Maintenance Thread Part 3



  • Lp80
    Lp80 Posts: 29
    hello fellow maintainers! just to echo some observations already stated by others: 1) maintaining seems to be about staying in a range, it's sort of like a jetliner at cruising altitude making trim adjustments to stay on course; 2) the holidays are coming and we are all on our guard but we have the tools to manage through the festivities; 3) the new year provides an opportunity to make any adjustments necessary to quickly get back in our desired weight range if we overindulge in the temptations of the season. best to one and all...

    Well said!
  • JoMFrasca
    JoMFrasca Posts: 61 Member
    Just stopping by at the end of the year to reflect on what I have achieved since April 15, 2011, when I started this journey. I have lost about 68 pounds (when I started my first goal was to lose only 45 pounds), I have gone from a size 16 to a size 4, and I have become fit and healthy, with my blood pressure problem completely gone without any medication now and dropping over 100 points on my cholesterol. I have officially been "in Maintenance" since late August, but have lost nearly 20 more pounds since then. I feel great, have loads more energy and am told I look younger now (I feel at least 20 years younger really).

    It has been maybe about a month or so now that I have set my MFP to "Maintain" and have tried to up my daily calories to avoid any further weight loss. The past month was a success -- my 4 week weight change was only minus one pound. I am now trying to set a weight range that I am happy to stay within. It probably is a bit more than I weigh right now since I ended up going a few pounds below my lowest goal weight number.

    I am 5'6", 58 years old and weigh 127 right now. I think my range will be 130-135 for 2012 since I think that's the weight at which I look slim and healthy but not too thin. My daily calorie goal is usually about 1540 and I do not eat back my exercise calories which are usually in excess of 2200 a week (it varies a lot but I do generally work out 5-6 days a week, including quite a bit of strength training). I also want to really work on building core strength and muscle in 2012, which will mean I may eventually weigh a bit more than I did when my muscle mass was smaller.

    I could use some more MFP friends who are also in Maintenance Mode, so please send me a Friend invitation if you are interested. I do try to keep up and post encouraging comments and love to get them in return.

    Here's wishing you all a very healthy and happy 2012!!!!
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Hi there! Hope everyone is having fun maintaining through the holidays. What a challenge, eh?

    JoM--what you have done this year is just amazing!! Such an inspiration--thanks for relaying your story! We do need to find a way to get more maintainers here--it seems like when "groups" was launched, we all joined, but I forget to check in this section more regularly now that it isn't in the main forum....maybe others have forgotten about it too.

    Things here are going well enough. Basically because I haven't weighed myself since early November. I tend to avoid the scale around the holidays because I get really obsessive if I gain any weight...even within my range.... I'm much happier if I just don't know the number, but still fit into my know, ignorance is bliss!

    I started P90x on December 8th and am proud of myself for starting. I always assumed I could NEVER do this. I'm not sure how smart it was to begin around the holidays though, because I know diet is important to results, and unfortunately my diet hasn't been so great. I'm a little scared that at my 90 day mark next week, where we are supposed to take benchmark photos, is probably not going to show all that much of a change. Anyway, I know I'll get it together after the holidays......

    Other than that, I'm thinking about new goals for 2012 but haven't set them in stone yet....have you all worked on that too?

    take care everyone, happy New Year!
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    Other than that, I'm thinking about new goals for 2012 but haven't set them in stone yet....have you all worked on that too?
    Yep - just finalized them yesterday and they're on my profile:
    - Run a half-marathon. Don't die.
    - Run a 10K in under 1:00:00.
    - Do an unassisted pull-up for the first time since 6th grade gym class.
    - Do 75 consecutive pushups.
    - Squat/deadlift 150lbs.

    My current distance record is 9.3 miles, and I'm going to attempt the half in early May. My 10K time is currently about 1:03:00. I'm about halfway through a program to build to 50 consecutive pushups (and then I'll start working towards 75) and my squat/deadlift is 100-105lbs.
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Think I've got them all down now:
    - Run a half marathon in under 2hours (first one booked for feb, and I'm aiming high!).
    - Run a marathon (hopefully in october, but I could live if I don't manage to do this in 2012, time may be limited for training over the summer).
    - Be able to touch my toes.
    - Go to a proper yoga class (have convinced my man to go with me!).
    - Unassisted pull ups.
    - And, non exercise related, take more photos. I have the worst memory in the world for faces - I can literally lose people in supermarkets then have no idea how to describe them to security!
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    Hello everyone!
    I haven't been reading the maintenance thread in some time. It's nice to catch up on all of your lives.

    The holidays proved to be very good for me in terms of maintaining my weight. For the last three weeks I've weighed in at 153.2lbs. That has never happened ever, and I've been weighing myself once a week since I started maintaining on July 19, 2011. I've been increasing my weekly calorie consumption and it looks like 14000 - 14500 is right for me. I get in at least 30 minutes of exercise 3 times a week, but it's usually a bit more.

