What do you eat for lunch at work

bridall Posts: 45 Member
I'm just wondering what other people are doing for lunch at work?
Obviously the basic sandwich is no longer an option.

I mix together 1/2 a standard tin of 3 bean mix, cup of frozen veggies(zapped in the mircowave), 1 small tin of tuna in spring water and 1 small tin of flavored tuna. This has worked well for me but I'm getting border with it so I'm looking for more ideas.


  • julia_baines
    julia_baines Posts: 17 Member
    I usually crank out the crock pot on sunday and make a massive stew with; meat of some kind (Lamb shanks are my favourite), then add a tin of tomatoes, tin or two of mixed beans, a tin of brown lentils, and a tin of chickpeas, an onion, some capsicum and some seasoning. Then when there is about 2 hours left to cook I add in heaps of veges (brocolli, cauliflower, spinach, carrot...). Then I seperate them into containers and take them for lunch everyday. I thought I would get bored of this but its so yummy I still look forward to it :) Its also handy if you cant be bothered cooking dinner. It not that labour intensive and even then its only one day a week, sooooo easy for the rest of the week!

    Its coming into summer here now (in New Zealand) so actually some more summery lunch ideas would be greatly appreciated :)

  • mjbrenner
    mjbrenner Posts: 222 Member
    I am a stay-at-home husband, so my lunch does not have some of the same limits on it that it might have back when I was a teacher. My standard go-to meal for when I am on the run is a cup of cottage cheese and a half cup of beans. It is not exciting, but it keeps hunger away and energy up for 8+ hours.
  • bridall
    bridall Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks for the ideas. Its summer here too (Aust) so your right I should go for more salads.
    I'm not a big fan of cottage cheese but I'm going to add some herbs and chicken to it and give mjbrenner's idea a go.
  • soariels
    soariels Posts: 33 Member
    I love turkey chili & buffalo chicken chili. I make a big pot on Sunday and it lasts all week. I'll eat it with green beans. If you're looking for something lighter then salad is the go-to meal. Just throw some black or kidney beans on top with some chopped chicken and all the healthy fixings.
  • FireSwan
    FireSwan Posts: 170 Member
    What I'm doing right now is the tuna thing...but I've changed it up to make it a little more interesting than basic tuna salad. Please take the measurements with a grain of salt...I really don't measure these items exactly.

    Standard size can of albacore tuna
    1/3 can of White Beans or Black eyed peas (thoroughly rinsed)
    1/4 cup diced celery (1-2 stalks)
    1/4 cup diced bell pepper
    1/4 cup diced jicama
    1/4 cup diced onion
    1 tbsp Olive Oil Mayo - no sugar added
    1 tsp Whole Grain Mustard
    Splash of white vinegar (I use a jalapeno white vinegar)
    Pinch of Salt & Pepper
    1 tbl of dried parsely
    1/2 tsp or so of celery seed
    1 tsp garlic powder

    I just mix all of this together then serve over a bed of fresh spinach or broccoli slaw (it's a mix of shredded broccoli and carrots that I get pre-bagged from the supermarket). I am a "textural" eater. I use very little mayo in this recipe because I want the crunch. I also try and dice all the veggies around the same size. This is a nice light crunch protein packed lunch. I usually tripple this recipe and get about 4 servings out of it. Sometimes I'll add a couple of slices of avocado to the top of the salad. Enjoy.
  • Flynnwd
    Flynnwd Posts: 9 Member
    I start with a divided tupperware (disposable), and create my own "frozen lunches." In the main compartment, I put a protein, such as a seasoned chicken breast, and a veggie, such as green peas or chopped spinach. In the secondary compartment, I put my legumes. If you make four or five of them at a time, you can cook once and you've got lunch for the entire week.

    Hope This Helps,
  • malibukaty11
    malibukaty11 Posts: 35 Member
    I love turkey chili & buffalo chicken chili. I make a big pot on Sunday and it lasts all week. I'll eat it with green beans. If you're looking for something lighter then salad is the go-to meal. Just throw some black or kidney beans on top with some chopped chicken and all the healthy fixings.

    Do you have a recipe? I would love to try it, thanks!