Day 3



  • deporee
    deporee Posts: 59
    YES!!! I feel like I need lighter weights are something. Those kill me!
  • deporee
    deporee Posts: 59
    day 3 is in the books for me. feeling better with it during certain exercise. was able to get through all of the bicycle crunches yay

    YES!!!! Those kill me! I think I need lighter weights or something. I have to alternate arms. Doing both arms seem to throw me off balance.
  • Mmeeker09
    Day 3 done!! I got interrupted half way through the video for about 5 minutes so I felt like my workout was not as great but I will go to zumba tonight then do it all over again tomorrow :)
  • denice0414
    denice0414 Posts: 40 Member
    Day 3 is done... didn't realize how sore I really was, until I had to unload the car full of groceries, up a flight of stairs....ouch!
    USC_SKH Posts: 19 Member
    Finished Day 3...burned 354 calories this time!! Better than that 210 Ive been doing. I was really into it this time...I guess it's because I was watching Hairspray as I was doing me pumped with the songs lol. I feel GREAT!
  • CanadianMomma
    CanadianMomma Posts: 66 Member
    Day 3 and another exhausting exercise. Sure hope this becomes less exhausting.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    D3L1 = CHECK!!
  • sansouchi1050
    I'm moving up to level 2!!! Everyone cross your fingers that I survive. If I can drag my butt to the lap top post work out....I'll give an update on how it went.
  • CaboScotty
    CaboScotty Posts: 31 Member
    Day 3 is completed. Still wearing me out, but feeling good about it.
  • sansouchi1050
    I'm moving up to level 2!!! Everyone cross your fingers that I survive. If I can drag my butt to the lap top post work out....I'll give an update on how it went.

    I survived level 2. It's tough. My legs really seemed to work a lot harder than level one. I had to take several 5 second breaks. The exercises are a little more complex, so i think I need to watch the work out, just to learn the moves.
    Day 3 done :smile:
  • nationalparklover
    nationalparklover Posts: 120 Member
    I am so sore! I decited to extend the stretching just a bit because my calves feel so tight! I laughed at the knee circles the first day and now that stupid warm up is painful! lol! Love feeling better though!

    P.s. I totally mute Jillian! I put on some fast music and it seems to go by faster!

    That's a great idea...I'm already getting tired of her telling me the same thing each day! I don't want to hear that 400 pound people can do jumping jacks!
  • lep_623
    lep_623 Posts: 197 Member
    I seriously can not walk without gritting my teeth because my thighs and butt are killing me! I seriously on't thnk I can do it tonight... if I don't I will try do do it twce tomorrow... wah I need to burn the extra calries but I just can't do it, I just can't... don't think my body will let me...
  • galvodka
    galvodka Posts: 102
    Day 2 done for me - Im having the same problem with the "buddies" getting in the mix.
    My dog LOVES when I start doing the jumping jacks - she ends up jumping up with me & we nearly crash into each other - EVERY-SINGLE-TIME
    It makes concentrating on the moves a little more challenging ;)
    Im hoping that by 4 or 5, the fascination with mama jumping all around will wear off & I can shred in peace :)

    Congratulations everyone - stick with it! My legs are burnin today and I love it!

    My dog sees me lay on the floor for abs and thinks I'm on the floor to play with him and keeps dropping his toys on my head while I'm doing my crunches.
  • nationalparklover
    nationalparklover Posts: 120 Member
    I was too sore to do it this morning and thought if I waited until tonight, it would help and it did. I walked 2 miles on the treadmill first to try and work out the soreness so when I did 30DS, I was a little more stretched out and a little less sore.

    Looking forward to tomorrow....
  • e1izab3th2
    e1izab3th2 Posts: 148 Member
    day three done!
  • bewitched2982
    bewitched2982 Posts: 97 Member
    I soooo wanted to skip it today. HOWEVER! I did it anyway! :) And I avoided cookie temptations at work today. Pretty proud of myself for not giving in to temptations today!
  • Kazimira
    Kazimira Posts: 165 Member
    Day 3 turned into a 'rest' day. Work was too crazy and with 2.5hrs of overtime clocked by the time I got home I quickly lost the ambition I had to do it anyways.
    Back at it tomorrow and all through the weekend for me. :)
    Great job cranking it out everyone!
  • aspyn1622
    aspyn1622 Posts: 52 Member
    I need to go back to working out in the basement for two reasons. 1. The house shakes (well, maybe that's just me)

    OMG....I can't believe someone said this! I actually cheated myself out of day 1's jumping jacks for fear that my husband would think a herd of elephants were jumping in our bedroom! Come to find out he was playing his xbox game and never noticed a thing! I did day 2 today, EVERY part of it....not like the girls on the video, but I tried! LOL
  • Lupiemomma30
    Lupiemomma30 Posts: 140 Member
    Definitely didn't want to do it because I was out all day today and I did a ton of walking but I did it anyway. I'm getting a little better.. I'm not stopping as much. Whooohooo!!!!
  • keggen
    keggen Posts: 102 Member
    Day 3 done. I can definitely feel the heavier weights this go-round.