
ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
My name is Casey. I'm 29 years old, and I live in Austin, TX.

I first learned about kettlebells about 10 years ago when I was a freshman in college. A friend of mine who had recently graduated from college and started putting on weight began using them to get back in shape. But I didn't make kettlebells part of my training until this year. I had been doing standard heavy weight training lifts (squats, deadlifts, lunges, presses, etc.) and wanted to try something different.

I am currently on Week 6 of Master RKC Geoff Neupert's Kettlebell Burn 2.0 for fat loss, and I have made pretty serious strength and fitness gains in a relatively short amount of time. On day 1 of the program, I couldn't do even one Turkish get-up with a 16 kg bell, but by the end of the 4th week, I was doing 24 TGUs with 16 kg in 15 minutes. My current strength goal is to make 24 kg (53 lbs) my go-to working kettlebell for get-ups, which would be close to half my bodyweight.

For ballistic conditioning, I'm focusing on one-handed swings at the moment (20/10 intervals for 10 minutes), alternating between 12 kg and 16 kg. In week 9, I will be adding snatches, which are my favorite KB lift.

I really wish more people knew about or were willing to try kettlebell training for fat loss and strength gains. I'm getting better results in three 45-minute sessions per week than I got when I spent 15 to 20 hours per week in the gym, doing endless cardio and randomized weight-training workouts.

So that's a little about me and why I train with kettlebells.


  • tiamaria8182
    tiamaria8182 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi, my name is Tia and I've only recently started working out with kettlebells so I joined this group to hopefully learn some new techniques and stay motivated. I started going to a half hour kettlebell class at my local gym back in August. I have a son who plays football so the only class I could fit in was one Wednesday class a week. Even with just one class a week I could tell that I was already gaining strength. Now since football is over hopefully I can make it to at least 3 classes a week. I know I'll definitely see better results. Everyone who I speak to who have trained with kettlebells have nothing but good things to say about it.
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 574 Member
    I did a little kettlebell training at the gym with my trainer a few years ago - and then kind of fell off for awhle. In Jan. I started kettleworx - which was good, but really just got me started back on a regular training schedule. I love JM's Shred It With Weights - really incorporates high intensity cardio intervals with the kettlebell itself.

    I'm happy to learn some stuff from those of you that have done this longer than me, and who have a more regular schedule. I seem to fall back on running more than anything - maybe because it's easy for me and I get a good calorie burn.
  • Hello everyone.

    I always fancied trying out KB's, but wasn't sure on what weight and routine to get....

    Bit the bullet, spontaneously, and bought Kettlenetics........

    When I opened the box, I was all set on taking the set back.. It all looked a little too "girly".

    Was I wrong!!!.... I did the disc one instructional workout, using the 4lb bell that was bundled with the DVD, and couldnt walk properly for three days!!!

    After a month of using the 4lb'er I was hungry for more weight. Bought a 7.5kg bell and now looking to upgrade again to a 16kg.


    Ive only lost a few lbs, since starting it, but my triceps, legs and shoulders are toning up nicely. It has helped massively with my weak legs (following on from L4 & L5 disc prolapse in 2007).

    Now my partner does it. She's recommended it to all her friends, as I have mine....
  • EddieG77
    EddieG77 Posts: 185 Member
    Hey All Kettlebell Fans!!! I absolutely love working out with KBs!!! I have lost 60+lbs thus far when I started this crazy journey and I think I owe a lot of credit for my love of the KB......I tried to incorporate it in all of HIIT WOs.....let's be friends if you would like!!

  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 909 Member
    Hi, Im Rebekah.. Started doing KB abt a yr and a half ago.. been slacking of late and trying to get back on track! I have Lauren Brooks KB dvd's and also a friend of mine is certified so she helps me out too!
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 909 Member
    Casey, do you have a gym or do from home? just wondered as KB can be so pricey!
  • KidP
    KidP Posts: 247 Member
    Hi group, I'm TJ. I have been working with kettlebells for about a year, so not that long. Started on my own by using Pavel's book & watching videos online. Joined an outdoor club last spring that was fantastic...sad that the club doesn't run through the winter months but it's Canada. I am still swinging though, but can't do much other than swings at home due to ceiling height/floor costs.

    Kettlebells came along for me at a time when i was looking to "up my game" workout-wise, if you will. I found they really helped me to burn a lot of calories & smash through a weight loss plateau, and then helped me to get stronger & more fit overall. I still have a ways to go but i'm happy to have this tool at my disposal because it's a good one!
  • TriciaZ944
    TriciaZ944 Posts: 317 Member
    Hi! I'm Tricia. I started using KB 2 years ago. I mix them in with other workouts. I started out with a trainer who taught me how to use them. Now that my current gym doesn't have them I bought my own and I use them at home. I love how when you are using them you don't really feel like you've done much until the next day when you are sore in areas you didn't know you could be sore!
  • petebs
    petebs Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm Pete. I'm a regular parkrunner ( and kettlebell user. Running and kettlebells work best for me for changing body composition (reducing body fat & increasing lean muscle mass).

