New year .. .. new tool



  • I'm finding I'm not eating heaps because I am determined to up my water intake (just to click on that little arrow to make the number bigger) so felt quite bloated after lunch! I'm always almost on the verge of dehydration so my body must be thinking 'what the hick!' (as wee DS would say lol)
  • denz100plus
    denz100plus Posts: 41 Member
    I just used the recipe tool. Great thing for adding your recipe, whatever it is, and knowing how much one slice is!

    Just a tip too, I have found when searching for things put NZ in the search. Like I was trying to find "cream" and it came up with all sorts of stuff but not cream (as we know it). But "cream nz" came up with anchor, meadowfresh, etc. Much better!
  • kapitigirl
    kapitigirl Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all - happy new year - I am Back2teo on Ebb - love this site. Was going to join WW until I found out they don't have an android app, and this is the next best thing - and FREE, yay we like free.

    I would like to lose 10 kgs. I have put on 3.5 kgs in the last 3 months, waaahhhhh, mainly due to drinking wine everynight, and of course over indulging at Christmas :)
  • HI there all ..

    So cool how many there are of us giving MFP a go :-)

    Well after yesterdays super slack effort (watching DVD's with hubby andhte kids and eating) .. I woke up today full of a head cold .. that'll teach me ..

    ..but I was determined to get moving and get back on track .. so felt sorry for myself this mornign .. went back to bed for an hour .. then this afternoon downloaded some 125 -130 bpm workout music off iTunes .. loaded up the iPod .. and went to it on the treadmill for 45 mins .. going ( 5.2 - 5.8km/hr ) with the earphones in my ears

    ..needless to say I hopefully have sweated out a lot of the cold .. lol ..

    ..but feel fantastic .. going to fill up my water bottle and put my feet up for a few minutes .. then start folding washing .. now I have the motivation .. and yes I REALLY have to get MOTIVATION going to even start folding it .. lol ..

    Hope everyones days are going well ..

  • hello everyone - i'm debsilou on EBB too. I've just joined this and am playing with it - should be good. I used something similar last year and lost quite a bit but put quite a bit back on when I got lazy in the last half of last year..... Had better get my a into g this year though!!
  • I have been a bit crap but back on track today, my biggest problem is the evening eating, I can eat a days calories and then some without thinking about it or intending, so trying very hard not to eat after dinner.
    So may of you are doing so well :)
  • Good going twins+1 - its hard to be motivated when you are feeling blah...
    Well I'm still here after a week - YAY, and I have 7 days of food diary. I was a bit slack over the weekend and lost a bit of motivation to diary- even think I started to sabotage myself a bit I think with snacking- but, I am back on track, have remembered most of what I ate over weekend and its not too bad really.
    My 6 mth old has not been sleeping well over the last 2 weeks, so I have been up 4-6x a night, and sleeping in chairs or co-sleeping with her - So have been waking up feeling shagged so motivation to exercise has been lacking unless its Wii-based with the kids. I finally squeezed in 45 min of circuit training tonight and feel good for it.
    Back to work tomorrow (work 4 short days a week...) got to work out some easy snacks to take to work cos I don't have time to stop and eat (terrible!) and sort out a routine for fitting in daily exercise now.
  • Only just realised we have a chat bit in here!

    to scan stuff, use the barcode icon at the end of the search field, and it will take you to the phone camera, just hold it still over the bar code until it is in focus, it takes a photo of it when you have the right area in the viewfinder, and off you go. Mine did find marmite though!

    We have pretty much scanned the contents of the cupboard trying to catch it out LOL

    Hubby doing it as well, so its not too bad and discovered we can share foods, so only one of us has to input the evening meal, and the other one can copy it. Much less hassle than fit day which we tried using last year.

    I just need to get off my fat bum and do some exercise!
  • denz100plus
    denz100plus Posts: 41 Member
    Oh Kermit (sorry, bad at remembering real names)... when you wake during the night you need fuel during the day. My wise mother always said you either sleep or eat. Hope she sleeps thru soon.

