Introduce yourselves!



  • MsValerieAnne
    MsValerieAnne Posts: 90 Member
    Hi everybody!

    I'm 27 and I live in Harrison, Ohio. I've been thinking of making a big move to North Carolina, thinking that maybe a change could be helpful. I am a freelance author and graphic designer. I am currently deciding which university I would like to attend to study NCIS (Network Communications and Internet Systems). I have a cat named Nestle. He is overweight as well.

    SW: 215
    CW: 188
    GW: 150

    I am 5' even. I love Zumba, Biggest Loser Challenge, Walking and the treadmill.
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    Hi. I am Carolyn. I am happily married to my high school sweet heart and have 3 sons aged 15, 12, and 11. I am 40 years old and a Montessori Teacher (tods and twos) here in southern Ontario, Canada.

    I began gaining weight after highschool due to bad eating habits and lack of activity. Then I quit smoking 16 years ago and then having 4 pregnancies in 5 years started my weight to really climb. I began excercising 2 years ago with very little results. This summer I started following a plan that includes reducing carbs, sugar and sodium with an increase in protein. This has allowed me to lose 66 pounds since then. I am aiming for 155 pounds. I exercise twice a week with a group of friends, 60 minutes of Zumba every Tuesday and Thursday. In the nice weather I also swim, walk and bike ride.
  • Embera
    Embera Posts: 289 Member
    I really like this idea im a 20 year old new mom and would like to loose weight for my own health as well as for my daughter. ive ben heavy my whole life and want to change that ive lost 20 pounds cince being out of school but im just kind of maintaining it.i want to loose. I have also never dieted before
    i have trouble finding time to excercise with my 4 month old so tips and chalanges would help
  • dorodium
    dorodium Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    My name is Stefanie and I am a 22yr old college graduate looking for a full-time job. Alcohol has become part of my life in the last year and the past 6 months have been the worst. I gained 10 lbs and decided I wanted to get back to happy and health and reach the ultimate goal of my weight I've had since I can remember - 117.

    I love working out, doing art, playing golf, and Japan. I also love wine, cupcakes, and have a distinct lack of willpower when it comes to food. I'm looking for anyone that would like to share some support - or some healthy competition (I am desperate enough to attempt to let my vain pride and hatred of losing to help me lose weight). I work best when people goad me into actually working, like claiming I can't do it and then congratulating me when I do. :D

    I'd love to support any twin on this website and anyone who isn't I'd still love to friend and support!

    Good Luck everyone

    SW: 138
    CW: 133.7
    GW: 117
    Height: 5'2"
    Age: 22
  • mrichternh
    mrichternh Posts: 29 Member
    I'm Meredith (live in MI), 36 years old, 5' 6", married for 12 yrs. mom of 3 (6 yr old, 4 yrs old twins). I am a full time, special education preschool teacher. I am up at 5:00, getting myself ready, lunches ready for 4 of us, 3 kids fed and dressed and a 1/2 hr drive to work to be there by 8:00. My day consists of squating, kneeling, crawling and being on my feet. I feel my body getting older, back pain, knee pain and foot pain almost daily. Enough is enough. I am tire of being tired. I don't have much time to exercise, as when I get home from work between 4:30 and 5:30. It is time for homework, dinner, play, baths, and kiddie bedtime. When all that is said and done, I get to bed between 9:30 and 10:30. Weekends are for catching up on housework, which never seems to get done, play with the kids and do errands. Not to mention, my husband works rotating shifts and at times I become a single parent for stretches of a week or two at a time.

    I do not enjoy exercising at this point but know I have to do it. I am strictly working on losing weight by diet alone right now. I have a treadmill and just got my Turbo Fire today! So ready to make an effort on carving out some time from me.

    Forgot to mention I am currently 194 lbs. Goal weight is 140.
  • MPwife10
    MPwife10 Posts: 130 Member
    My name is Karena (Kah REE Nah) and I am 23 years old (24 in March). I was 150lbs when I met my husband and always thought I was fat. When we found out my husband was deploying I knew I wanted to lose the weight before he got back so in august I started working out and eating right. I have lost 63lbs since he left and I have 35lbs to go. I am trying to get there before his R&R in April. He is one of the biggest reasons I am doing this. I want him to have a beautiful wife (he says I am beautiful no matter what). I am also doing it for our kids...I don't want them to have a fat mommy.
  • RoseJ0
    RoseJ0 Posts: 5
    Hi I'm Rosie. I'm a fifth year medical student and am 22 (23 in February). I want to be healthier and fit into my 6th year ball dress by graduation. I love dancing but often find it difficult to find time with studying and have a major chocolate addiction (again when studying)
  • BrittanyH8588
    BrittanyH8588 Posts: 77 Member
    Hey everyone :) my name is Brittany I am 23 and love in Florida!! I start my first year of college February 6 and I am going to be eventually be a kindergarten teacher. I want to lose this weight because living in Florida most of the year everyone is in tank tops, shorts, bikini's and short cute dresses. I am tired of being the fat girl when I go out with my girl friends. I am tired of being over looked by guys because of my weight. I am 5'2 and weigh 195 lbs and my goal weight is 125.
  • roguex_1979
    roguex_1979 Posts: 247 Member
    Hi, my name is Amanda, 32, and I am a mother of one 9 year old and I consider myself to have been 'big' all my life. I wasn't really big. I could fit into size 8 clothing until I was 18, and then fell in love and started eating out of comfort, then lost it again when he broke my heart, then put on again after meeting my ex husband and having the baby, was on anti depressants, and have tried to lose weight ever since.

    I have lost and gained many times over, but this time I am hoping to lose forever! My head is on straighter, I am happy in love and am off the anti d's.

