X2 Total Body / X2 Ab Ripper Day 4

KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
I am posting this tonight because I won't be doing this tomorrow.

First of all ALL of you complaining about lack of weights in round 1 haven't done this workout yet. You will get your weights trust me. Weight + Core Balance = awesome workout.

Crunchy Lever Pull Ups I thought I would need to do on the floor with a band but I tried it with my pull up assist and I was able to bang out a few on each round. Pretty proud of myself for that. Boing push ups ... only slightly better then the burbees on the stability ball but I managed to do 4 first round and 5 the second round. Mule Kick Burpees ... DOING MY BEST FORGETTING THE REST.

Dreya comes back for this round ... was nice to see her and she's in better shape then ever.

Loved this workout ... had to pause and back track a couple of times in order to get the moves but glad I did. Pay attention because round 1 section 1 exercise 4-6 you do on one leg then in round 2 you do them on the other leg. He's not super clear on that so thought I would let you know.


  • ecp2698
    ecp2698 Posts: 267 Member
    Good workout this morning, I struggled with some of the moves, though. The crunchy lever pull ups were really hard, the way my pull bar is makes it difficult to do, too. I sucked at the med ball pushups/ side arm balance, one of my med balls is a bit squishier so I sunk into it. I ended up just doing them on the floor so I could still get a good workout from it. I struggled with the stability ball kick backs (think that’s what they are called) at the end of the workout. I wonder if my ball is blown up enough or if I just have horrible balance on it! Lol I felt kind of discouraged but have to remind myself that is to be expected, since these are all new moves and different ways of working out that my body is not used to. I certainly felt much more pathetic starting P90X!

    Since I had to pause to do the moves and blow up the ball more, I ran out of time for ARX2 so I will do it after work. I am struggling a bit with working out at 5:30AM, I feel like I am not giving it my all, since I don’t feel fully awake. I am thinking about waking up even earlier and warming up more, like doing some cardio to get myself focused and into it, kwim?
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Time Patience Practice. and in regard to the crunchy pull ups? DO YOUR BEST AND FORGET THE REST :)

    I only got 2 of the med ball balance push ups ... my goal is 1 more each time.
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    Good workout this morning, I struggled with some of the moves, though. The crunchy lever pull ups were really hard, the way my pull bar is makes it difficult to do, too. I sucked at the med ball pushups/ side arm balance, one of my med balls is a bit squishier so I sunk into it. I ended up just doing them on the floor so I could still get a good workout from it. I struggled with the stability ball kick backs (think that’s what they are called) at the end of the workout. I wonder if my ball is blown up enough or if I just have horrible balance on it! Lol I felt kind of discouraged but have to remind myself that is to be expected, since these are all new moves and different ways of working out that my body is not used to. I certainly felt much more pathetic starting P90X!

    Since I had to pause to do the moves and blow up the ball more, I ran out of time for ARX2 so I will do it after work. I am struggling a bit with working out at 5:30AM, I feel like I am not giving it my all, since I don’t feel fully awake. I am thinking about waking up even earlier and warming up more, like doing some cardio to get myself focused and into it, kwim?

    You had the exact same issues as me... and I will have to do ARX tonight too ;) My medicine balls are going to get blown up tonight because I am taking my lunch and going to buy a pump with a needle... I can't do anything on my squishy balls (((lol)))

    I currently struggle with:

    - crunchy pull ups
    - bouncy push ups

    Just doin' my best... loving the new workouts in general though... this is going to be a great round!!
  • ecp2698
    ecp2698 Posts: 267 Member
    I was able to do the side arm balance on one ball we have.. I have two 8lb balls but they are different companies so they differ in size a bit and I think they will be squishier no matter how much air I pump into them. My husband has a 12lb ball that is as hard as a basketball that I could do the side arm balance on (which is most similar to what they use in the workouts, I think.) All this balls talk, huh! lol

    I definitely need to practice time, patience and practice in doing all these balance moves! :)
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Remember this is about CORE STRENGTH so we are all seeing that as much as we like to think we got that "down" during P90X there is a way to go ... Those pushups on the med balls aren't easy even WITH the hard balls ... those are the ones I got with the program. I kept falling over. I gotta keep my core and butt tight ... that will help.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Oh, side note: Is it just me or are any of you having difficulty remembering that our lunges are now BENT KNEE not straight leg lunges? I was having issues with that ... and HOW GREAT DOES DREYA LOOK?!
  • ecp2698
    ecp2698 Posts: 267 Member
    Oh I meant to comment on that.. about Dreya.. she looks awesome and seems to have more personality in this one.. like she is more comfortable or something. Know what I mean? Glad to see her back!

