good Protein Shakes???

RonneyKay Posts: 464 Member
Hi All,

me again, okay so as you all know from reading my other posts, i have pretty much no appetite what so ever! So, I am looking for a good protein shake to at least drink throughout the day. Even if its something I gotta make with milk or water. My carbs need to be under 20 a day.

Most shakes I've seen also have a lot of sugar in them and I'm trying to stay away from that also.

Please help a sister out! I know its not good not eating, but at the same time, I just am NOT hungry at all. Then when dinner time rolls around I am a little hungry and so I eat until I'm satisfied and then I'm done for they day. Not even late night munchies anymore.

(no lectures on how I should be eating during the day blah blah blah because I already know that, that is why I'm posting this.)

thanks everyone!


  • RonneyKay
    RonneyKay Posts: 464 Member
    oh yea and my calorie cap is 1200. So please keep that in mind as well.
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    This. Sugar free too.

    Chocolite protein shakes.
  • RonneyKay
    RonneyKay Posts: 464 Member
    do they taste good? hehe
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    (no lectures on how I should be eating during the day blah blah blah because I already know that, that is why I'm posting this.)

    thanks everyone!

    I can assure you that this isnt necessary - we have a great bunch of people in our group....

    There are days in the morning, all I want is a protein smoothie for breakfast - I usually will do this two or three times per week when Im in the mood.

    I use "Designer Whey" ... They have a 100calorie French Vanilla that is TO DIE FOR! I use Silk Vanilla Light Soy Milk, scoop of the powder mix, 2/3C of Wyman's mixed berries (already frozen, but as is), and six ice-cubes... it becomes like a super-uber thick milkshake! OHHHH SO GOOD!

    Ill even make two of these ahead of time, and make a faux ice-cream out of this as dessert....

    Their website also has a $2.00 off coupon that you can print all the time for every time you purchase it.... They have chocolate, french vanilla, vanilla almond, and a few others as well. They are also available online if you cant find a local store...
  • Loves2snack
    Loves2snack Posts: 112 Member
    I love Atkins shakes
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    do they taste good? hehe
    Actually yes. And that's just with water, i don't add anything else to it. My kids like it plain or witk milk and fruit.
  • GNC's Pro Performance Amp Wheybolic Extreme 60 (Vanilla is my fave). I love this stuff. I use 1 scoop in unsweetened almond milk post work out to really reduce soreness the next day. However, 2 scoops (in almond milk, UNsweet) works as a decent recplacement meal on the go or in a hurry.

    Each serving is 3 scoops but, being a woman, I only use 2 max. I just don't need ALL of the protein etc. But 2 scoops = 4net carbs and 187calories.

    I swear by it. Just make sure you get a good blender bottle to shake it up. If you can shake it, it blends well. If you can only stir it...not so much.
  • Oops. Forgot the link:

    Also, I think almond milk makes it taste way better than just water. You can do regular milk but that's adding a lot of unneccessary carbs.
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    I like Da Vinci Whey Protein - chocolate is the best. It is low carb, but low fat also, so I mix some Flax Oil in it to increase the fat.
  • Kksd605
    Kksd605 Posts: 74 Member
    I like putting my protein powder (mixed with a little water - 3 oz) in my coffee in the morning with sugar free syrup. Makes for a low carb, high protein Latte!

    I am currently on Ideal Protein diet, but will switch at some point to another protein powder for maintenance. Also interested in good tasting, low sugar protein powders. I've never been a breakfast eater, so protein in my coffee works great.
  • RonneyKay
    RonneyKay Posts: 464 Member
    My friend had some left over Body Fortress Whey Powder, Vanilla (my favorite flavor in general) She was drinking it when she was trying to get pregnant... turns out she just can't get pregnant:( Anyhow, I was telling her I need protein shakes because I'm low carbing now. She gave like a whole over 1/2 tub of it:)

    It was filling yesterday:)
  • suzzee2000
    suzzee2000 Posts: 85 Member
    I bought this brand at Walmart Pure Protein 100% Whey Protein Frosty Chocolate
    My new morning favorite concoction
    Tweak it to the way you like it!

    8 oz coffee black
    1 scoop Chocolate Whey Protein
    2 tab heavy whipping cream
    splash of DaVinci Caramel SF Syrup
    you can use sweetener if you want
    Ice cubes

    Put everything in....Ice cubes last I use a smoothie blender and there you go

    It is thick and so so good!
    Hope this one helps
  • amitch17
    amitch17 Posts: 13 Member
    Isofemme Vanilla Sky is awsome ... i drink it everyday for breakfast. Only 2 carbs, i make it with unsweetened almond milk and it's WAYYY better than water. (almond milk has 1 carb per cup, and 35 cals). There is a chocolate and strawberry flavour as well but i have yet to try those.
  • I'm really into Isopure whether it be chocolate or any other flavor. You can stir it with a spin and it dissolves, and has no carbs or sugar at all. I use chocolate and mango peach and they are delicious. They are cheaper on amazon. Here's one you can check out:

    I've used the chocolate in the past to make a mock hot chocolate. Heat some water and add a good amount of protein power with some HWC and you're good to go! Maybe add some stevia to sweeten it up a bit. I usually didn't need much protein to reach a good chocolatey taste.
  • Chicagolopez
    Chicagolopez Posts: 39 Member
    I use Jay Robb, expesive but worth it with only one gram of carbs per drink.
  • proudmommylmb
    proudmommylmb Posts: 39 Member
    Hmmm. I forgot about protein shakes.

    I should add one of these suggestions to my family's diet.

    What a good way to just curb some hunger pangs.
  • Cracklinrose5
    Cracklinrose5 Posts: 35 Member
    I use Jay Robb, expesive but worth it with only one gram of carbs per drink.

    I also use Jay Robb and love it...easy to take with you also when using the little packets and just add to water and shake!
  • empc
    empc Posts: 88 Member
    EAS shakes here
  • DeSterren
    DeSterren Posts: 8 Member
    Has anyone tried the Quest Strawberry and Cream protein powder? Thoughts on the nutritional value of this brand vs some of the others I see me mentioned here?
  • Auggiesyaya
    Auggiesyaya Posts: 2 Member
    Inspire is a good brand of protein shake. The flavors are unique and are really tasty. I have blueberry cheesecake, mixed with unsweetened almond milk the whole thing is 7 grams of carbs. I too am on a 20g carb diet that my Dr. wants me to do in preperation for gastric sleeve surgery.