    Basically, the only thing that is motivating me is I want to like what I see, which could be dangerous because I didn't like what I saw when I was in size 8 clothing, but I'm hoping my perspective has shifted now that I would have 3 dress sizes to lose to get into an 8 again!! But I don't care about clothes size goal, more a like what I see goal.

    So yeah, that's me!
  • Pughey
    Pughey Posts: 30 Member
    Hiya! :)

    I'm Terri, mum of 2, live in the UK and I'm 33. I've always been a yoyo dieter, spent half my life on various weight loss programmes. I was a size 10-12 (and can you believe felt big then!!) and now I'm here at size 20 in trousers, 22 in tops. How did that happen????? lol.

    I got married last year and then got a kinda 'doesn't matter any more' attitude to dieting because I didn't have anything to work towards. Problem is now I'm heavier than I have ever been and I'm uncomfortable in my clothes now. I WILL NOT BUY BIGGER CLOTHES!!!! So, here I am making an effort. I love going to the gym and the classes, getting right into it again, and so I'm back on the right path. Just need some added motivation.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Hello my name is Ellie, 19 turning 20 in March. I am from Australia.

    I started off at 216 in April 2011 am now 179 and aiming for 120-130.... aiming for more than a number though. To be fit, healthy and toned.
    I have worked in fast food since I turned 14... I think that explains a lot...

    I used to have REALLY bad depression, and heard exercise could help a bit so tried it and fell in love!
    I am now off antidepressants for the first time in 7 years and happier than ever!
    I also now love anything to do with nutrition and exercise, I try to eat as "clean" as possible. I have decided I want to help others' achieve their goals and dreams so am starting my Cert in Personal Training in feb of this year. I dream of owning my own gym one day!

    That's me :) xo
  • Raach32
    Raach32 Posts: 20

    I'm Rachel, second year student at university in Belfast, Northern Ireland. I've always been big, but I've had ENOUGH!! haha!

    I'm 20 years old (will be 21 in September)
    I'm currently 272, hoping to get to 200 in time for my 21st!
    I'm 6"3 (if that makes any difference)

    Add me :)

    Rach x
  • Tamusha89
    Tamusha89 Posts: 6 Member
    Tammy, 22 years old. I'm 1.70 meters tall, And weigh about 65 Kg - I guess it'll be hard to find a pair that uses the metric system :)

    Most of my teen age life I'v weighed under 60 Kg and was allways slim and fit becuse i used to work out a lot - and came from an athletic background. Since i hit the age of 20 my weight fluctuated above 60 Kg. I'v ignored that fact for very long, telling myself i look good and healthy.
    I'm married for a month now - and both me and my husband realised that we each had about 7 Kg to lose.

    So, I'm on my way to do that.
    I'ts sounds easy cuz it's only 7 Kg, but believe me it's rather hard - becouse the shock isn't extreme.
    We don't think of ourselves as fat, WE only admit to have gained just a little help.

    Oh, i'm babbling on and on..
    Good luck everyone :)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Tammy, 22 years old. I'm 1.70 meters tall, And weigh about 65 Kg - I guess it'll be hard to find a pair that uses the metric system :)

    Most of my teen age life I'v weighed under 60 Kg and was allways slim and fit becuse i used to work out a lot - and came from an athletic background. Since i hit the age of 20 my weight fluctuated above 60 Kg. I'v ignored that fact for very long, telling myself i look good and healthy.
    I'm married for a month now - and both me and my husband realised that we each had about 7 Kg to lose.

    So, I'm on my way to do that.
    I'ts sounds easy cuz it's only 7 Kg, but believe me it's rather hard - becouse the shock isn't extreme.
    We don't think of ourselves as fat, WE only admit to have gained just a little help.

    Oh, i'm babbling on and on..
    Good luck everyone :)

    I am from australia and do use the metric system but when speaking on these boards find it easier to speak in pounds as everyone else gets confused.
  • HanneK
    HanneK Posts: 54 Member
    Hi :)

    I'm Hanne Kristine and I'm 25 years(soooon 26, half a stack of cards).
    I decided in late august that it was time to quit halfdieting and in stead make a lifestylechange. I started to work out more and began using MFP more, and then I began to lose weight. Working out at the gym didn't fit me, so I quit the gym and began working out in the livingroom or outside, and that was very good for me :)
    I want to lose weight to match my superhunky, workout mainiac boyfriend. And since we're planning to have kids in a year or something that really kicked me in the *kitten*! I want to give my child the best start in life, and that is with me not beeing overweight and having a healthy and balanced diet :)
  • HanneK
    HanneK Posts: 54 Member
    To kasott10: He can make his own dinner, and you make yours? Just a suggestion :wink: Or just add some veggis with the meal your making to him? Or make dinner and say: This is it, if you don't like it, go make your own dinner. Then he can't complain that you didn't make dinner :tongue:
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    My Name is Candace,
    I am 26 years old
    starting weight 150 (now at 149)
    my goal weight is 125.

    My ultimate goal is to get toned as well as lose the weight. I plan to purchase p90x by the end of this month and to complete it several times over the course of this year. ")
  • Lambiii
    Lambiii Posts: 321
    Heya everyone, My name is Rachel, Im 24, from Ireland, my stats are

    Sw 202lbs
    cw 199lbs
    Gw 147lbs (for now)

    Ultimate goal (125-130lbs)
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    My name is Jackie and I am almost 36 and mother of a 3 and 5 year old boys. I work full time, and feel like I have very little time for myself, but am learning that I have to make some time.
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 909 Member
    Hello Peoples!!
    My name is Rebekah.. I am 29 and a mother of two.. wife to 1 =)
    I work full time doing GOV contracting, and have for 8yrs.
    I live in FL, love the outdoors, grill out chill outs, cooking, arts and crafts, running, kettlebells and friends and family.