New to the Group

Hi guys-

I've been practicing yoga on and off half my life, but haven't ever managed a consistent routine any longer than a few weeks. Decided to start again on Christmas Eve and have been aiming to practice at least 5 minutes a day, though it always ends up longer. Using it for spiritual practice and also as physical therapy for an injured leg.

Nice to find a group like this...and I'm glad it's not a huge group.


  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    I was hoping someone would start a yoga group!

    I've practice for 12 years or so and taught for the past 5. I now practice 5-6x a week - about half on my own, half in classes.

    I mostly practice Iyengar yoga, but occasionally try something else. I'm addicted to workshops.

    My goal pose for 2012 is the same one from 2011 - mayurasana ( for those that don't know the pose). It's considered a "guy" pose, so of course, I want to be able to do it.

    I have a different "yoga goal" for each month. January is 3 handstands a day, 6 days a week.
  • southernyogini
    southernyogini Posts: 55 Member
    I have been practicing for 6 years. I go between Vinyasa and Ashtanga. I am certified in vinyasa so that is what I primarily teach.
    My issue is just poor eating habits and stress. I lost my main source of income last year and that landed me 20 pounds heavier. So I am hopeful in 2012 for daily yoga, meditation and pranayama. If only a few moments. From there I know mindful eating will come.
    Nice to meet you both!
  • jlira01
    jlira01 Posts: 27 Member
    Hello. I'm new to Yoga and I'm starting to explore it and integrate into my weekly routine. I'm taking my first beginner class this Friday and looking to take a weekly class and practice at home 3-4 days a week. I'm also doing P90x as my primary workout program. I'm new to Yoga terms and practice, but having fun doing research and exploring!
  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member

    I have been practicing for a few years now and have only gotten really serious about it this past year but I LOVE it. I love the strength, the muscles and the flexibility that I have gained but I still would like to lose the fat. And of course yoga keeps me sane...absolutely sane!

    Nice meeting you all and best of luck for 2012!
  • breadnwine
    Hi there Goblin..
    I am also new to the group, actually to the Website. I was looking for a supportive community regarding weight loss, and was so excited to see a yoga group also!
    I have mentioned before that I had a strong practice about 3 or so years ago, for about 1 and 1/2 years.. (4x a week).. but then, life, surgery, new Grandbaby..accompanying weight gain..stalled me out. I have been an athlete off and on my whole life, and I was never in better shape than when I was doing yoga 4x a week. I also consider being on the mat my spiritual connection to the Divine. :happy: Recently recommitted myself.. (about a month now.. ) . I began by doing Anusara, and now its' Anusara and Vinyasa.. my class times are 90 minutes. When you said your sessions go longer than 5 minutes I wasn't surprised, as it takes me at least that long to shut off the chatter in my mind, allow myself to be just where I am.. and THEN begin..
    Cheers to you , look forward to "chatting" ...heres' to a wonderful 2012..!
    Om Shanti!
  • jlira01
    jlira01 Posts: 27 Member
    newbie guestion..but what is anusara?
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    newbie guestion..but what is anusara?

    It's a type of yoga. You can read about the different types of yoga here:

    (all vinyasa/flow/power classes are considered a branch of Ashtanga)

    in more detail:
  • GoinOrganic
    GoinOrganic Posts: 86 Member
    Hi, I'm Sue

    The year I was 40, a new yoga teacher came to winter on the island where I lived. He made it his goal to teach us the basics, so we could be healthy, since he knew when he left it could be a long time before the next teacher showed up. I learned the basic mechanics of yoga with his Iyengar teachings.

    I am now 57 and I have continued to keep my practice 60-90 min 2-3X a week. I am a very good advanced beginner... not having access to teachers for most of that time, I've continued to do what I know, and push a little to more advanced stuff, but never really have moved into 'advanced'... I love yoga, and the benefits it provides me!
  • MichinMI
    MichinMI Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm Michelle. Several years ago I was instructed by the doc to attend a yoga class because of HBP. I said "doc, look at me, I cannot be a pretzel." Plus I didn't like the self-focus in the mediation parts. Fast forward to the present and I'm a certified Masters teacher of Holy Yoga (Hatha) and plus-size to boot!! I was reading some posts and some key things to remember are: yoga is non-competitive, it's YOUR practice not anyone else's and it's a journey, not a destination.

    My tip if you're struggling with finding time on the mat. Put the mat on the floor alongside your bed and when the alarm goes off, roll out onto it. Seriously. At least then you can say you got on your mat and more likely than not, you will do at least a little stretching.
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    hi everyone,

    I do ashtanga yoga, and I've been off and on with yoga practice for 15 years. I practice yoga for the flexibility and balance side of it, not the spirituallity.

    I teach too, and find teaching beginners very difficult. Any tips? I get so much positive feed back from my students and then there is always one lady who wants to let me know that she wants to do yoga with a torn ligament in her rotator cuff. *wince* All I can say is don't do anything more than plank, and don't do that if it hurts but she ignores me and does the up / down dog postures that I know are killing her shoulder. I love yoga, but sometimes I hate teaching it because of the stubborn students.

