January Start



  • ltki
    ltki Posts: 77
    Hi all, I'm new to this group and have recently finished reading the book after reading so many people rave about their success. My plan is to start tomorrow and try to lift at least 2 days per week. I do a lot of weight based circuit training already but nothing like a planned program. I'm looking forward to working through the stages and seeing progrress!!
  • BetterWithAge
    I started this morning and I seriously thought that 2 sets of 15 squats idn't sound like much. Boy was I wrong. I used the 45 pound bar by itself and did the two sets as instructed. I had jelly legs when I was done, LOL. I guess that is a good sign. The jackknifes were pretty hard, but I liked the movement.

    Looking forward to Wednesday :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    maria, I think if you read through the "Stage 1" question board on the NROL4W group, you'll find quite a number of people are doing it from home.

    I'm doing Workout 4B, Stage 1, today. Happy to have your support as I wander through this. My ONLY (fitness) goal in 2012 is to lose body fat %, so, I'm counting on this to work really well! Right now, I'm working on form, so my weight-bearing isn't very heavy (yet)....but, I'll get there. I'm watching other women "get there", so I figure it'll happen for me, too!
  • Jennifer0878
    Jennifer0878 Posts: 94 Member
    I know we are supposed to be sore, but HOW sore? I'm reeeeeeeally sore from doing Stage 1, Workout A1 yesterday. I plan on walking/light jogging on my treadmill this afternoon to see if that helps, but I don't want to do any more harm to my muscles. Suggestions?
  • BetterWithAge
    I know we are supposed to be sore, but HOW sore? I'm reeeeeeeally sore from doing Stage 1, Workout A1 yesterday. I plan on walking/light jogging on my treadmill this afternoon to see if that helps, but I don't want to do any more harm to my muscles. Suggestions?

    I am already sore and I did the first workout just this morning. I do not want to be idle tomorrow so I am either going to do the 20 minutes of intervals on the treadmill or the spin bike. If I am WAY too sore or that, then I will probably walk at 3mph for 20-30 minutes. I want my muscles to repair before my next workout on Wednesday.
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    I'm having the opposite problem... no soreness at all. Does this mean I'm going waaaaay too light on the weights? I wish he gave us a ballpark of where to start. I've been doing Nike Training Club for a while, so I'm not sure if that has some bearing, ie, won't be as much shock to the system. Here's what I did, muscles seemed fatigued at the end of the set, but not torture. very open to feedback.

    Workout A (Saturday);
    squats: just bar so 45#, 2 sets, 15 reps ea
    pushups: standard, 2 sets, 15 reps
    cable seated row: "6", 2 sets, 15 reps
    DB step ups: 15# (30 total), 2 sets, 15 reps
    Ball pull-in: 2 sets of 15

    Workout B (this morning):
    barbell deadlift: 50#, 2 sets of 15
    DB shoulder press: 17.5# (35 total), 2 sets of 15
    lat pulldown: 60 x15
    db lunges 20 (40 tot)x12
    planks: 2 @ 60 sec each
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    Just stumbled across this link.


    I wonder if this might be able to provide an idea of where to begin? If so, what percentage would make sense given that these weights refer to 1 rep only?
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    Just stumbled across this link.


    I wonder if this might be able to provide an idea of where to begin? If so, what percentage would make sense given that these weights refer to 1 rep only?

    It's not terribly helpful for telling you where to start - the 1 rep max is what you could do just one tme and be completely spent from the effort.

    You should be able to tell what you can handle,and everybody is different (hence, no guidelines on what weigt to start with). How do you feel at the end of the 15 reps? If you feel like you could do more, up the weight and do another set. If that's still too easy, up it again. I just finished stage 4 and during my last round of deadlifts I increased my weight from 125 to 145 pounds because I finised a set and felt like I could still do more. I ended up doing almost 5 sets (of 8 at this stage), but I walked away stunned that I pulled that much and relaized I hadn't been truly pushing myself.
  • BetterWithAge
    I know we are supposed to be sore, but HOW sore? I'm reeeeeeeally sore from doing Stage 1, Workout A1 yesterday. I plan on walking/light jogging on my treadmill this afternoon to see if that helps, but I don't want to do any more harm to my muscles. Suggestions?

