Introduce yourself here. I'll start...



  • saffir27
    saffir27 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi I''m Christi I just found this group today. I'm excited to be able to join a new challenge. I live in Seattle and sometimes it is hard to motivate myself to get out in the rain and wind to run without some additional motivation. I started running about 4 years ago and completed my 6th marathon in October. I hope to keep working on my pace but so far I'm just happy to be completing races.
  • yportia
    yportia Posts: 864 Member

    A very kind person invited me to join this group a few weeks ago and I put it off because I was not really exercising regularly and was embarrassed that I’d regained a lot of the weight I’d lost this year. The main reason for the gain was due to injuries suffered during a fall and allowing myself to use that excuse to eat like I’d lost my mind. Well I’m starting over again with the exercise and hope this group will help me recommit. I certainly need this.

  • dapst3r
    I am Darren originally from Baltimore, Md and was transplanted in Southern California over 20 years by the Marine Corps. A good friend of mine was having chest pains and trouble breathing, he went to the doctor finally and he was told to pick up a will on his way home, because if he didn't change his eating habits and start exercising he would die from a heart attack. Needless to say seeing him Power Walking around the building twice a day and logging his food got me to thinking that I could do the same and lose a few pounds.

    Well after a little over 6 months I have lost 53 pounds and want to lose 5-10 more before I start the maintain phase. In October I ran for the first time since I got out of the Marine Corps. My first 5K was the LA Dodge Rock n Roll 5K\Marathon. I learned a lot that day and applied that to my second 5K I ran December 10th, my next 5K is Jan 7, then I have a 10K scheduled in Feb.

    My goal is run a 1/2 Marathon in June 2012 and nothing but 1/2 and full marathons after that. I look forward to reading and posting in this group. Good Luck Everyone!
  • nonafit
    nonafit Posts: 582 Member
    welcome Darren...the more the merrier. Hope you can join us in the weekly challenge.
  • love2run73
    Hi, I am Sonya and I live in Killeen, Texas. I am originally from south Louisiana; however, the military brought me to Texas 16 years ago and my post Army life career has kept me here. I joined this group last week when I saw the challenges that were posted. I run 3 to 5 days a week and usually total 20-26 miles a week. I am training to run my first marathon in 2012, hopefully before my 39th birthday this summer. I competed in 22 races this past year, including 4 half marathons and the Army 10-miler. I am looking forward to reading about everyone's accomplishments along the way. :smile:
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    hi! i just joined today. my name is jessica, i am married and have one son and two step daughters. I have lost 80-90 lbs in the last year and a half, and plan to lose the rest this year! 93 to go!!
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    hi! i just joined today. my name is jessica, i am married and have one son and two step daughters. I have lost 80-90 lbs in the last year and a half, and plan to lose the rest this year! 93 to go!!

    Glad to have you here!!!
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Hi, I am Sonya and I live in Killeen, Texas. I am originally from south Louisiana; however, the military brought me to Texas 16 years ago and my post Army life career has kept me here. I joined this group last week when I saw the challenges that were posted. I run 3 to 5 days a week and usually total 20-26 miles a week. I am training to run my first marathon in 2012, hopefully before my 39th birthday this summer. I competed in 22 races this past year, including 4 half marathons and the Army 10-miler. I am looking forward to reading about everyone's accomplishments along the way. :smile:

    Great to have you involved!
  • rufwil
    rufwil Posts: 51 Member
    Hi, Rufus here - I used to run quite a bit (50lbs ago) and would like to return to it. Looking forward to the challenges and love the quote!! Married with 2 young daughters who are very active in sports, I want to introduce them to the sports I enjoyed when I was able to do them.
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Hi, Rufus here - I used to run quite a bit (50lbs ago) and would like to return to it. Looking forward to the challenges and love the quote!! Married with 2 young daughters who are very active in sports, I want to introduce them to the sports I enjoyed when I was able to do them.

    Glad your here, getting ready to start a new challenge Sunday and your more welcome to join it!!!
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    Hi, I'm Heather. I ran my first 5K in the fall. Then the end of the term came along and I didn't do much until after the holidays. Now I'm running and swimming in the mornings. I'm trying to work my stamina back up to a full 30 minutes of running and increase my speed again. It's amazing what not running for just a month and a half can do to slow you down! I'm getting close to my goal weight and I need a good challenge to keep me going. It's so tempting to just settle for where I"m at, but I really do want to lose those last 13 pounds (3 are still left over from Christmas).
  • Aphreal
    Aphreal Posts: 103
    Ok I need help. I used to be a runner and avid workerouter. I am 42, married 20 years and mom to 4 younglings. 18,13, 9 and 7. Ok so this is my thing and the reason I need the *crawl* part of ths group. The past couple of years I have had one surgery after another. Big ones too. Ones that took me out of life for months. Every time I turn around, something is going on with me.

    I am recovering from emergency surgery first of Jan, had a subsequent infection then another one! It is so hard to get walking when I am in pain from this or that. My recoveries are long so that makes it even harder.

    I think part of the reason I have such a hard time is because I am all or nothing. Either power walk 3 miles or nothing, a week after surgery? Really? *sigh* if I could get in my brain that starting out slow (again) is ok, I would do better.

    Oh I have lost 80lbs in the past... this weight I am loosing now was the weight I put on after a total pelvic reconstruction.
  • BroDave
    BroDave Posts: 249 Member
    Hi my name is Dave, I live in Leavenworth, Kansas.