    One goal I plan to do is the Bridge to 10K program. I uploaded it to my iphone and will be started shortly. This week I plan on going to the gym and taking in some step classes. I love step and I haven't had an opportunity to do this in awhile.

    Happy New Year! May it bring you all lasting health and happiness!
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Happy New Year everyone.

    I'm glad to report that I checked in after the seasonal splurge at 164 lb - which is only 2lb more than I started it at and well within my range. Especially good as I had a filthy cold for a week which prevented me running! Already back to 163.4 after a weekend of moderate activity and calorie counting.

    I went for a "360 health check" before Christmas (when I weighed 162 lb) and they were very happy with everything - however to my surprise my body fat % was 20% and their target range for someone of my age and activity level was 16-19%

    They were not even slightly concerned about this, but I figured, what the heck, I can hit that by loosing a couple of lb or by building more muscle mass very easily.... So - my new target weight is 160 which I aim to hit by February. I still class this as maintenance although my target cals are back at diet levels.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Yeah - I am in!!! I have tried to join for a while now...Thanks Robin!!!

    Well , I took a couple months off of my constant logging diet and exercise program. Iam ready to get back to it.
    Seems I still just need to maintain... at the top of my range but that's ok. I just need to make healthie choices. Glad to be back!!!
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Good morning! Great goals LittleMiss and agthorn! I still haven't solidified my list but have a few things in mind.....

    I love the 'pullup" goals---wow, I should add that one to my list! I still have to jump to get near the bar. I am hoping this gets better--I am starting phase 2 of P90x today and know there are even more pull ups in my future this month. Speaking of that, I did take pictures yesterday after my 30 days on this program and don't think there is really any difference so far. Another friend mentioned it's in the next few months that things are to happen, not this first, so we shall see!

    I wrote this yesterday, kind of regarding a few goals and about my maintenance state of mind at the moment after the holidays, if you are interested in reading....

    Annie--great job maintaining and staying focused! You have been so good at this from day 1...maintaining and goal-setting!

    Mike--really? Body fat high? Wow. Anyway, I'm sure you can inch your way down to 160, esp. now that the holidays are over.

    Lobster so glad you checked in and so glad you are still w/in range! I'm sure w/a few weeks of normal eating you'll be fine.

    Love the holidays but so glad the feasts are over!

    Chat w/you all soon--enjoy the day!
  • epoint
    epoint Posts: 88
    Well, I made it through a very busy holiday season without gaining! I've had a few family emergencies in the past couple of weeks, and combined with very cold mornings it has hampered my early morning walks. As of this morning, though, I'm still on track and still motivated to keep it up. It felt SO good during the holidays to not really worry about eating. I have such a totally different mindset about food now, partly because I'm at a good weight and partly because for the first time in years I actually feel in control of my own health and fitness. It's a good feeling. Happy New Year, everyone!
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Finally had access to a scale again today.... and I was thrilled to see that I'm still within range, despite the unhealthy eating and no exercise! I actually way 1lb less, lol.

    Have realised I only have 6weeks before my first half marathon, 5 of which I can train during, and apparently I should have 8! So I'm really hoping that I can get back into it quickly and that I haven't lost too much of my fitness! :)
  • beaner1st
    beaner1st Posts: 229 Member
    Have lost all the weight from Christmas and an additional pound. Have started doing aerobic tapes doing a mix of Supreme 90 and Insanity. Got to keep things interesting.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Back in the swing of things after the holidays. Making very good and healthy choices, drinking all my water and back to the gym. Still walking too, but that really doesn't feel like exercise to me.

    I am going to start setting new mini goals each week.

    Hitting the gym tonight for step clas, then home to a dinner of grilled fish (fresh caught by my son) and some steamed green beans.

    Have a happy healthy day!!!
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member

    Just found/joined this group:-) Great info! I have been on maintenance since Sept 2011. Started at 142 a year ago- CW since Sept- 116. I seem to go back and fourth 115-117. I eat between 1790-2000 daily. I workout with weights 2x a week.and cardi based 3-4. Otherwise try to stay active by walking the dog and outdoor activities.

    I didnt gain over the holidays, but did not excersize as often, so I feel a bit un-toned. My biggest challange in maintenance is staying as active. Glad I found this group. Happy and healthy New Year to you all!
  • beaner1st
    beaner1st Posts: 229 Member

    Just found/joined this group:-) Great info! I have been on maintenance since Sept 2011. Started at 142 a year ago- CW since Sept- 116. I seem to go back and fourth 115-117. I eat between 1790-2000 daily. I workout with weights 2x a week.and cardi based 3-4. Otherwise try to stay active by walking the dog and outdoor activities.

