Lunch time

Wondering if people wanted to share some interesting/tasty/healthy lunch ideas?

Food can get a bit monotonous having to think so much about it every day!


  • Xenopus
    Xenopus Posts: 13 Member
    Well today I had scrambled egg and a slice of processed cheese on toast. The last couple of days it's been an open face sandwich with ham and salad.
  • denz100plus
    denz100plus Posts: 41 Member
    I got this from a takeaway place and love it. Cup of rice (I buy the heat and eat stuff) with fresh salad/veges on top - whatever you want, then chicken or fish on top, then a drizzle of dressing (mayo, chili, etc). Easy, filling cause you can pile up the vege and yummm. I also did similar with dinner but with spag bol sauce on the rice. Also very yumm!

    Today I had a sandwich with fried egg, cheese, lettuce, tomato, cucumber and capsicum! For got the betroot, but still yummy! Like a sandwich burger less meat
  • Today I had 5 home made pikelets (kids requested), I ate them plain while they were still hot. They worked out as 53 calories each and that was with full cream milk. Next time I go shopping I'm going to pick up some low fat milk and hopefully bring some of the calories down in home baking.
  • Is buttermilk less fat that full cream? It makes the most delicious scones and pancakes that stay fresh the next day.
  • I have no idea. I have only ever made my own butter milk with full cream milk and vinegar.

    I am thinking of trying some powdered skim milk so i can make it up as I need it for baking/cooking only (I must have full cream with my morning coffee lol and still want the kids to have full cream) but I want to check out the calories 1st to see how much of a difference it will make. Hopefully we wont be able to taste the difference.
  • StudyMum
    StudyMum Posts: 9 Member
    Salad sandwhich? And egg in a cup? 300 cals together.
    Today I blew my cals at lunch (750 cals) cause we had visitors, even though I had tiny portions (1 white sandwhich & 1/2 pink bun, and this georgous choc brownie with choc mousse - the tiniest slice was 2cm x 4cm but still 400 cals).
  • denz100plus
    denz100plus Posts: 41 Member
    we do not have skim milk either. For baking I make my own... half milk half water. Always said skim looked like watered down std, so that is what I do. Has not failed yet :happy:
  • Thats quite a good idea!
    Can you taste the difference?
  • Ouch! to the brownie
  • Xenopus
    Xenopus Posts: 13 Member
    In our house we have both skim milk and whole milk - the kids get whole milk. The interesting thing is that skim milk isn't really 'watered down' milk and in is higher in protein, carbs and calcium than whole milk.

    An 8 oz serving of whole milk contains:

    Protein: 7.9 g
    Carbs: 11 g
    Calcium: 276.1 mg
    Potassium: 349 mg
    Cholesterol: 24 mg
    Sodium: 98 mg

    Versus the same volume of skim milk:

    Protein: 8.7 g
    Carbohydrates: 12.3 g
    Calcium: 349 mg
    Potassium: 419 mg
    Cholesterol: 5 mg
    Sodium: 130 mg
  • Thanks :smile:

    Could you please tell me the calorie difference?

    wow look at the Cholesterol difference :noway:
  • Xenopus
    Xenopus Posts: 13 Member
    "Skim milk (also labeled as “fat-free milk” or “non-fat” milk) generally has less than 0.5 percent milk fat. Low-fat, semi-skimmed milk or “1% milk” has between 1 and 2 percent fat. For comparisons sake, whole cows milk has around 3.5 percent fat, or 7.9 grams of fat (4.6 grams of which are the “bad” saturated type of fat) in a 1 cup (16 oz) serving. In terms of calories, whole milk weighs in at 147 calories, in comparison to the 91 calories in skim milk."
  • Thankyou
  • Good ideas. I struggle a bit with lunches getting boring, especially at work. The rice + veges idea Sounds yummy.
  • denz100plus
    denz100plus Posts: 41 Member
    Yeah I know that skim is not watered down standard... I just said it looks like it. I know skim is much higher in carbs cause when low-carbing the fuller cream (or cream itself) the lesser the carbs. It is just a way to compensate if baking and wanting less calories if you only have standard milk. Actually on NZ hotest baker they used water in their scones.

    Forgot to say... I have been reading through the recipes and there are some FAB smoothie ones. I am going to make a few of them I am sure....
  • Oh, I didn't realise skim milk had more carbs (although only a few grams?) I try to keep my carbs down, but don't like the taste of full fat, so will stick to the skim. DP has full fat.

    Thanks for the other ideas, I usually don't do rice, but I guess I could use brown rice/wild rice?
  • megcsx2
    megcsx2 Posts: 7 Member
    what about cous cous instead of rice?
    I have a thermo trim shake that is only 96cal made with water then some fresh fruit with yoghurt at the moment
    or that and a salad but it is quite boring.
    what about baked beans or are they more a winter food? Anything protein I find helps keep me filled up!
  • Went through my WW books today for lunch ideas. Otherwise I end up having bread every day!

    One is Pita Pizzas.
    One small pita, lean lamb steaks, salsa, hummus, cherry tomatoes.
    I entered it all in as a recipe and its 366 per serve.

  • Thanks :smile:

    Could you please tell me the calorie difference?

    wow look at the Cholesterol difference :noway:

    I scanned mine in.

    200 ml extra slim milk is 75 calories
    200ml budget standard homogenised 125 carlories.
  • For lunch I have things like:
    1 x wholegrain toast with 1 x poached egg
    1 x wholegrain toast with organic peanut butter and half a banana, try it SO yum
    ham and salad sandwich
    had a tortilla wrap with boiled egg and salad today (only 260 cal!)
    cruskitas with tinned tuna and tomato
    big plate of green salad with some protein (cold meat, tuna, egg)

    I used to have blow-outs at lunch, lots of baking etc, I am really enjoying searching out low-cal lunch ideas that are yum and filling. And NOT grabbing something easy when I am out and about, or filling up on homemade biscuits!