Introduce yourselves



  • whtlatina1214
    whtlatina1214 Posts: 765 Member
    hey im bre
    im 4'11 cw is @ 148 i want to be down to 105-110
    i want to be healthier rather than skinny
    would love to lose my boobs lol and get a booty
    and well im goofy and i dont enjoy working out but i am trying
  • Modari
    Modari Posts: 11 Member
    Hey everyone! This group looks amazing - I think it's exactly what I need to keep me on track. My name is Miranda - I'm 31 and a grad student.

    I started using JM DVDs (30DS) about 3 years ago and had amazing results. I started at 213 pounds and went down to 170. Over the years I added more DVDs to the mix - NMTZ, BFBM, YM, Rin30 and just purchased 6W6P. I hit a bit of a wall with JM - was losing motivation to work out at home and started going to spinning, power yoga and zumba classes at the gym this summer. I was in pretty great shape this summer, but still could not get lower than 170 pounds no matter how hard I tried (I am 5ft9).

    I have been in Southeast Asia for the last 5 months - I do not have a kitchen and so have limited control over what goes in my food, drive everywhere on a motorbike (no walking!), and eat too much delicious food. I was shocked when I weighed myself a few weeks ago and was 187 pounds!! I can't believe that I put on so much weight - I have been doing YM and BFBM the last few weeks and have been seeing some results - I am looking forward to going home next week so that I can get really serious about getting back into shape. I really need Jillian to kick my *kitten*!

    This is going to be my workout plan (as of January 15th):

    M- Rin30 and BFBM
    T- Rin30 and NMTZ
    W- Rin30 and YM
    Th- Rin30 and BFBM
    F- Rin30 and NMTZ
    S- Rin30 and YM
    Sun - REST
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    HI all, Melissa here. :) Turning 35 on Sunday!!! I'm currently in the 140's... have been as low as the 120's but still felt too squishy. So, this time it's not about the number, but about being strong and capable and knowing I can do anything I put my mind to. It's about determination! Jillian's workouts are great for that. Looking forward to tackling 2012 with your support!!
  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    WELCOME EVERYONE....I'm so excited that we are getting a good group of people together. I wasn't sure what kind of response I would get, but we are already above 50 members in our little group since I started it yesterday. I see we have a new topic started already by Amy...WAY TO GO!!!! Everyone...use this group any way that keeps you and the rest of us motivated. Just remember, positive comments, constructive criticism...WE CAN DO IT!!!
  • curlygirlcami
    curlygirlcami Posts: 102 Member
    Hi Everyone! My name is Cami and I just turned 24 years old. I have PCOS and it has caused me to gain like 50 pounds in the past two years. Finally the weight is beginning to come off, with lots of hard work. I know I can do this, so I am hoping to lose another 15 pounds in the next three months. We'll see how that goes. :-)

    I love Jillian's workouts...ok maybe not love. I have a love/hate relationship with them. LOL. Anyway, I did the Shred over the month of December. (I didn't get to the third level, but I did levels 1 and 2). I just started the Ripped in 30 and hope to get through it for the month of January.

    So excited to see all of you here! I look forward to getting to know you more and cheering you all on! We can do it!
  • jojowink
    jojowink Posts: 189 Member
    HELLO! i'm joanne. Looking to drop about 10 more lbs. I am married & have a 2 1/2 yr old & want to keep up with him & feel & look good -

    i have been doing JM off/on since Spring of 2011. I have gotten great results after doing Shred that spring & then in August when I did Ripped- i got AWESOME results- so those doing Ripped... GET EXCITED AND KEEP GOING!!

    Since i do get bored with the repetition of doing the same workouts 5-7 days in a row- i have decided to mix it up between Shred, Ripped, 6W6P, NMTZ & Killer Buns & Thighs. I also like to run, but now when its 16 degrees ( i live near Chicago)!!!

    Now its just to keep the motivation to get a workout in at least 4-5 days a week!!!

    Happy to meet you all!!
  • Sambo004
    Sambo004 Posts: 549 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm Sam, and am 31 years old. Always worked very hard to keep my weight down, but after having baby, I really struggled to lose weight. Finally, I weaned baby and was able to start losing the pounds. I've managed to finally lose the baby weight and am now aiming for those final 7.5 pounds to reach my ultimate goal weight. I came across 30DS through MFP and did 2 rounds, back to back with 5 day break in between, but every single day and experienced fantastic results! Not as much on the scale as in cm's. Followed this by 30 days of Ri30 (which I didn't enjoy as much as 30DS), and now I'm on 6W6P and KB&T. Loving both workouts. I'm holiday right now, so my schedule is a bit softer than normal, but back to work next week and hopefully things will be more focused.