    Christmas 2011 my youngest grand-daughter sat on my lap and rubbed my belly and said "You've got a big belly Papa, are you going to have a baby?" I had been dabbling with losing some weight, I would walk for a few days and then quit for whatever reason. Well I made the commitment to do it this time, setting the goal to lose 100lbs by Jan 1 2012.

    I began by walking only but needed some motivation so I registered for a Half Marathon for June. Knowing that if I pay $50 for this half marathon I am going to do it. So I found a walking plan for half marathons and by May I was jogging some and had lost 40lbs. I finished in just over 3 hrs but when I finished I felt like I could do it faster next time. Right away I registered for another race and started working for that one.

    I have ran 4 half marathons, (each faster than the last) a 15K, 3 10K's and several 5K's. I registered for my first full Marathon for April 28 and have started training for it. I run about 40 miles a week now and I am have lost 101 lbs from 280 to 179 since Jan 1, 2011. Praise the Lord!!!! I am pretty fired up about it.
  • alicollins74
    alicollins74 Posts: 335 Member
    Hi everybody! I just became a member of this group so I thought I would introduce myself. I did c25k in November & December & did my first 5k in January. Finished in 37 minutes and was sooo excited. I am now signed up for another 5k on march 10th and a commando run (like warrior dash) on march 31st. I never thought I would be running but I love it. I have lost 70 pounds by doing Mfp and going to a gym called title boxing club where I do boxing and kickboxing. I am addicted to it.
  • wiglet23
    wiglet23 Posts: 887 Member
    HI everyone! Thanks, Reese for the invite. I'm Stacey. I joined MFP in August after a friend told me about it. I've never been an athletic person, but after reaching my highest (non-pregnant) weight last year I knew I had to do something to stop the increase and start reversing. I had done a couple 5Ks a few years back and decided I wanted to start doing those again. I got through SIX 5Ks last year starting by walking the Rock the Crossroads in KCMO back in July through the Sprint Thanksgiving Day Run. I am pleased to say I improved my time with each race. Now, I am training for my first Half Marathon scheduled in April. I'm excited and scared all at the same time. I get my long runs in each Sunday with a "groupie" group for the HM. It's nice to have different places mapped out with aid stations set up along the way... it sure helps keep me going!! This past Sunday I got my first 9mile run done. :smile: I am nervous about being able to get 13miles done because it seems my body keeps coming up with new aches... the latest is my foot hurting for several days after each long run (which is keeping me from running during the week)... so, I make up my running miles with elliptical or stationary bike, but it's just not the same!
  • ThinnerHill
    ThinnerHill Posts: 254 Member
    Hello my name is Hillarie. I am the mother of 2 ages 8 and 5. Married for almost 13 years now. I work full time and then some. I love my job, but it really takes up so much of my time that I've found it easy to use it as an excuse not to get the exercise I need. I ran cross country and track in high school and was a cheer leader. My junior summer was in a motor cycle accident breaking my pelvic bone in 3 places on my right side. Needless to say that summer was spent laying down for a vast majority. I quit running after that. I'd gained some weight throughout highschool and then being sedintary really killed my confidence. I just started really getting back into wanting to run this past September. My marriage has been plagued with struggles to start our family and that was my focus for soo long. I now have 2 fabulous children and after the passing of my mother, she was 51, 3 years ago I think I finally woke up to the fact that although her death was not neceassarily related to weight I want to be here for my children past the age of 51. I REALLY love to run, I may be slow, I may struggle but for me its my stress relief and my mommy time out.
    I am so happy to have found this group. I have dreams of running a half marathon in 2012. I haven't even ran a 5k yet but I will run a half in 2012. Even if its not a race and its just a day I decide to go run 13.1 miles becasue I feel like it. I struggle with making excuses and not making myself do it. I CAN DO THIS!!!
  • tinamina78
    tinamina78 Posts: 241 Member
    Hey all,

    My name is Tina, I joined today after receiving an invitation from Reese. Thanks for the inclusion, Reese! My goal for 2012 is to run a minimum of one mile a day. I began running in 2008 when I quit smoking and quickly developed a passion for it but I never was able to really remain consistent with it. I have resolved myself to run, walk or crawl at least one mile every day this year. And no, I don't want to skip a day and just make up the mile the next day. I want to form a daily exercise habit. if I'm sick or not feeling well, I will walk a mile, it's really not that far. I've got a really good treadmill at home so that helps too. I'm also training for a few 1/2 marathons this year. I'm excited to join the group and lend my support to all my new running buddies! Anyone looking for a little motivation and support can also add me as a friend, just include a brief message with your request.

    Happy Running (walking, etc)!! :flowerforyou:
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Would like to welcome all the newcomers to the group, very nice to have you here!!!

    Will be sending out emails to this weeks coming challenge as we do every week, just our way of letting you know we are here and we want you with us a long this path to healthier lives!!!
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    Just joined this group thanks Reese I hope this will be the motivation I need to get back on track 15 miles is doable!!!

    I am Kris 37 yrs old mother of 2 and needing to get back control of my life. I have been on MFP for 1 yr now and steadily lost 20 # the first 6 months and have been maintaining that loss but need to loose another 50. So adding more exercise of some type is a must!
    So here we go run/walk/crawl my 15 miles a week to get there.
  • thinktank32k
    Hi Everyone. I completed last week and just saw this intro page. I am about to get married June 9, 2012. Due to kidney issues last year I gained 40 lbs in about 2lbs (due to steroids). Although still on them the dose has been drastically reduced. I would like to lose another 20-25 lbs before my wedding but I would be happy with at least 15 lbs.