Men on a Mission thread



  • KokomoJoe
    Almost got my Christmas present. Was 251 this morning and my goal was 250. Hopefully by Saturday I can drop that 1 extra pound and be there.
  • djsysstem
    djsysstem Posts: 115 Member
    Tim, you should've asked me. I've already done the chart in the threat i posted for the 4-Week challenge.

    Oh Joe, that's amazing news! I hope you do, but even if you don't, its still very very close!
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    CWW - 252

    Not my goal, but not bad through the holidays here in the States.
  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    Happy New Years Guys!

    Down 2 more pounds to 257.
  • shabbarshaikh
    shabbarshaikh Posts: 136 Member
    LWW : 80.5 kg (177.47 lbs)
    CWW : 80.0 kg (176.37 lbs)
    LOSS: 0.5 kg (1.1 lbs)

    Hope Our New Team Leader will be able to see my update. Please confirm.
  • whoreheyR1
    whoreheyR1 Posts: 135 Member
    LW: 230.2 (12/25/11)
    CW: 230.4 (1/1/12)
    Gained: 0.2

    Happy new year everybody!!
    I'm so happy the holidays have passed, now time for me to get off this plateau and hit the gym hard again! :happy:
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Got Shabbarshaikh, Bigaug, Kokomo, whorehey, tlltaco, trelm so far.
    Great job for the holidays guys. Awesome dedication!
    I will wait to post tomorrow afternoon to give everyone a chance to log on.
    Happy New Year everyone!
    Let's make 2012 the Loser year for Men on a Mission!!!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    StevLL, There are a few that don't usually post till Monday. Also, my mother in law doesn't have a scale so nothing from me this week.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Okay I'll wait till late to do it. No worries with all those tools you'll be losing some, plus if it's like here you are worling up a sweat. almost 80 today love AZ winters.

    I put in a couple of formulas so the calculations are automatic and by tomorrow I hope to have it sort automativcally too before I send it back to you. Still working on the color to follow.
  • Bigeddy
    Bigeddy Posts: 72 Member
    First, for all of you guys a good and healthy 2012. Started last year on 2 jan 2011, now one year later still lost 8.8 kg. That's the good news, bad news is that just before the summer holidays it was a stunning17 kg. Somehow motivation dropped after the holidays.

    Doing a hard reset now in motivation, gonna pick it up again.
    L2WW: 118,7
    CWW: 119,4

    @Tim: hang in there, and thanks for all the work and motivation the past year, appreciated it
    @SteveLL: I agree with you for the 2012 mission, let's go
  • gpbaldwin03
    gpbaldwin03 Posts: 44 Member
    LW 367.4
    CW 366.8
    0.6 loss

    I've lost that same half pound several times now. Basically been same weight since mid-Nov. Good and bad I guess, but I can do better. I too am ready to get going on dropping more lbs. Let's go!
  • smarterthanyoda
    LWW 262.6
    CWW 259.2

    Lost 2.6
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Smarter, gpbald & biged - got your guys numbers will wait to post late this afternoon to let guys who are still fighting off new years side effects post. :drinker: :sick: :noway:
  • bmirob
    bmirob Posts: 57 Member
    I'm skipping this week too. Have the flu.
  • KokomoJoe
    KokomoJoe Posts: 435
    I have been sick, but ended the year at 251. Should have been a lot better, but I'll take 36 pounds for the year as ok. It's sad only because I was 256 in March. Next goal 225. Let's go everyone, I know the weather and that is taking people down but we can do this.
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    CW 194.7

    I think I had a net gain of about 2 pounds in December. Back on a regular schedule tomorrow - that should help me get back to losing weight.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    LWW 311.2 CW 309.4 -1.8. At least it's heading in the right direction. Started the Biggest loser Box-Fit today and loved that. Serious sweat producer and I was out of breath the whole way through. I'm going to do that everyday along with the bike and some weights. Time to hit this big! I've managed to keep my arms at 18" while losing 60+ pounds, so I need to keep the weights going to maintain the muscle mass. I'll have the chart up in a bit!
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    LWW 262.6
    CWW 259.2

    Lost 2.6

    My calculator says you lost 3.4 WTG!
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Sorry guys I'm not as computer literate as I thought. I can't get it on here to savemy life, so heres this weeks list sans the grid and colors. djsysstem was right Tim, we should have sent it to him. Now I have a new challenge to learn so it's a good thing.

    Week 12
    Rank Username SW GW LW CW WT TWL DLP

    1 KokomoJoe 284.5 225 254.5 251 3.5 33.5 2-Jan
    2 smarterthanyoda 303 185 262.6 259.2 3.4 39.8 2-Jan
    3 tllstaco 289 210 259 257 2 33 31-Dec
    4 StevLL 371 225 311.2 309.4 1.8 61.8 2-Jan
    5 Bigeddy 282.6 218.3 261.6 260.5 1.1 25.4 2-Jan
    6 shabbarshaikh 198.4 142 177.4 176.3 1.1 21 1-Jan
    7 trelm249 336 220 253 252 1 84 31-Dec
    8 gpbaldwin03 420 220 367.4 366.8 0.6 53 2-Jan
    9 bmirob 257 200 241 241 0 16 2-Jan
    10 whoreheyR1 304.2 215 230.2 230.4 0.2 73.8 1-Jan
    11 Bigaug 427 195 414 414.6 0.6 12.4 28-Dec
    12 dbw1976 220 180 192.1 194.7 2.6 25.3 2-Jan
    13 tdonlin 332 210 279.6 283.1 3.5 48.9 26-Dec
    Freax 231.2 190 203 200.6 2.4 30.6 26-Dec
    djsysstem 197 160 161 158.5 2.5 38.5 25-Dec
    CampbellHendry 207 154 160.2 159 1.2 48 19-Dec
    caryweiss 210 160 194.6 195.8 1.2 16.6 18-Dec
    peteb79 300 180 247 251.2 4.2 48.8 18-Dec
    BroDave 280 180 191 186.6 4.4 93.4 12-Dec
    lacrolix 485 220 325 321 0 166 19-Dec
    graysie99 357 203 351 348 3 9 12-Dec
    StarGeezer 491.4 220 421 418.8 2.2 72.6 11-Dec
    fitPhil2011 294 250 294 294 0 0 12-Dec
    piratepiet 309.5 198 280 278 2 31.5 5-Dec
    gazz777 303.6 191.4 218.2 217.8 0.4 85.8 27-Nov
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Hey SteveLL,

    No matter the format - thanks for doing the posting and helping to keep us accountable!