    Can't wait to reach my final goal! SW: 68 kgs / CW: 58.1 kgs - Ultimate goal weight: 55 kgs. Height = 5.4".

    Let's do this peeps!!! :happy:

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • cgavin77
    cgavin77 Posts: 219
    Hi everyone, I'm Chandra.

    I love JM workouts and was looking for others to help keep motivated! Along with Jillians workouts I run 5-6 times a week, lift free weights and do other workout dvds (like TURBO JAM/FIRE)

    Since last July I have lost about 25-30 LBS putting me at around 108-110 (depending on the day!!). I'm (barely) 5'2 and 34 years old. At this point Im less concerned about the number on the scale but REALLY want to tone and continue to shed fat and lose inches!
    This will be my second round of Ripped (I have also completed Shred and want to get shred it w/ weights- I LOVE my Kbell!). The first go round I lost about an inch to an inch and a half from my legs/chest/hips/stomach. Im hoping to be able to push harder this go round since I'm feeling much stronger!
    Going to measure what I'm starting at tonight!

    So happy I found this group!
  • Jessiejla80
    Jessiejla80 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Jessica and I'm 31. I've been married for 10 1/2 years and we have five children ages 9, almost 8, almost 4, almost 3 and newest edition born October 19th! I've always used Beachbody programs to get back in shape but wanted something different this time and started 30DS the beginning of Dec. I quit before the holidays and started back yesterday. I only have 30DS and Killer Buns and Thighs and I love how hard but short they are!

    I'm 5'1 and started out at 147 after baby. Thankful I found MFP and this group for motivation, encouragement and inspiration:-)
  • BassesGirl
    BassesGirl Posts: 76 Member
    My name is Jenn and I'm 23 (24 in a week).

    I basically like the weight I'm at but would like to lose a little more.

    That is not to say I have no work to do. My main issue is my stomach, flabby flabby flabby. I really need to tone it up. I'm at that awkward stage where everyone says "Oh but you're so thin!" That may appear to be true when I'm fully clothed...but I know what it looks like when the shirt comes off and I'm not sucking it in.

    I bought 6 week 6 pack and Ripped in 30 so hopefully if I can keep the motivation to stick with it I can conquer my belly! :)
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    Hello! My name is Becky and I'm 26, I'm sorry it took so long to get started, my husband is a truck driver and I get stuck on the road with him 3 days out of the month.. which is really wrecking havoic on my diet!

    My issues are my chubby thighs and my big hips. I have sot of a snowman figure, small boobs, smaller waist and a distinct line that buldges my lower hips out so they are bigger than above my waist. I am trying to flatten it down some!

    All I have right now is 30 Day Shred and I did it once without much of a result :( I plan on restarting it today to see if I can get better results this time.

    I gained 9 lbs over the holidays somehow and although I'm HOPING some of that is temporary weight, my goal is to have it all off by February, we are taking vacation... and I hope to get stronger so I don't gain it all back when we leave!
  • slimgal613
    Hey all...greetings from the great Midwest!!
    I am a newbie to MFP. Love Jillian McMichaels. Bought my first DVD of hers... Killer Buns and Thighs and it's a killer. I purchased it about 1.5 months ago. I incorporate it to my exercise routine; especially when i can't make it to the gym. I almost had the the 30 day shred in my hands, but opted for this DVD instead. Please tell me your thoughts on TDS. My knees aren't the greatest, and I had surgery almost a year ago, so I have to be really careful with what I do. But I have modified the Killer Buns and Thighs and soooooooo still feel the burn.


  • valkomer
    Hello Everyone! My name is Meredith and I'm 26. I have been struggling with my weight ever since I graduated from college 4 years ago and started working a desk job. I'm usually pretty motivated for the first 2 months of the new year, I see a loss on the scale but then I hit a plateau and I get discouraged. This time, I'm trying to focus on losing inches and building and toning muscle all over.