    I also find that kettlebells really help with addressing lower back pain and improving total body conditioning. I either train at home or take my kettlebells to the local running track and do high intensity circuits mixing sprints with kettlebells.
  • EddieG77
    EddieG77 Posts: 185 Member
    Welcome all new members to the group!!! Hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday!! Picked myself up a new 50lb KB over the to myself along with a 40lb weighted vest. The combination of the two, really kick some serious *kitten* let me tell ya!! LOL.....Hope 2012 is nothing but success for ya....Let's do this!!!

  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    Casey, do you have a gym or do from home? just wondered as KB can be so pricey!

    I work out at home. I have 3 KBs right now (two 16 kg and a 12 kg). I will be adding another 12 kg so I can do some double KB work (don't think I'm quite ready for double 16s) and a 20 kg for get-ups. They are expensive, but other than a pull-up bar, they are all I have used for the past 3 months, and I like the results I'm getting, so I don't mind making the investment.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Casey, do you have a gym or do from home? just wondered as KB can be so pricey!

    I work out at home. I have 3 KBs right now (two 16 kg and a 12 kg). I will be adding another 12 kg so I can do some double KB work (don't think I'm quite ready for double 16s) and a 20 kg for get-ups. They are expensive, but other than a pull-up bar, they are all I have used for the past 3 months, and I like the results I'm getting, so I don't mind making the investment.

    Hi Casey, which pull up bar do you have? Or did you build your own? I'm in the market for one...
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    Casey, do you have a gym or do from home? just wondered as KB can be so pricey!

    I work out at home. I have 3 KBs right now (two 16 kg and a 12 kg). I will be adding another 12 kg so I can do some double KB work (don't think I'm quite ready for double 16s) and a 20 kg for get-ups. They are expensive, but other than a pull-up bar, they are all I have used for the past 3 months, and I like the results I'm getting, so I don't mind making the investment.

    Hi Casey, which pull up bar do you have? Or did you build your own? I'm in the market for one...

    I bought a Body Champ tower a year ago that has a pull-up bar and handles for leg raises and dips. Got it for about $80 at Academy. I live in an apartment, so free-standing was really my only option.
  • Hi All.....I started Kettlebells a few years ago and did the iron core way volume one and two for 7 months, 3 times a week and in 7 months I looked great with definition and lost 20 lbs.....I stopped due to an injury and just started back up today....I am looking forward to looking good again and feeling great!!!!
  • Hello! I'm Jordann and I have my first kettlebell class tonight! Really excited to start toning up. I joined this group to get any extra tips and advice, since its all new to me.
  • OKfreebird
    OKfreebird Posts: 33 Member
    My name is Rachel. I am 27 years old. I first learned about kettlebells about 3 years ago from an article from Prevention magazine. I did some of the exercises and I fell in love with it! I started reading about the kettlebells not too long ago and found out you can become a certified kettebell instructor and that kettlebells have been around for a very long time in Russia and it was introduced just recently to the United States. One of my fitness goals ( among many others) is to be RKC certified but right now I am very out of shape to do that. But I am going to use kettlebells as well as a running program to help me get healthier and shed a bunch of weight. Right now, I am starting off with KettleWorx for now and eventually move into RKC.
    Glad to be part of the team!
  • jenbee11
    jenbee11 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi my name is jenny from New Zealand, I have just started using kettlebells, and started with the 10,000 swing challenge with Lisa shaffer (via FB)
    finishes tomorrow. So after that I will be looking at Pavels ETK.
    Currently sitting at 67kg and wanting to get down to about 61kg so have just started using MFP today, also interested in Primal eating which I am getting into also this week, just need to get Mark Sissons book.
  • nermal6873
    nermal6873 Posts: 344 Member
    Hi! I'm Leah and I'm 32 years old. A friend of mine told me about what an awesome workout she gets with kettlebells, so I decided to give it a try. I'm very new to it (only done 3-4 workouts) and would love training ideas!
  • karenhs2
    karenhs2 Posts: 197
    Hi, I am Karen and I just turned 50. I started getting back in shape and have lost 28 lbs in 90 days on MFP. Looking to up my exercise and the kettlebells sounded cool. I am now the proud owner of a 6kg Adler which actually may be too light but will do to get started. I am reading Pavel's ETK which has been helpful. I got a dvd by Tracy Reifkind but it is not instructional. However, I am pretty good at copying movement so it will help me. That along with the descriptions in ETK should help me get started this week. I wish I had looked for this group before - it is something trying to discern the good sources of info and which kettlebells to get.
  • jconnon
    jconnon Posts: 427 Member
    Hello, My name is Jeff and I am from Massachucetts and I am trying to get back into kettlebells after using a beginner/intermediate dvd program last year. I fell back out of shape and am trying to use the newer advanced version of this kettlebell dvd and it kicks my butt. I need some advice still but I do like the kettlebell exercises over most anything else I have done. Add me as a friend if you like.