Introductions!!!! Let's get started!!!!!!!!!



  • Name: Renee

    About Me: never really had to worry about weight until after having a child - that was 7 years ago so I have been struggling since 2004. I've gained most of my weight within the last 2 years and am at my heaviest - 191. This year is the year.

    Starting Weight: 191

    12 Week Goal: 170

    Ultimate Goal: 135-140
  • terihaddad
    terihaddad Posts: 114 Member
    Name: Teri

    About Me: I've been overweight for as long as I can remember, but the first time I hit 200 lbs (I'm 5'8) I was shocked into doing something about it and I managed to lose 50 lbs on WW. Unfortunately, I fell off the wagon after a bad break up and gained 100 lbs (over 6 years). This time I went way past 200, and it was 250 lbs that shocked me into finally putting my foot down. I lost 18 lbs and have since gained back 8. I need to do something fast before I lose myself again and end up at 300 lbs. Other than that, I'm 30, newly married, work in marketing and live close to Toronto, Canada. Good luck to everyone and I can't wait to get started!

    Starting weight: 240

    12 week goal weight: 215

    Ultimate goal weight: 150
  • Hi Im Holly im 26 years old im a mom to a wonderful 2 year old daughter. I have been overweight all my life i lost 50lbs in 2008 but have gained it back plus some and need to get it off to feel better and be a role model for my daughter.

    Starting Weight 368

    12 Week Goal 30 lbs
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    Welcoming our newest members to the challenge:

    I am speechless at the GREAT response to this group! I hope we can be helpful to each other!!!!!!!!!! Let's get it right in 2012!!!!! Good Luck to everyone!!!!!

    I will be signing off for today ( I live in it is my bed time LOL!!!) I will get back to everyone ASAP!

    **** If it is OK for everyone, I will be using your starting weight in your intros for the first weigh in. ********
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    Name: Angie

    Age: 32

    About me: I am a new mom. My son is 6 months old. I work full time as a teacher. I was using MFP religiously until I went to the land of no internet and no phone service (also know as northern Indiana). My weight has gone up and down my whole life and I really want it to stick this time.

    Starting Weight: 268 lbs
    12 week goal weight: 220 lbs

    Will there be a weigh in tomorrow since we are starting today?

    Hi Angie and Welcome to this group! I will be using the starting weight posted in the intros if that is okay with you. Good Luck!!! Let's do this together! :)

  • sdailey4
    sdailey4 Posts: 56 Member
    Name: Sheila
    Age: 27
    12 week goal:205

    I am a stay at home mom of 2. I started the gym and eating better in October, however the last 3 weeks I've slacked off. I want to change my life and the life of my family forever by making changes in our activity and food choices. Let's challenge each other for a better us :)
  • marulop14
    marulop14 Posts: 75 Member
    Name: Alejandra Urrego

    About yourself: I also have been overweight my whole life. I am now at my highest weight ever! So... I decided NO MORE... I am going to change my life and lifestyle by eating healthier to lose and mantain the weight once I get there. I love this group and I hope to get and give lots of motivation!!! WE CAN DO IT!

    Starting Weight: 258

    12 Week Goal Weight: 234
  • How do I get added to this group?

    Name: Penny Henderson

    About yourself: 50 year old nurse manager that has been losing weight to become healthier. I have battled my weight all my life and want to make a lifestyle change

    Starting Weight: 212

    12 Week Goal Weight: 188
  • Hwardle
    Hwardle Posts: 233 Member
    Name: Heather W.

    About yourself: Hi there!! My name is Heather. I am a 21 year old premed student. I have been struggling with my weight all of my life and it's time for me to get a handle on it or rather kick it's *kitten*:) I have done a month of P90X with little to no results, but that's because I think i ate so much worse while I was doing the program. I am now doing TurboJam and 30DS on and off. I just want to be happy and healthy when I finally go into med school in a couple of years.

    Starting Weight: 277

    12 Week Goal Weight: 252 (about 25 pounds give or take)

    Ultimate weight loss goal: 125
  • marian723
    marian723 Posts: 35 Member
    Name: Marian

    Hi! I am a wife and mother. I am working on getting back in to shape. I wanted to join the group because I think it will nice to have people who are doing the same thing as me. I am looking forward to finishing this challenge with all of you.