    I'm pretty new to Jillian ( I started 30DS two days ago) but so far I like her a lot. She's very encouraging and I'm hoping that at the end of the shred, I'll see some results and maybe move on to RI30. Hopefully this group will keep everyone motivated throughout the year and we can share our successes in December. :bigsmile:
  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    Hello Everyone! My name is Meredith and I'm 26. I have been struggling with my weight ever since I graduated from college 4 years ago and started working a desk job. I'm usually pretty motivated for the first 2 months of the new year, I see a loss on the scale but then I hit a plateau and I get discouraged. This time, I'm trying to focus on losing inches and building and toning muscle all over.

    I'm pretty new to Jillian ( I started 30DS two days ago) but so far I like her a lot. She's very encouraging and I'm hoping that at the end of the shred, I'll see some results and maybe move on to RI30. Hopefully this group will keep everyone motivated throughout the year and we can share our successes in December. :bigsmile:

    welcome...just think how great it will be in December for us all to look back at what we've accomplished and share with a group of people who've been cheering us along all year.
  • lisamheid
    lisamheid Posts: 13 Member
    Hello, my name is Lisa and I am 26. I had my second baby boy in June and started graduate school in September. I have been upset about my weight for awhile but decided that 2012 was the year to change it out. I started the 30DS on the first and am really liking the workout. Today was my first weigh-in and I have lost 4 lbs. I am also trying to focus on a loss in inches. I am really ex tied to be part of a group that will help me stay accountable. Hoping to see what the results look like at the end of the 30 days!
  • wannaBfitNYC
    Hi everyone - Happy New Year!

    I am determined to make long-lasting positive changes this year - getting to a healthy weight and getting in shape.
    After years of teaching young children and being surrounded by (drowning in!) sweets and salty snacks, I am committing to balance and taking better care of myself, despite the temptations that exist day to day!

    I have a love/hate relationship with Jillian Michaels. I literally think I could die doing her workouts, but I feel the results, and they definitely keep me on my toes.

    I have 30 Day Shred, Ripped in 30 and a number of others that nearly put me in a hospital, but I am committed to doing them on a regular basis, as well as mixing them with more gentle routines, such as Core Fusion and Brooke Siler's pilates program.
    I think my Ripped in 30 will be more like Ripped in 120, as I am probably going to spend 2 weeks to a month on each week.

    I was psyched when I saw this group, as everyone here is so enthusiastic and supportive. I look forward to reading about everyone's progress and sharing mine.
  • caramia311
    caramia311 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Christina. I lost a lot of weight adhering to Jillian's general principles (as well as running and doing the exercise plan on Jillian's website) a few years ago and have kept almost all of it off. I lost another 20 pounds this year, but gained most of that back. I'm ready to complete my journey this year!

    My plan: calorie counting (aim to stay at around 1200-1600, depending on the day), half marathon training program (for the next ten weeks) plus an additional couple of cross training exercises.
  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    welcome everyone...
  • Breadbar
    Breadbar Posts: 334 Member
    Hi everyone!
    You've all inspired me to purchase my first Jillian DVD - RI30 just arrived in the mail today so tonight is the night!
    I'm accustomed to exercising at the gym or out of doors, so exercising at home will be a big change for me.

    I am 60 years old and am very nearly at the end of my long weight loss journey. During the last five years I've said goodbye to nearly 100 pounds and I'm working hard to learn maintenance. At 5'5" I'll be satisfied anywhere in the 120's. I love to hike and kayak (we bought a fun inflatable kayak and try not to paddle around in circles), and I do boot camp and spin classes. I try to get in some weight lifting a couple of times each week as well.

    I have no idea what to expect of the DVD or of myself, but I'm sure going to make every effort to live through the experience!

    Cheers to all for the New Year
  • bsilky
    bsilky Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I am new to this site.

    I am 38 years old and have three boys 2, 7, 11. I have gained weight with each pregnancy. In addition to graduate school and a rigerous training schedule. My weight suffered.

    I don't remember ever being "skinny" beyond my adolescence. But as I get older of course living healthier is more important.

    I swear if women didn't potentially gain weight during pregnancy and the time during the post partum period by balancing family and putting yourself first.

    Don't get me wrong, life can be tough too.

    But like Jillian says" getting fit is a present event and not a future event".

    So presently I am in my first week of being consistent. I am on w1d7 of RI30. I like her style, her "tough love". She has figured out the connection between the body and soul/spirit. I also don't think that you can change one without effecting the other.

    My goal is to change my lifestyle and lose weight. I have very little patience. Working on it and trying to be consistent. I have to throw the scale in the trash or hide it.