Day 1

Here we are on Day 1! In case you missed it, check out the Day 1 post over on Reddit ( and make sure you're signed up!

Have you done your goals here on MFP? If not, get to it!

Any questions, comments, or feedback? Don't hesitate to comment!


  • RyePod
    RyePod Posts: 8
    Hey Everyone,

    Good call making a group on here!

    Met all my goals today - even surprised myself by doing strength exercises in the morning :)

    About to finish an essay then attempt today's challenge of planks and crunches (already did some crunches but figure I'll do a few more before bed).

    Been sticking to the 1200 calories a day for the last three days (evening here now), although I must say I have been finding it a little tough at times, not so much that I want to give into temptation but more I start to feel a little dizzy and kind of foggy at some points during the day - anybody else experience similar? I was thinking it might just be my body getting used to less calories? I did eat a ridiculous amount over the holidays!

    Other than that I am feeling positive and really noticing the difference the group support is having.
  • Serpymatt
    Serpymatt Posts: 6 Member
    Very awesome! Thanks for starting a group! :)
  • Mon66
    Mon66 Posts: 1 Member
    Great idea!

    It's already Day 2 here in Sydney (but Day 8 of my own personal plan) and I'm already starting to see all my hard work paying off.

    I'm finding MFP a great way to track my progress and keep me motivated and I hope it's the same for you all.

    Good luck everyone!
  • rausel21
    rausel21 Posts: 4 Member
    Nice job starting the post. I hope everyone is having a great first day!
  • comma44
    comma44 Posts: 6 Member
    Yay even more places to check. Hope you guys don't mind if I start adding you all to my friends.
  • Thanks for starting this! I'm excited to participate!
  • tigerdactyl
    tigerdactyl Posts: 112 Member
    Let's do this!
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    Yay even more places to check. Hope you guys don't mind if I start adding you all to my friends.

    I'm right there with you. And anyone I miss should definitely add me.
  • Hi all,

    On track with my food, trying to drag myself up to do some walking, yoga, but sooo tired. Shall quit my *****ing and do it, then report back!

  • 32 minutes on the treadmill to burn 300 cals, YEAH! Yoga, then I'm done.