    I am already sore and I did the first workout just this morning. I do not want to be idle tomorrow so I am either going to do the 20 minutes of intervals on the treadmill or the spin bike. If I am WAY too sore or that, then I will probably walk at 3mph for 20-30 minutes. I want my muscles to repair before my next workout on Wednesday.

    It looks like I will be idle today and I am okay with that. I am too sore to walk 20 minutes, even the motion to sit in a chair hurts. I can't believe that two sets of 15 did this. I am excited and can't wait until tomorrow. I guess I will see how I feel on Thursday, maybe I will be able to do some HIIT.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    grapenut, yes, I think you need MORE weight.

    As for soreness, last night was the FIRST night I have not woken up in the middle of the night because my legs ached so bad. (During the day-time, my legs are still aching pretty much all the time.)

    I did Workout B yesterday, and it doesn't hurt (my legs) as much as Workout A. But, it's back to Workout A, tomorrow, and I'll still be stiff. I'm not expecting to "lose" this stiffness until around the end of Stage 1. Partly because I'm obviously stretching muscles that haven't been stretched (in that way) for some time. And then, partly because I want to increase the weights once I get the form down.

    I'm supposed to be eating more bananas to combat the stiffness, but I haven't done that yet (I'm not a banana fan). But, I want to start. Groceries are today!
  • Jennifer0878
    Jennifer0878 Posts: 94 Member
    Bananas help with stiffness/soreness? I didn't know that! I guess I will be adding more bananas to my post-lifting protein shakes!
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    Bananas are supposed to be good for soreness because they have a lot of potassium (a type of electrolyte), which your muslces use to help repair. Potassium is also good for energy. I am allergic to bananas but there are plenty of other foods that are also high in potassium like tomatoes, papayas, etc.
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    Just stumbled across this link.


    I wonder if this might be able to provide an idea of where to begin? If so, what percentage would make sense given that these weights refer to 1 rep only?

    It's not terribly helpful for telling you where to start - the 1 rep max is what you could do just one tme and be completely spent from the effort.

    You should be able to tell what you can handle,and everybody is different (hence, no guidelines on what weigt to start with). How do you feel at the end of the 15 reps? If you feel like you could do more, up the weight and do another set. If that's still too easy, up it again. I just finished stage 4 and during my last round of deadlifts I increased my weight from 125 to 145 pounds because I finised a set and felt like I could still do more. I ended up doing almost 5 sets (of 8 at this stage), but I walked away stunned that I pulled that much and relaized I hadn't been truly pushing myself.

    Thank you for this advice. It's funny bc in my rigid little mind it hadn't occurred to me that I could just do another set! Ha! I definitely want to push myself.

    In better news, I am a little sore this morning. Not enough I think, but I will fix that tomorrow!!
  • JennC831
    JennC831 Posts: 631 Member
    I started yesterday with WO1 A&B (I didn't understand the chart so I did both A and B... LOL..) and I'm am SUPER sore.. But it feels good.. I plan on getting some type of cardio in today and then start with WO2 B tomorrow..

    My husband is doing it with me to help keep me motivated and focused...
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    Hello All!

    From reading about this program here on MFP, I asked for this book for Christmas, and I got it! But with all the Christmas hoopla I haven't even started to read it, and I think I need to read the book through before I even think about starting the workouts.

    I'm a follower of the 17 Day Diet plan, so it's gonna be tough to marry this with the NROL4W. Cycle 1 of the 17 DD (which I just restarted today) is quite low in calories, so I might take the next 17 days to read the book, then start the workouts when I'm in Cycle 2 and have more calories/carbs to consume.

