


  • Hi there! I'm Heather. I live in Cincinnati. I'm 27 years old, and have been married for 4 years, but have lived with my husband for 7(and we have been together for 10 years! Woo!). I didn't really struggle with my weight until I became an adult. I started gaining a little bit when I was in college. I was a graphic designer for 6 years, so I lived a pretty sedetary life. I was making new friends at work and all they wanted to do was go out to lunch every day. So I went along with it and didn't think of the consequences. It seemed like I woke up one morning and I was fat. Like I exploded overnight. haha. I'm in school now for cosmetology. Although I'm on my feet all day, I'm still not super active. My husband and I don't have any children yet. We have been trying for 3 years now. I have PCOS and have had 2 miscarriages. It's been really hard on me and my body. I had gained 50lbs since high school when I got pregnant the first time(age 24). Then I had a miscarriage and went into a deep depression and gained another 20lbs. That was in 2009. I had another miscarriage in Nov '11 and although I wanted to go into another depression, I didn't. I'm a little better now, but I'm going to stay positive and move on. I'm going to become healthy so that I can have the children that my husband and I are dying to have.

    I sound like such a depressing person right now! haha, I promise that I'm a positive person! It's so nice to meet everyone and I hope we can all keep each other movitated to get us where we are going in life!
  • Hello~

    26 years old, married when i was 23. No kids, but one spoiled rotten pup :) Found out I was gluten intolerant a couple years ago, so I switched to a gluten free diet and went from about 100 lbs (FYI I am only 5 feet!!) to 120 in only a few months. Over the course of a few years I went all the way up to 130ish (yikes!)

    Hubby and I are both getting healthy, and I am working on eating more naturally. Partially because I like the idea of not eating processed stuff, partially because I am lazy and it is easier to grab raw fruits, veggies, and nuts than it is to cook! Also, I grew up with less-than-ideal eating habits taught to me and I want to have much better habits to pass on to our kids when we get around to having them :)

    No house, we are finishing up our theses and currently renting- but we are planning on moving to another state soon so we are uber excited about that.

    Feel free to add me, I love meeting new people :)
  • lorification
    lorification Posts: 29 Member
    Greetings, all! I'm turning 26 later this month. I'm a 3rd year graduate student in a PhD program. I'm getting married May 26, 2012. While slimming down by my wedding day motivation to start losing weight sooner rather than later, it is not my primary motivation, so I'm avoiding anything that is geared toward brides.

    I've been slowly and steadily gaining weight since I turned 21, so I'm about 30-35 pounds heavier than I was 5 years ago. I was already 10-15 pounds overweight then, but I was comfortable with my body. My struggles with weight stem from over-snacking, drinking too often, and telling myself that I deserve that piece of chocolate or beer because I've put in a long day.

    My fiance is super supportive and my roommate is also looking to lose a few pounds, so I should have reasonable support. I just have to stay focused.
  • Hello, My name is Tiana. I'm 24 pushing 25 in a month. I'm not married (Good man hard to come by), have no kids, and yes I live with my parents. I went to Alabama A&M University. Can't wait to go back to school this Aug to finish my degree in Marketing. I've NEVER been in shape and feel why not now.
  • Hi there! I'm Heather. I live in Cincinnati. I'm 27 years old, and have been married for 4 years, but have lived with my husband for 7(and we have been together for 10 years! Woo!). I didn't really struggle with my weight until I became an adult. I started gaining a little bit when I was in college. I was a graphic designer for 6 years, so I lived a pretty sedetary life. I was making new friends at work and all they wanted to do was go out to lunch every day. So I went along with it and didn't think of the consequences. It seemed like I woke up one morning and I was fat. Like I exploded overnight. haha. I'm in school now for cosmetology. Although I'm on my feet all day, I'm still not super active. My husband and I don't have any children yet. We have been trying for 3 years now. I have PCOS and have had 2 miscarriages. It's been really hard on me and my body. I had gained 50lbs since high school when I got pregnant the first time(age 24). Then I had a miscarriage and went into a deep depression and gained another 20lbs. That was in 2009. I had another miscarriage in Nov '11 and although I wanted to go into another depression, I didn't. I'm a little better now, but I'm going to stay positive and move on. I'm going to become healthy so that I can have the children that my husband and I are dying to have.

    I sound like such a depressing person right now! haha, I promise that I'm a positive person! It's so nice to meet everyone and I hope we can all keep each other movitated to get us where we are going in life!

    Sorry to hear about your miscarriages- but I think you do sound positive!! Just because your positive doesn't mean you have to ignore what you have been through :)

    Yeay for motivation!
  • Hey, I am 24 and living with my husband. We have been married for about 6-7 months and living on our own for almost a year. We don't have kids( though everyone is pushing), but we do have two cats who are as troublesome as a teenagers and a toddler. I have my. AS in child development, but I am exploring being an animal assistant at a vet office. Feel free to friend me.
  • Hello everyone! I'm Jessica 23 years old, 2 kids age 4 and age 2 I have been married since 2006 so 5 years. I have a part time job and my kiddos. We go out maybe once a month if we are lucky. I don't really hang out with other couples my age. Most of the girls I called friends are single moms or just single. They think differently about girls night so I just stay away haha. I have been on and off CalorieCount for 6 months *right around the start of the holidays* I'm on a mission to be in a bathing suit this summer. I also just want to get my BMI down from that obese line it's creeping up to.

    Feel free to add me! The more we can help each other the better.
    Oh and I live on the West coast.
  • schliqua
    schliqua Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 24, Master's student, living with my partner of 4.5 years. Many of my friends are still living at home,single, and/or not in school and I find I have a harder time relating to them as time goes on. I used to be very active and then became less active over time. I ultimately want to get healthy and active again so that I can get pregnant in a year or two and have few complications. I'm happy a group like this exists. :-)
  • Hey everyone! I'm 27 getting ready to turn 28 and have been married for almost 4 years.i live in Las Vegas and work full time as a community manager. No kids but I have three dogs, a bird and a turtle. Between work, meetings and home I feel like I don't have a ton of time for myself but really that has just been my excuse to be lazy for the past several years. My sister has been a huge inspiration to me recently and together we are working to get back in shape. I have 190 pounds to go to reach my goal but have already lost 21 pounds and am still going strong.

    To add to my motivation, my sister has offered to pay for a years worth of personal training to help me get my life, health and happiness back and I am jumping in head first. Hope to see you all at the end of this journey and good luck in reaching your goals this year.

    Anyone who wants to add me, please feel free! The more support we can offer each other the better!
  • Hey everyone! Im 23 (24 in april) and I live with my boyfriend of 3 years. We have a house, a dog Enzo, and a cat Lowen. I want to get married so bad and start having babies! haha. I love our lifestyle and proud of what we have so far! I am a hairdresser and bartender(couple nights a week). Bartending at Olive Garden is not like a "real" bar though and between our work schedules, we rarely go out. I am seeing a nutritionist right now to help me get on track and get healthy. I want to do this before we decide to get married and have kids of our own. He loves me no matter what, so I am doing this for myself! :)

    Please feel free to add me, more friends the better support! :)
  • Lambiii
    Lambiii Posts: 321
    Heya everyone :) Im 24, from Ireland, Been with my husband for well 5 years this june :) we got married august 2011..

    if you wanna know anything else feel free to add me :) x
  • Hi everyone!

    I'm Jenn, 25 years old (turn 26 on the 20th) and I have been with my girlfriend(24) for 3 years, living together for 1. Both of us are realizing that we are in the 20 something and settled category. We rarely go out, and if we do it's a nice dinner, a drink or two, and we are home in bed by 10. It's nice to have a responsible lifestyle that we work hard for, but we are kind of waiting for our friends to catch up with us! We aren't married, don't have any children but we have a lovely poodle and two fat cats :heart:

    I work full time as a vet assistant and attend college part time. Feel free to add me :smile:
  • SaToBSaT
    SaToBSaT Posts: 16 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm 24 (this year) I'm married and we have two great daughters. They are my primary motivation because I do want to see them grow up and become the successful women I know they will become. I an echo a lot of what has already been said but I just want to say it is great to find a group that makes me feel a little less weird. :)

    PS feel free to add me as a friend if you like. I'm a new member and don't know a lot of people on the site.
  • Hi everyone.

    I'm 25, engaged and have a 2 year old daughter!

    trying to lose this weight finally. I was already 20lbs overweight when I fell pregnant and piled on another 20 while pregnant then another 15 or so since then so I have near enough 60lbs to lose!!

    feel free to add me anyone :)
  • cuteness81104
    cuteness81104 Posts: 131 Member
    Hi I am 24 and married with two children taking care of them and a house has worn me out and Ive become a slacker really need to get back into a workout routine but finding time for myself isnt easy
  • atag2011
    atag2011 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi all! I am 22 and my husband is 23. We got married in April 2011 and enjoy staying home on weekends instead of partying like most of our friends! I am so glad there are other people out there like us :)
  • shan_welch
    shan_welch Posts: 24 Member
    I'm 23 from newzealand been living with my partner for the past 3 years been together 3 and a half. No proposal YET lol but we have a Rottweiler and iv been out of home since I was 17. A lot of my friends are married already but a lot aren't, I'm not a party animal although if an occasion comes up I won't turn it down! I like having responsibilities and cant wait for the next stage in our lives! Add me if u like, Id love to have more friends on here to keep each other motivated :-)
  • I'm 24 living with my partner and my 2 darling children (daughter 2 and my son 6 months). Both me and my partner live interstate from our family.

    Trying to get in shape and run a healthy lifestyle for my family
  • kendib
    kendib Posts: 155 Member
    I'm 26 about to be 27. I have been married to an awesome man for almost 5 years. We are going to Hawaii to celebrate at the end of August and I don't want to be ashamed of pictures while we are there. We have no kids and most of the time have to make ourselves get out of the house.
  • clairification
    clairification Posts: 71 Member
    I'm 28 and my husband and I have been married for 5 years. No kids, just one super feisty feline. I'm looking forward to working together with everyone so we can reach our goals!