starting today...



  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    Today was Workout 3B, Stage 1 - I did MUCH better at this workout! Tomorrow is a rest day, but I think I will do HIIT. And, Friday it is back to Workout 4A, Stage 1.

    YAY! I think I am going to start doing the HITT some. I feel like I'm hardly working out enough! I'm getting lazy....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,972 Member
    I don't think, at all, that you are "lazy", Carrie, but I will admit that it does feel WEIRD to work-out for LESS time. I'm appreciative....because I have time for other pursuits right now. And, everything I read on "body-building" sites says that work-outs should NEVER be longer than 45 minutes. In theory, I LIKE THAT THOUGHT!
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    In regards to the HIIT, I've started wearing a heart rate monitor during my NRol4W workouts. It's really nice because it beeps when I go below 125 bpm, like a little reminder to work harder.

    On some of the exercises like the lunges and step-ups my heart rate stays up fine, but on the abs and some of the arm work it starts to drop. So to keep my heart rate up the entire time instead of resting for a full 60 seconds, I do high knees or jumping jacks for the first 30 seconds and, then rest for 15-30 seconds before moving on to the next set. I did that last night for workout 2B- Stage 1 and was able to keep my heartrate at a cardio level the entire time (which means more calories burning yay!).
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,972 Member
    Good tip! I will try that!