    I didnt gain over the holidays, but did not excersize as often, so I feel a bit un-toned. My biggest challange in maintenance is staying as active. Glad I found this group. Happy and healthy New Year to you all!

    Cre if you don't mind me asking how tall are you and what is your age? I am 42 and 5'2" and eat 1450 calories without exercise. Find exercise is my friend so I can eat. I lost the same amount of weight as you and am hanging between 112-115.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Maintenance is indeed a tricky thing!

    I put on 3lb over Xmas and haven't been well either- been on loads of antibiotics and painkillers for a wisdom tooth extraction.

    Anyway I dropped my calories to 1250 for this week only, thinking I would lose a couple of lbs to give me a kickstart- I weighed in today and had lost 5.5lb!

    I even went over the 1250 on two occasions so no idea what's going on- anyway I have bumped my calories back up again as am now nearly 3lb under my goal weight???

    Happy New Year!
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member

    Just found/joined this group:-) Great info! I have been on maintenance since Sept 2011. Started at 142 a year ago- CW since Sept- 116. I seem to go back and fourth 115-117. I eat between 1790-2000 daily. I workout with weights 2x a week.and cardi based 3-4. Otherwise try to stay active by walking the dog and outdoor activities.

    I didnt gain over the holidays, but did not excersize as often, so I feel a bit un-toned. My biggest challange in maintenance is staying as active. Glad I found this group. Happy and healthy New Year to you all!

    Cre if you don't mind me asking how tall are you and what is your age? I am 42 and 5'2" and eat 1450 calories without exercise. Find exercise is my friend so I can eat. I lost the same amount of weight as you and am hanging between 112-115.

    I am 5"3 with my shoes I am 46 yrs old. I could not survive on low cals. I love food! Therefore I exercize. I do not do as much as I would like(highercardio). But toning is my goal. Weightlifting I enjoy. I do feel better when I move and do lower cardio.
  • mjheinrich
    mjheinrich Posts: 87 Member
    Checking back in here. I'm glad to see that so many people did so well over the holidays and there are others like me who are doing a quick fix to get back to goal. I've been pretty sporadic over the last 3 months and suddenly when I weighted on Jan 1 I was up 8 LBS! Back to my 1200/day (plus whatever exercise calories) and am happy to report that 5 of those are already gone. I had a great week and I know it will only be another week or two to get back to goal. I'm re-motivated again and its nice to prove that once again logging and tracking WORKS! Will be happy to get back up to my 1700-1800 range again though!

    One of my goals this year is to log every day. Having recently discovered that the iPhone app will show you the weekly average, makes it easier also to manage total calories for the week instead of obsessing over every day. I do really like being able to use the mobile app now that I have my new phone! Scanning is so much fun too!

    Other than maintaining and being more consistent long-term on the tracking, pretty much I will keep things the same. I run 3-4 times per week and am trying to get in 2 strength training workouts. Need to do more stretching and longer sessions on the strength would be good but just not sure I will devote that kind of time to it.

    Congratulations everyone on meeting goals and good luck to us all in the new year!
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Somehow back at 163lb today (down from about 164) - This week has been weird - back to diet calories but doing a 13.5 mile run at the weekend (which burns more calories than my entire daily allowance!). So, my net calories for the week was only just over my weight loss target (200ish cals total), but I had days which were literally +/- 1000 Calories!

    New goal will be to hit 160 then maintain at 158-162. I want to hit it by end of Jan if possible.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Checking back in here. I'm glad to see that so many people did so well over the holidays and there are others like me who are doing a quick fix to get back to goal. I've been pretty sporadic over the last 3 months and suddenly when I weighted on Jan 1 I was up 8 LBS! Back to my 1200/day (plus whatever exercise calories) and am happy to report that 5 of those are already gone. I had a great week and I know it will only be another week or two to get back to goal. I'm re-motivated again and its nice to prove that once again logging and tracking WORKS! Will be happy to get back up to my 1700-1800 range again though!

    One of my goals this year is to log every day. Having recently discovered that the iPhone app will show you the weekly average, makes it easier also to manage total calories for the week instead of obsessing over every day. I do really like being able to use the mobile app now that I have my new phone! Scanning is so much fun too!

    Other than maintaining and being more consistent long-term on the tracking, pretty much I will keep things the same. I run 3-4 times per week and am trying to get in 2 strength training workouts. Need to do more stretching and longer sessions on the strength would be good but just not sure I will devote that kind of time to it.

    Congratulations everyone on meeting goals and good luck to us all in the new year!

    Yes, I'm one of those quick-fix people. I put on a few pounds over the holiday, but simply can't face 1200 calories, so I'm taking it at a more leisurely pace on 1400.

    The iphone weekly chart is great, isn't it? I switched to calculating weekly as soon as I found it, and it suits me much better. I agree that scanning is good fun too!

    Great work everybody!