mbmorse1011 Posts: 492 Member
Well group I believe you have all officially fallen off the face of the earth! lol

What can we do to motivate one another in 2012?

What are some things we've struggled with in 2011 that we want to work on?

Any goals? yearly or monthly for 2012 that you want us to keep you accountable for?


  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Lol, yeah was busy like everyone else, now it's time to set the mini goals to move on through 2012 at a seemly pace. My first goal is to make it into Onederland by my birthday April 30th. That's 17 lbs away so it should be doable.
  • Holy jeez where did everybody go?! I know that it's difficult for me because I can't reach this page on my iPhone- I do a lot of daily logging via mobile because I'm always running around like a chicken with my head cut off. XD

    Goal wise, I just want to be active more often, dancing around, working even harder at work, RUNNING, etc. I'm starting to fall in love with body weight yoga (thaaank you Jillian! lol) and liking the feeling of being sweaty/warm.

    I am 2.4lbs away from Onederland; so I'm starting to really up my own determination to reach that goal before I move up to Northern California in two weeks. Keep your fingers crossed for me! haha.

    I'll also try as hard as I can to visit this group daily & see if we can start being amazing again! Well we are all amazing, just amazing on HERE. lol.
  • Lmullaney79
    Lmullaney79 Posts: 21 Member
    New here, not sure how the groups function works but i'm doing great logging everything and exercising at least every-other day... This is definitely going to be a long road for me but i'm looking forward to results along the way :)
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Groups mean participating, let us know how you're doing, do you need a cheer for an NSV, a goal reached or just a pat on the back. Or do you need a kick in the butt for getting derailed, come here, confess your sins and get your constructive "support" lol.
  • chipmunk70
    chipmunk70 Posts: 55 Member
    Ok so we are at the start of another year. Last year I lose 46 lbs - making a total loss of 86 lbs since the start of this journey (having put some on in December). However it's all coming off again, and I'm now at 93 lbs loss in total.


    To get into onderland - 26 lbs away - so well achieveable by my Birthday in June
    To do a 5k race
    To do a half marathon (booked for 25th March 2012)
    To no longer be classed as obese - 45 lbs away - so want to be there by the end of 2012.
  • AnnaGallegos88
    AnnaGallegos88 Posts: 26 Member
    Lets see goals for 2012:

    Make it through the next couple of months well, keep up on watching the calories and exercising as well as not letting it affect my school work (this semester i am taking 18 credits - 6classes, as well as work on the weekends and spending time with loving husband and 1 year old daughter)

    I want to be able to and to do a 5k

    to make it down to 150 with in the next couple of months and to get into a size 10
  • Goals, hellloooo? lol

    I'm new here, but I want to get down to my goal weight by the end of this year. It's gonna be tough as I have never really dieted or changed my lifestyle in this manner before. I want to be more active and have a better sense of well being. I also want to try to be off all maintenance meds by the end of this year.
  • greengoddess01
    greengoddess01 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm new the whole tracking foods and counting calories so my main goal is to keep this up for a long time but shooting for end of the month and then going forward. My boyfriend and his mom are doing this with me so hopefully we can call each other out when one of us stops.

    Another goal is to complete the Great Aloha Run (8.13miles) in 3hours, the run is Feb 20th and last time i did it I was at 4.5 hours but that was two years ago and sadly i was in better shape then :(

    Another goal is to complete the 100 push up challage app on my iPhone. I'm 3 weeks in and have 3 weeks to go (of course I'm doing girly push ups :))

    And then theres the whole lose weight goal, shooting for 8lbs a month. Not sure if thats doable so may need to rethink that one in a few months if it doesn't work out. No ssense in being mad if the goal can't be reached to start with.

    Might sound like a lot of goals but I think they are so different that they are still doable when combined like this :)
  • lme0627
    lme0627 Posts: 46 Member
    mini weight loss goal- 25# by next weigh in at my doctors office (next month.)

    Also to get back to excersicing regularly. I havent since before the holidays. I plan on going tomorrow to Zumba to start this goal!