    Welcome "newbies" (haha, I have only been here a week!).

    Wish DH would do it wiht me jubjub... I think he thinks it is another fad thing I will do for a couple of weeks then stop, but I am hoping to stick with it for 6-12 months.
  • fourbees
    fourbees Posts: 14 Member
    It's good to see so many people here making changes :)

    Someone mentioned being hungry a lot?

    I was at the start, then I increased my breakfast and now I am not at all hungry between breakfast and lunch! The kids and I now share a milkshake in the morning, made with lite milk and cadbury's hot choc powder. YUM and about 90 cals.

    I hope she sleeps better soon Kermit :(
  • Heya I joined MFP ages ago to help shed some babyweight before a wedding and now the wedding is in two and a half weeks and I weigh more than when I first joined. I just downloaded the app onto my new phone so will have a good nosy around and see if I can find my inspiration.
  • denz100plus
    denz100plus Posts: 41 Member
    Welcome Goat. If I were you I would seriously low carb for 2 weeks for some quick weight loss. Eat Meat, Cheese and Eggs only! Or do that for 4 days (protein only) then protein + veges. I find that is the quickest way for a special event weight loss. Not a long term thing at all, but will instantly drop 4-5kg.
  • Thanks Denz that sounds like good advice, I'm kicking myself a bit but will get over it. I've had a good look around am am feeling pretty confident at the moment, onward and downward and all that!
  • Far out it's hard trying to find a recent photo of myself, baby looks like he's been stung but it'll do.
  • Great to see so many ebbers on here.

    I got the hungry thing too, so I eat toast for breakfast (which I find way more filling than cereal) and then no morning tea and eat at lunch, I am finding snacks really chew through my daily allowance.

    I am stoked too, going out for my walks and finally being able to run part of the way (completely unheard of until now) I am trying to do the couch to 5k in conjunction with this, every bit helps!
  • Woke this morning with a cold. Nice! Probably getting a bit run down from the disturbed sleep recntly.Feeling a bit rotten so no exercise today. Thanks Denz for reminding me to at. I need a kick up the butt sometimes. Took snacks to work today, raw nuts & dried fruit (just a handful for a serve), and a quarter of one of those 'one square meals'. They are low GI and quite filling.
    Didn't really feel like eating dinner but forced down a roasted chicken breast. I need to up my protein ratio I think. What are everyone's carb/protein/fat ratios like?
  • denz100plus
    denz100plus Posts: 41 Member
    I mainly look at my calories and try and keep my carbs down for dinner (now that I have finished my quick water loss days).

    I have sooo taken to smoothies!!! So filling, satisfies my sweet tooth (feels like icecream for breakfast) and only like 150-250 cals depending on how much milk you put in. I got some cheap strawberries (99c a punnet - thanks Countdown!) and have frozen them. Also frozen apple. So I just chuck in some frozen strawberries, apple, some milk, some ice and some splenda... blend and ENJOY!!! Had one for pudding/evening snack instead of a milo. nom nom nom

    There is a whole thread with smoothie recipes on these boards. So gonna get 2nds fruits and freeze em! I am allowed 1700 calories a day, so could have 8 of these. Yumm. Thats like one every hour and a bit.

    I am a bit confused by the food actually. Some salads you pick (lettuce, tomato, cucumber type thing) are 200cal a cup and other 50 cal a cup. Really different at times and a little confusing.
  • Xenopus
    Xenopus Posts: 13 Member
    I upped my protein to 20% and brought down the carbs, but I might change it even more than that. I also try to low carb (complex carbs) in the evenings but do allow some sugars (simple carbs).
  • megcsx2
    megcsx2 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey fourbees, not challenging you at all just wondering how you get to 90cals for a glass of skim milk and then choc powder on top of it?? Is it because you don't have a whole glass?

    I am buying thermo trim shakes and they are $36 a container and they make 96cals with water, so if I can make a shake myself cheaper that has LESS calories then I am interested!!
  • I upped my protein too as I was struggling not to go over, it lowered my rate of weightloss but it gives me more food options during the day.