    I always practice for myself, alone, and never in front of students. In classes I go slow and make sure that I promote props. I use props as I teach to encourage students to use them too. I find it relaxing and enjoyable and hope to continue to teach for the rest of my life.
  • nose6
    nose6 Posts: 39 Member
    Hello! I do yoga twice a week, at work. They bring in a teacher, and she's great. It took me a long time to get to do the poses correctly. However, once I finally began to get the hang of it, I found that I was so much more present in the moment and aware of what my body needs. It has made me stronger and more toned emotionally and mentally as well as physically.
  • tldomant
    tldomant Posts: 9 Member
    Hello all, I've practiced yoga for five years now, I try to attend classes but enjoy doing home sessions as well! I use yoga for many different things (exercise , mindfulness, open my heart ect.) I find the more I do yoga the closer I feel to myself. New to this group, please add me!
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi, there !

    I'm new to this group ...... have only been doing vinyasa yoga on & off for 6 months ....... and my work schedule only lets me attend every other class ..... I'm glad when I go, as it does wonders for my back & my temper LOL

    Yes, I know ....... I could do yoga at home ..... in fact, my daughter gave me DVD's and books & recorded a dozen yoga programs off the TV for me (she's a yoga instructor, but lives in San Diego, I live in NY) ...... but somehow I always find an excuse NOT to do it at home ..... my husband's retired & is always around ..... maybe I feel a little self-conscious ?

    But I want to change that attitude ..... AND JUST DO IT !

    Hoping to get a little incentive here .... thanks in advance :drinker:
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hmmmm ...... everyone must be on vacation :laugh:

    OK, wasn't planning on yoga last night ...... usually am working Thursday evenings, but happened to be off ..... one of the gym members snagged me in the parking lot ...... asked me to join her class ...... I mean, how could I say "no" ?

    But first I did some fast & furious cardio ! When the yoga class started, the instructor said we should leave all our cares & concerns at the front door ...... could always pick them up on the way out, if we wished :smile:

    During the first few minutes I could feel the sweat drying & my heartbeat slow down ..... and then time stretched out ...... as did my body ....... I slept like a log last night ...... glad I went !

    HAGD !
  • sweetbippy
    sweetbippy Posts: 189 Member
    Hi Everybody,

    I've been practicing yoga for about 1 1/2 yrs. A friend invited me, and I was curious. I loved it. I've taken several types of classes, and enjoyed them all. My husband has gone with me a few times when schedules permit. He loves it. I am currently working on crow pose. My biggest challenge is my left wrist. seems to be too week. Any suggestions?
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi, there !

    To Sweetbippy ..... nice to meet you ..... wish my hubby would go to classes with me ...... shoot, I can't even get the old bugger to walk around the block LOL

    Am not familiar with "crow" pose, but I certainly hope your wrist is feeling better ....... my knees give me trouble, so I use a folded blanket to help me get through those poses .......

    Hope you had a nice weekend !
  • sherrideniset
    sherrideniset Posts: 4 Member
    Hello all,
    I'm new the the group and the website but was so happy to see a yoga group that's open and "generic". I've only been doing yoga for a short while now, less than a year at least. I try to go to the gym classes as often as I can and I try to do some at home. The only problem at home is I'm 5'9" and my ceiling is only 7' high. Can anyone help me modify some of the standing poses with arms raised (sun salutation, etc) for such a low ceiling? Thanks :happy:
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Oh my goodness, don't have an answer for that particular dilemna ....... move cautiously ...... and maybe wear padded gloves so you don't break anything :happy:

    My gym is in the basement of our local hospital ....... the gym itself is nice ..... and yoga is included in the monthly membership fee ....... but sometimes evening classes like yoga get rescheduled due to conflicts with other hospital activities ..... Lamaze classes, first aid training ...... the yoga instructor emails us as to whether there is a class or not each week ...... it's a crazy way to do things LOL

    I need to do it at home, but we've got one DVD player and one TV ..... and my husband is always in front of it :laugh:

    Have a good day !
  • mocha106
    mocha106 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi Everyone, I am new to this group. I've been practicing yoga for a little over a year. I never realized how much of a workout that yoga provides. I wish I would have started years ago.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    My daughter's been doing yoga for years, even went to Kripalu to become a yoga instructor ...... but she lives too far away to give me a much-needed kick each day LOL

    I am heading to the gym shortly ....... first some cardio (8-10 miles on stationary bike) ..... then 15-20 minutes of weight-circuit ...... lastly, a "for-your-back stretch class" which incorporates many yoga poses ...... my back always feels much better after that !

    Might try some meditation tonight ..... tried it last night after work/dinner/cleaning up/laundry ...... but fell asleep instead :laugh:

    Question: how much time do you spend doing yoga each week ? ..... what time of day ? ...... classes or at home, or both ?

    Have a great day !