    Hm, will have to check that out about the lunges.. I honestly did not notice the difference!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Yeah, these lunges in P90X2 (so far every single one) have been done with a bent knee rather then straight leg.
  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
    I'm doing this workout after work today. You guys are scaring me with all this ballance stuff. So far I have to say that the workouts are different from the one one one's (the making of P90X2) Dreya and I are FB buddies and I asked her over a year ago if she was going to do these and she said Tony hadn't contacted her. Suprise Suprise!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Yeah it's funny as he's introducing the crew he kinda mumbles her name and then says "you all know who this is" ... she's really animated in this DVD and it's nice to see.
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    well i managed to fall off the stability ball or the medicine ball so many times i lost count in this workout!!!! i have terrible balance!!!
    I think i'm going to have to keep track of how many times i fall off as well as how many reps i did and hope to see it improve!!! i did crunchy pull-ups with the bands for now i don't want to "smash my face".... this was a very good but challenging workout!!
  • bmhatcher
    bmhatcher Posts: 105
    i so loved this workout!!!! It was very challenging, but I did not get bored with any of the moves since I had to concentrate so much on using my core! (This was one of my complaints with P90X, that a curl is boring after a bit...)
    I am still not using the med balls yet. With my shoulder injury I don't think it's a good choice, and I am definitely still getting a great workout!
    Crunchy Lever Pull up....umm yeah...keeping these on the floor for a while... But I WILL DO them before this is all over!!!!
    On the Boing Push-up...the first set I was all over...then I went back and watched him again. If you make sure you are holding the outer side of the ball (not the top) and keep the ball down closer to your hips it gives you so much more stability and it will not feel like the ball is flying out from under you...I did 8 on the second set and was very happy!!!

    Ab Ripper...such different moves this time!!! I did a lot of the modified versions so not to put too much pressure on my lower back. DID NOT LIKE THE PHELON(sp?) TWISTS!!!!

    And yes Dreya looks awesome!!!!!
  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
    I was wiped by the time I did Abripper. I move it to an off day or something. I did that last time or did the wo in AM and abs later. I liked it but it was hard I had to lower my weight on most exercises. Something to work towards. I did love the crunchy levers!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I was wiped by the time I did Abripper. I move it to an off day or something. I did that last time or did the wo in AM and abs later. I liked it but it was hard I had to lower my weight on most exercises. Something to work towards. I did love the crunchy levers!

    What I do without exception ALWAYS is Ab Ripper FIRST before doing the full hour. I did this throughout P90X as well. it just works out better for me and yes, the Phelon Twist "doesn't look like much" but boy does it work!
  • CrimsonScotty
    CrimsonScotty Posts: 47 Member
    some of that was rather tough, or maybe i should say most of it, had to use low weights to try and get comfortable with the form, was pretty much whipped by the time i got to ARX2 but i suffered through it..........did i say i was whipped???
  • tmogs
    tmogs Posts: 287 Member
    Total body LOVED I even posted because I was so happy I did a mule kick burpee I probably woke everyone in the house up lol and I managed to do 4 plyo pushup? WITH A CLAP!!! So happy... I know I should follow the workout to the tee but im going to watch yoga tonight and if it looks to be too slow ( i have exercise a.d.d) im going to do something else but we shall see... Great job everyone!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Total body LOVED I even posted because I was so happy I did a mule kick burpee I probably woke everyone in the house up lol and I managed to do 4 plyo pushup? WITH A CLAP!!! So happy... I know I should follow the workout to the tee but im going to watch yoga tonight and if it looks to be too slow ( i have exercise a.d.d) im going to do something else but we shall see... Great job everyone!

    Don't skip Yoga ... it's short this time around and it's the ULTIMATE in strengthening the core, mind body and soul :)
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    I did this workout today because I am saving my "active rest" days for Saturday and Sunday because that is when I do physical activities with my FAMILY.

    The workout was great and improvement was noted again... which is what I expect. I find that some of the moves in this video are REALLY hard, like those crunchy pull ups... I may never be able to do those!! But many of the other exercises that I had difficulty doing I was able to do today... it is getting better fast folks!

    Make it a great day!

    Here are my stats:
    Calories: 504
    Average HR: 121
    Max HR: 155
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    For the crunchy pull ups I am using that chin up assist band. I may not be doing them 100% right but I am doing them to the best of my ability. I can't wait to do this tomorrow.
  • ecp2698
    ecp2698 Posts: 267 Member
    Gaspegirl- Great burn on total body! I cannot do those crunchy pull ups either.. I just busted out as many as I could for regular pull ups.

    I really want to order that chin up assist.. I think that would help. We really need a new pull up bar.. ours is just a generic silver pole that sucks to get a good grip on. I just don’t know if the Beachbody one would fit where we have it now.