed about not being able to have carbs for the three months it says it'll take to lose 10 kgs.

    Anyway my plan today is to go shopping and do some cooking so I have lots of yummy protein snack stuff in the fridge. I like the idea you can eat as much as you like from the allowed foods lists. Snacking has always been the thing that I've struggled with when I've tried to lose weight before through Weight Watchers.

    Looking forward to tracking everyone's progress here!
  • appleshack
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE this diet. For the first time in my life, I am on a diet that suits me so well. In four days I have lost 2.5kgs!!
    I am on my fourth day of Attack and this is the longest I have been on a diet that I did not want to cheat, not even a little bit. The protein prevents me of feeling hungry.

    I have a high sugar craving and I have not craved anything sweet. Not once!

    With my high blood sugar levels I always feel lethargic. Not with Dukan. I even went for a walk today, feeling very energetic. I sleep better too, which I thought I would have a problem with, being on high protein.

    The book was very informative and for those that have not read it yet, do so. I have read the comments on the comments forum and some people criticised this diet. Research the diet before you call it a 'Fad'!

    Good luck to all the Dukanians!
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    Im back on the Dukan after my over indulging Christmas, started attack phase this morning so pounds be gone :bigsmile:
    lost 14lb in 7 days back in October so hoping for something similar
  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
    I am so encouraged by everyones comments. Good luck to all of us. I have also read the book and it was informative. I know how people are on mfp so other than this group, I have kept the fact that I have started the Dukan diet to myself. I hope to lose a few more pounds before the attack phase is over.

    I have a lot to lose and it will take a long time. If anyone is in the same boat, feel free to friend me, we can encourage each other
  • tashdownunder
    Go Paul and Newkell! Hope you have a great kick-start during the attack phase.

    I know it's very early....I've only done one day of the attack phase. But I stood on the scales this morning and had lost nothing! Feeling a little discouraged. Hope to see a loss tomorrow.
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    Keep at it !!!!!!:bigsmile:
    I went to the gym yesterday morning as im training to do a 5k and the scales this morning after my first day and im 7lb down:bigsmile:
    During the festive period and having an illness leading up to the festive period i put on 11lb :sad: and im not logging my weight gain so my ticker has been stuck at 23lb lost for way to long now by the end of the week im hoping to show movement on my ticker :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • appleshack
    Hi All,

    Just a check-in. I am ecstatic. I have lost 6.7Kg(15pounds) so far. Entering my 6th day of Attack. I am going to do 10 days and then move onto the cruise phase with alternating PP and PPV days. I miss my greens!

    Have any of you done the official "true weight calculator" yet?

    I have to be on Attack for 10 days and 305 days on Cruise Phase. This time I am going to make it. I have my before photo(which is shocking by the way) to spur me on. Also, I am going on holiday to South Africa in a couple of months and have to sit in an Aeroplane seat for 18 hours. I would say this is enough motivation to make me stick to it.

    Have a great day and never ever forget that it's only one day at a time.
    Inch by inch, it's a cinch, yard by yard it's hard
  • tashdownunder
    Incredible progress Paul and Appleshack!!

    I've just completed 3 days of attack phase. I'm planning to do it for four days, so tomorrow is the last day of attack phase. I'd lost one pound on the scales this morning. The weight isn't falling off me like it is for others but every little bit helps.

    Appleshack, yes, I have done the true weight thing on Dukan's website. It says my ideal weight is 58.5 kgs. I honestly don't think I can get that low, or really that I even want to. I am just over 69 kgs now. I would be happy to be in the low 60s.
  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
    finished the attack phase and lost between 12 and 13 pounds. Yeserday I began the cruise phase and it was a nice change. I need to lose just over 100 pounds so essentially I lost about 10% of the total weight that I need to lose in the attack phase. That is encouraging.
  • Finallyfit1976
    Finallyfit1976 Posts: 154 Member
    finished the attack phase and lost between 12 and 13 pounds. Yeserday I began the cruise phase and it was a nice change. I need to lose just over 100 pounds so essentially I lost about 10% of the total weight that I need to lose in the attack phase. That is encouraging.

    Waaaaaaaaaaaaaw amazing, great job Newkell, How long did you spend in the attack phase???
  • Finallyfit1976
    Finallyfit1976 Posts: 154 Member
    Is low carb Protein shake is allowed in the attack phase that has 3 net carbs only in 2 scoops?
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    I use protein shakes in the attack phase as im doing the gym as well i am having some carbs in vegetables but very limited amount :bigsmile:
  • appleshack
    Two more days to go and I have lost 19lbs so I decided to start the cruise phase today. It scares me a bit to lose so much in 9 days and I may end up with sagging skin. Losing weight faster than my skin has time to shrink.

    Thank you for the encouragement from all of you. Once I have reached my halfway mark I will post my before and halfway photo.

    In the meantime, lets keep on having fun with this amazing diet.

    For those of you that do not know about it, there is some amazing recipes on

    Good luck for the next week :flowerforyou: