Day 7



  • tvmom42
    tvmom42 Posts: 21 Member
    I took today as a rest day.. and by rest day I cooked and cleaned and did laundry :) day 7 tomorrow.
  • aklitten
    aklitten Posts: 237 Member
    Friday was my rest day (and will continue to be), so I did Day 7 today. Yesterday I upped my weights from 2.5 to 5, except for the first and last arm exercises. Those side lunges with arm raises kick my @$$! I still worry that my form is bad for that one. But I think I'm getting leaner, and I feel like it's better. I actually turned Jillian off for the past two days and listened to my own music. I was able to do the cardio more quickly, which I hope helped me burn more calories. I did that for some of the strength, too, while continuing to focus on my form. So far, so good! Am interested in trying Ripped in 30 after this!
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    Just finished Day 7. My legs are burning.
  • sthompson0214
    sthompson0214 Posts: 50 Member
    Just finished Day 6....can actually almost do it all without my arms burning to the extreme :)
  • lc504
    lc504 Posts: 130 Member
    I felt like a super hero doing Day 4 today! :bigsmile: I was able to do 10 - TEN! WOOT! - real push-ups with excellent form. Day one I was doing about two before I literally collapsed on the floor! My endurance is already increasing, also; I followed Natalie for the majority of the strength moves and was sweating a lot less (only downside to this is that I'm probably burning less calories.)

    SO I'm lovin' it. Bring it on, Day 5 :drinker:
  • Chika85
    Chika85 Posts: 92 Member
  • ginabina13
    I missed today and regret it. I got caught up in taking down Christmas decorations and cleaning the house...burned over 900 calories doing it though! I'll get back to it tomorrow, for sure. I noticed yesterday that it's getting much easier.
  • bewitched2982
    bewitched2982 Posts: 97 Member
    I did day 7! I'm not sure I will be able to do it tomorrow...fingers crossed that I have time, though! :)
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    took rest day just completed day 5 and feel pretty amazing push ups were a little easier but still modified and finished both sets of side lunges arm raises with weights. Yeah can't believe it!!
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Day 7 done!
  • rebecca9341
    rebecca9341 Posts: 66 Member
    day 7 complete! Jillian was really pissing me off tonight; I must have told her F*** you half a dozen times. I feel like i'm getting a cold and that also pisses me off because I go back to nursing school Tuesday. What a bunch of BS! Enough moaning and groaning. KEEP UP THE HARD WORK EVERYBODY!
  • smplycomplicated
    smplycomplicated Posts: 484 Member
    Day 7 done. :) It felt good to be able to smile when She says "I know you wanna give up, and turn this DVD off" first 5 days I was wondering if i would make it through the entire DVD, But yesterday, and Today i made it through without taking even a small breather. We're gettin there! :)
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Day 6 for me, as I took Thursday off (I'm giving myself one day off per week). I agree with everyone that it's definitely easier to get through, though I still can't do push-ups to save my life! Or the side lunge with arm raises... but I try every time and eventually I'll get it!
  • kitsrunner
    kitsrunner Posts: 59 Member
    I so didn't want to do it today....waited until 9:45pm, then dug deep for my energy and motivation....and completed Day 7 :bigsmile:
  • Shanaedunn
    Shanaedunn Posts: 171 Member
    Whole week with not one missed day and that was a push all in itself. I am wondering about a few things and I would love insight. I didnt lose much this week nor the first time I did this and I kept myself on the 1200 -1300 calories. Yesterday I at over a little and saw a loss... Should you really eat more when working out to see loss? PLEASE HELP I dont want all this work to be for nothing and I cant afford to buy a host of books etc to find out a variety of answers so for a Million I am calling in my life line here....
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    Whole week with not one missed day and that was a push all in itself. I am wondering about a few things and I would love insight. I didnt lose much this week nor the first time I did this and I kept myself on the 1200 -1300 calories. Yesterday I at over a little and saw a loss... Should you really eat more when working out to see loss? PLEASE HELP I dont want all this work to be for nothing and I cant afford to buy a host of books etc to find out a variety of answers so for a Million I am calling in my life line here....
    I experienced the same problem! in fact I gained .2 lbs!!! I was disappointed but after re-evaluating my diet and exercise regimen..i noticed I wasnt eating the extra calories earned from the workouts. When I began to do so..i start seeing the difference!! So eat those calories up and keep going!
  • thatsnumberwang
    thatsnumberwang Posts: 398 Member
    I felt like a super hero doing Day 4 today! :bigsmile: I was able to do 10 - TEN! WOOT! - real push-ups with excellent form. Day one I was doing about two before I literally collapsed on the floor! My endurance is already increasing, also; I followed Natalie for the majority of the strength moves and was sweating a lot less (only downside to this is that I'm probably burning less calories.)

    SO I'm lovin' it. Bring it on, Day 5 :drinker:

    Wow, 10 "real" pushups is amazing, congrats! I finished my Day 6 today and it is definitely getting easier. (It probably also helps that I finally bought some 2lb weights and am no longer dying using 5lb weights, but who's counting? :laugh:) I'm psyched for Level 2, but I think I'm going to hang out at Level 1 for a few days longer, until I can keep up with the advanced moves a bit more reliably.
  • mdelcott
    mdelcott Posts: 529 Member
    Day 7 done.
  • mrsjoseywales29
    well day 6 is done for me trying to play catch up because of my calf injury. may try to double up a couple of days. good job everyone lol i dont do the side lunge i do the front lunge when she is doing that cuz it hurts so i modify it but i get through it.
  • tvmom42
    tvmom42 Posts: 21 Member
    day 7 is done for me. I still can't do the side lunges with the front raises. I am using 5lb weights and they are just too heavy for the second set. so i do 1 arm at a time and that really helps. :)