Planning for the New Season



  • shaneNSW
    shaneNSW Posts: 42 Member
    January goal is a 100 km solo ride with 27 km/h plus average.
    Improve on my PB over 30 km which is currently 59m:24s
    Ride in my first event at Easter, just the short course (70 km).
    Keep riding throughout winter!
  • Tracey_Smith
    My plans are:

    Drop 15lbs to speed me up.
    To complete at least one sportive a month, first one is 26.02.12
    Cycle Alpe d'Huez and La Marmotte in September.
    To cover as many kilometres as possible, I'd love to give a figure but I don't know what I did last year!
    I just want to get fitter and faster :smile:
  • KitTheRoadie
    KitTheRoadie Posts: 641 Member
    Well not quite as much as some of you but here are mine...

    Last year from March I rode just over 2000 miles commuting to and from work with a couple of events thrown in.

    This year I am stopping my commute to work because I am moving but I want to do more events (sportives/audaxes) so my target is a lowly 3000 miles.

    Also once fit enough I want to push my average over 20mph, I hit 19mph training for the London to Paris in 2007 so I know I have the legs! Maybe a new all Carbon bike will help?! :O)

    Good luck and happy riding everybody!
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,685 Member
    Well - if this thread has made me realise anything, it's just how much further I've still to go - i'm quite humbled (and in some cases intimidated) by everyone's targets this year... I hope everyone gets to meet or beat their targets, it's certainly going to be a hoot keeping up with how we're all doing... Maybe we should keep calling in this thread and tick off the targets as we hit them ?
  • DrIanKellar
    DrIanKellar Posts: 38 Member
    >1000km a month.
    SR (audax) series (200km, 300km, 400km, 600km)
    Do the 400 in under 19 hours <done 300 in 13.27 so doable)
    Do the 600 in under 28 hours < done 600 in <32 hours, but with 4 hrs sleep, and another in 36 hours with 3 hours sleep - will be tough for me)
  • Tracey_Smith
    I hope everyone gets to meet or beat their targets, it's certainly going to be a hoot keeping up with how we're all doing... Maybe we should keep calling in this thread and tick off the targets as we hit them ?

    I think that's an awesome idea, if there is one thing I've learnt from MFP is that goals often change, for good or bad reasons. :noway: :noway:
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,685 Member
    I hope everyone gets to meet or beat their targets, it's certainly going to be a hoot keeping up with how we're all doing... Maybe we should keep calling in this thread and tick off the targets as we hit them ?

    I think that's an awesome idea, if there is one thing I've learnt from MFP is that goals often change, for good or bad reasons. :noway: :noway:

    I only said that so I could come in here, and show off that I've aready hit my target KM's for Jan 2012 :lol:
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    I want to ride 200 miles a month. Just broke 107.
  • Tracey_Smith
    Had a look at the cycling calendars for 2012 and this is my plan (all being well)

    26.02.12 Evans Rideit Leeds 50
    18.03.12 Atrial Fibrillation Charity Sportive 58
    29.04.12 Brian Robinson Challenge 75
    Prince of Wales Hospice Cyclothon
    13.05.12 Hawkshead Hill / Kirkstone Pass et al 75
    20.05.12 Yorkshire Dales 75
    02.06.12 Richmond Cyclosportive 50
    10.06.12 AMR Peak District 100
    17.06.12 White Rose Challenge 50 / 84
    24.06.12 Evans Rideit Peak District 100
    01.07.12 AMR Clitheroe 100
    07.07.12 Bowland Baddass (Part of) 70
    19.08.12 Evans King of the Pennines 100
    02.09.12 Alpe D’Huez, France
    03.09.12 La Marmotte, France 108
    04.09.12 Alpes, France
    05.09.12 Alpes, France
    06.09.12 Alpes, France
    07.09.12 Alpes, France
    16.09.12 Evans Rideit Lake District 50

    The numbers are the miles per race. There are no flat rides at all in the bunch, all have nasty, steep ascents and just as scary descents. I'm hoping for decent weather, no thunderstorms this year please. :drinker:
  • Ant_M76
    Ant_M76 Posts: 534 Member
    Epic schedule^^

    Good luck with it and enjoy!
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,685 Member
    And in keeping with the "keep those Targets Updated" ethos..

    I'd like to just mention that I've slightly exceeded my February Target of 350Km... Actually today's ride took me to 441km and some small change, so I'm now thinking that possibly I've been a LITTLE pessimistic in my targets :laugh:
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    And in keeping with the "keep those Targets Updated" ethos..

    I'd like to just mention that I've slightly exceeded my February Target of 350Km... Actually today's ride took me to 441km and some small change, so I'm now thinking that possibly I've been a LITTLE pessimistic in my targets :laugh:

    That is great Yin!

    My total for the year is just 444 Km, which I'm happy with, ahead of last year. Most of that is towing the trailer full of beer.

  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,685 Member
    Riding's going great Stu, I've settled into the longer duration rides mentally quite well - I'm now thinking of the 25 mile ride as a standard, and anything shorter than that and I feel a little "short changed".

    It is however having a bit of a strange effect on my weight - rode 130 hard (for me, at least) miles last week, kept to the MFP prescribed "ration", and I've managed to gain 1lb...

    This morning I had my regular visit to the Dr. / Nutritionists and I've been informed by them that "'re working harder, the muscles in my body are holding/storing more energy in the form of Glycogen than they have been" - it's part of the process of my fitness and power improving. Slight problem with this, in terms of weight loss is that (if I remember correctly what they said) for every molecule of Glycogen stored, the body holds 2 molecules of water. Hence, I'm holding water like a sponge until I start riding and 30 minutes into the ride I need to Pee....

    My last ramp test last week showed that my FTP (functional threshold power) was up by something like 18% from 2 months ago, so I've no worries on the "starvation mode - loosing muscle not fat" front, and in the Dr.'s own words "Don't worry about it, keep on like you are, and in a couple of weeks, it'll stabilise, and the weight will start coming off, just take the batteries out of the scales and put them away until March!"