    Starting weight: 188

    12 week goal: 158
  • thisisit511
    thisisit511 Posts: 4 Member
    Name: My job does not allow my real name on the thisisit511

    Age: 65

    About me: I am tired of middle age fat!!! We have a few children and grandchildren. I love to exercise, work, read, laugh, see the humor in life and I am deeply and quietly spiritual. I love all of you young ones who work so hard and have so many dreams. It's beautiful...I hope we can all motivate each other!! Good luck....never never never give up........

    Starting weight: 192

    I lose so slowly that I am not sure what is realistic!!! I will exercise for 45 minutes 5 times a week. I hope I can lose 15 pounds!

    Goal Weight for 12 weeks: 177
  • thisisit511
    thisisit511 Posts: 4 Member
    Good job...wife and mom..and now a very fit wife and mom!!!!
  • My name is Gretchen. I will be 45 in March. I never really struggled with my weight until 3 or 4 years ago. I would love to drop 20 by my birthday and down 40 in 6 months. I have 2 kids and find it difficult to make separate meals as they wont eat healthy, at least all the time.

    Starting weight: 175

    Twelve week goal: 150
  • volschick96
    volschick96 Posts: 19 Member
    My name is Melinda I turn 40 this year and will be married 20 years.. when i was first married i weighed a 114lbs and then the weight started slipping on a little at a time by time i was 25 i had gained to 160 and by the time i had our son i was right at 200lbs.. I have had a down hill fall since then I am now at 245 and every part of me hurts and don't do anything any more but work come home eat and sit on the sofa.... I have decide this is the year to start living again.

    My starting weight --- 245
    My 12 week goal weight -- 210
    My end of year goal 150
  • Name: Jess

    About Yourself: I am 24 years old and a stay at home mom of 3. I am done having kids now and I want to be more fit and active for my children and myself. I am ready for a life change!

    Starting Weight: 220

    12 Week Goal Weight: 200

    Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • JL3mom
    JL3mom Posts: 48
    name- Jaime
    age- 35
    about me- I am working mom of 3 little ones and my life is very busy. Usually in my down time I spend it on the couch because I am so exhausted. I don't exercise regularly and I have a sugar addiction. I try to cook decent meals for my family but I snack a lot. Then there are the days I am too tired to cook and we make a quick trip right through the drive thru. My husband and I are trying to get on a budget so hopefully that will nix the eating out! I am looking for some supportive friends on here and in this group. My husband is supportive but he doesn't understand because he has always been fit and tries hard to keep weight on.. He thinks it shouldn't be this hard!
    starting weight- 237 (the heaviest I have ever been:-(
    12 week goal- 207
  • justbecause2014
    justbecause2014 Posts: 371 Member
    Name: Jill

    About Me: I am currently a student at PSU. I enjoy photgraphy and family. I have struggled with my weight all my life and I am ready for some serious change!

    Start weight - 170

    12 week goal - 155
  • Name: Jana

    About yourself: I am almost 25 years old and I am ready to start living a healthy lifestyle, I have a thyroid problem that throws my body all out of whack and I'm hoping to fix this by weight loss. I've been apart of MFP for about a month now... My highest was 268, upon joining I was 266.

    Starting Weight: 255

    12 Week Goal Weight: 235
  • HI, Amanda here!! I am a stay home mom of 2 kids, 2&5. I love junk food and eating it. I need some motivation and dicipline, this sounds fun and I think will help.
    My starting weight 220.5
    goal in 12 weeks 200
    ultimate goal 150
  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    My name is Gwen, I am 55 and I am ready to get back to feeling good about myself and my body. I became very active and a "gym rat" in 2006, and it was great until 2008. Within an 18-mo period I lost my dad to cancer, my mom and brother-in-law to Alzheimers, and a brother to cirrhosis. My husband developed a long series of health issues and is currently suffering from a neurological disorder and requires my help with daily living tasks. I quit going to the gym or even walking, and I started eating when I was feeling upset--which has been a lot! Sweets have become my comfort food and I have binged repeatedly. I miss feeling lean and energetic!

    Starting weight: 164
    12-week goal: 142