    Just FYI, I lost 30 lbs on the 17 DD from July - November, with sporadic exercise at the gym and at home (30 DS). From Thanksgiving to Christmas, I wasn't nearly as "attentive" as I should have been, and I gained 1-2 lbs. Christmas to New Years I was REALLY inattentive, and gained another 3 lbs. So as of today I'm up 5 lbs from my initial 30 lbs lost. I expect to get that off in my first week back on Cycle 1, but I know I'm gonna need a good exercise program to get the rest of my weight off (another 30 lbs), and the New Rules sounds like the plan for me!

    Thank you for all the information you've posted here, looking forward to joining you on your journey to become GODDESSES!

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • livelightsmile
    livelightsmile Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Ladies. I'm new here. This is my first post... and I'm excited to have found the forums... and this thread, since I have been using MFP on my droid to track my food & exercise.

    I just started NROLFW on Jan 2, 2012. I have a lifetime of training, FAR behind me, but I haven't trained regularly in almost 2 years, except for a few weeks at a time. Yesterday was my first workout and I was shocked. The exercises were much more difficult for me than I expected because I haven't trained in so long and I'm heavier than I have been in many years. I actually messed up and only did 12 reps of everything, which I was lucky to complete, (had to do pushups on my knees). I was shocked to find out that I could barely do 12 squats with the empty 45lb barbell, when just last year, I was squatting over 100lbs, when I weighed about 25 pounds less. I couldn't really do the prone jackknifes either, but I will try again next time... maybe at home.

    It was really hard for me, but it didn't feel like it lasted too long, so I wasn't expecting to be so sore today. I don't usually get too sore until day 2, but was already tightening up last night and today, I'm already using my hands to lower myself into seated positions. I'm a little nervous about what tomorrow will bring. **yikes** I'm going to make sure I get an easy walk in today, as soon as I get the courage to face the cold outside.

    I'm looking forward to having new friends to share in this NROLFW journey together. :smile:
  • JennC831
    JennC831 Posts: 631 Member
    Please help!! LOL

    I started this workout on Monday.. .Since I was confused about how to interpret the charts I did charts A and B on Monday... But now that I think I know how to read them on Wednesday I'll do chart B. What I'm confused about how to read workouts 1,2 / workouts 3,4..

    Has anyone downloaded the excel spreadsheets? I'm confused about WO 1, WO 2, WO 3, WO4... Should I be doing each exercise 4 times? Or does WO 1 represent the day I'm working out?

    Would Monday have been work out 1 chart A doing 2 sets of 15 reps, Wednesday is work out 2 chart B doing 2 sets of 15 reps, and then Friday is work out 3 chart A doing 2 sets of 12 reps (with heavier weights?) Then next Monday will be workout 4 chart A doing 2 sets of 12 reps?
  • lexagon
    lexagon Posts: 495 Member
    Hey all!

    I'm starting Jan 15-16th more than likely. I'm in my last week of my current program and I want to take a week off inbetween programs to recoup a little. Almost done with the book, can't wait to start the new workouts.

    Good luck everyone! :)
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    Please help!! LOL

    I started this workout on Monday.. .Since I was confused about how to interpret the charts I did charts A and B on Monday... But now that I think I know how to read them on Wednesday I'll do chart B. What I'm confused about how to read workouts 1,2 / workouts 3,4..

    Has anyone downloaded the excel spreadsheets? I'm confused about WO 1, WO 2, WO 3, WO4... Should I be doing each exercise 4 times? Or does WO 1 represent the day I'm working out?

    Would Monday have been work out 1 chart A doing 2 sets of 15 reps, Wednesday is work out 2 chart B doing 2 sets of 15 reps, and then Friday is work out 3 chart A doing 2 sets of 12 reps (with heavier weights?) Then next Monday will be workout 4 chart A doing 2 sets of 12 reps?
    You're supposed to do each level of reps/sets twice. So if you are lifting 3x a week your first two weeks would look like this:
    Monday - Stage 1A (squats), 2 sets of 15
    Wednesday - Stage 1B (deadlifts), 2 sets of 15
    Friday - Stage 1A, 2 sets of 15
    Monday - Stage 1B, 2 sets of 15
    Wednesday - Stage 1A, 2 sets of 12
    Friday - Stage 1B, 2 sets of 12
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    Anyone else here using JeFit to track?