****BLUE TEAM WEEK 1 WEIGH-IN!!****1/10/12

It is finally that time! I can't wait to see your loses! Since today is weigh in day I will post our challenge tomorrow (we are starting weekly challenges)

I am posting the team list again on here with everyone's starting weights.

Each team member will be posting their results as follows:
Previous Weight (in this case it would be your Starting weight, since this is our first weigh-in)
Current Weight (your weight on Tuesday)
What you did this week to accomplish your weight loss / what you did this week that hindered your weight loss .....we can all learn from each other! (This is optional.....)


PHELPSMAMMA / 220,0 Team Captain (Blue Team)

MHADAMS2668/ 220,0

FROMFAT2FIT20 / 213,8

TIFFANYF1014/ 213,6

10051961/ 212,0


MATTY7753 / 211,0


DEBORAHT1000 / 208,0



6MIMI/ 202,8

LHIGGINS303/ 199,6





THISISIT511 / 192,0


ROBYNHAM84/ 190,0

MARIAN723 / 188,0






  • dancing_cat
    dancing_cat Posts: 92 Member

    Previous: 185.0
    Current 179.9

    Helpers: Going to the gym and getting my weekly groceries delivered so I'm not tempted to buy rubbish as a "treat" while doing my food shopping.
    Hinderances: The availability of white choc chip cookies! :ohwell:

    * 179.9 lbs converted from 81.6 kg on a digital scale to lbs using Google's built in conversion
  • bajanvie
    Starting weight: 198
    Current weight: 196

    Helpers: actually attending my gym (also parking the car further away from the house and havig to wak) and eating small snacks Throughout the day. Ie. instead of a fruit salad. Have an orange here. An apple there ect.

    Complications: On Sunday I met up friends I have not seen in months. As a result we ended up in TGI and out drinking. Although I'm happy with my weight loss for my first week, I wonder what it would have been if I hadn't eaten and drunk that night.
    Plus A LOT more social events to come :-{
  • lelasutt
    lelasutt Posts: 165 Member
    starting weight 183.2
    current weight 179.8

    good thing: cut out the diet sodas and processed food.
    hinderance: didn't get all my workouts in due to working late some. need to just get up before work (even if it means getting up at 4:30am) and exercise then.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • deboraht1000
    deboraht1000 Posts: 19 Member
    Starting weight 208lbs
    Current weight 207lbs

    Good thing - All my classes are now back to normal this week and my cold is getting better
    Hinderance - having a cold, didn't track somedays and just ate what I wanted which was usually comfort food plus wasn't well enough to workout
  • robynham84
    robynham84 Posts: 77 Member
    Starting weight: 190
    Current weight: 183

    Started the c25k program and walking the track at my kids basketball practices (which is 3 days a week). Stayinging at or under my calories goal most days. I think letting myself have the things I want but in moderation has helped me tremendously! !!
  • phelpsmamma
    Starting weight: 220.4
    Current weight: 213.4

    I really did a lot to make sure to see success. I drink half my body weight in oz of water, I limit my carb intake, and I stay around a 1200 calorie goal (my dr recommended that I eat about that much since I have issues losing weight). I make sure to fill my body with nutrient dense veggies that make me full so I'm not hungry and grazing later. Every morning I make sure to eat within 30min of waking up because it helps get your metabolism up and going. Also I big help to me is logging my food, if it touches my lips I log it.

    Exercise wise I make sure to get at least 20min of cardio (I prefer 45) in as well as different abdominal exercises.

    *****Good job to those that have logged their weight so far! Blue team is doing great!*****
  • 6mimi
    6mimi Posts: 1,439 Member
    starting- 202.8
    Tuesday weigh in - 196.2

    Things that helped...
    I logged all my calories on my ipod
    I did at least 30 minutes of cardio 6 days a week.
    I ate at home more.
    My friend is also working at getting healthy. We check in with our buddies often.

    I caught an awful cold.
    My family and I went on a day trip and ate at a restaurant famous for fried chicken.
    My family caught my cold so I was very busy caring for them too.
  • mtourtillott
    mtourtillott Posts: 13 Member
    starting weight 183.2
    current weight 182.2

    Things that helped:
    Logging my calories everyday even on the days that I went over gave me a good perspective of what I am putting into my mouth and the total of calories I'm consuming.

    My family graciously shared a terrible cold with me and didn't exercise like I had planned due to not being able to breath well. Also, when I'm not feeling well I tend to reach for carbs and sweets.

    I'm feeling better now, so my outlook for the next week is looking good.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • TiffanyW1014
    TiffanyW1014 Posts: 614 Member
    Starting weight: 213.6
    Current Weight: 210.6
    I happy but I should of done better. I didn't log as well as I should of and I ate WAY to much. (birthday week) I am cutting back on my pop and going to really try to watch this week plus work out a bit more... If possible.

    Nice job to the BLUE team!! Way to get those pounds off!!!
  • Learning2LuvLindsay
    Learning2LuvLindsay Posts: 1,142 Member
    Starting Weight: 199.6
    Current Weight: 199

    Things that helped:
    Made sure to eat more fruits and veggies this week and going to the gym.

    I caught a nasty cold and was out of commision for most of the week. :grumble:

    Wow! A lot of you had some great losses! I hope to have one of those next week now that I'm finally starting to feel better. Go Blue Team!
  • phelpsmamma
    Great job everyone! I can't wait to see more of our blue team come out and show us what they have accomplished!
  • phelpsmamma
    Come on blue team! We only have 10 people weighed in so far......come out come out where ever you are! :)
  • phelpsmamma
    I will be posting Blue Team shirts with lbs lost on each one....for this week I am doing 1-4lbs and then in 5lb increments. So if you have lost say 6-9lbs then you will have the 5lb image until you reach 10lbs....etc I will post these up really soon!
  • TiffanyW1014
    TiffanyW1014 Posts: 614 Member
    I will be posting Blue Team shirts with lbs lost on each one....for this week I am doing 1-4lbs and then in 5lb increments. So if you have lost say 6-9lbs then you will have the 5lb image until you reach 10lbs....etc I will post these up really soon!

    That is a great idea!! Not sure how to do that so I'm glad you are in charge lol!!
  • marian723
    marian723 Posts: 35 Member
    Starting- 188
    Current - 184.6

    Helpers- I have been working out more than I use to.

    The issue I had trouble with last week is my great grandmother passed away last week and I was doing alot of baking for the family that was at the hospital. I had to try the items I was baking, so I am hoping that this week I will loose more.

    Great job everyone.
  • ActivePhelps
    OK I was going to post pictures here but I have to do it in a different thread I guess....:grumble:
  • Learning2LuvLindsay
    Learning2LuvLindsay Posts: 1,142 Member
    Did you try changing the IMG to img. It has to be lower case on both places. You may have tried this already but just a suggestion.
  • phelpsmamma
    Ok so I just went and renamed all my files because there was a space in it...so now here I go again! (and yes as embarassing as it is I was signed into my husbands account and made the huge OOPS) lol oh well live and learn :)
  • phelpsmamma
    Ok they are up in a topic all their own...I found out that you can not have spaces in your image name. So now I know! :)
  • sdlinky
    sdlinky Posts: 4 Member
    I'm so late - but I found my link and I'm here now! I didn't weigh this morning - I will do it when I get home. Some things show up on my phone so easy to use, then this had to be signed on computer to find. :) Another post when I get home then, hope I'm not up :(