Check in and intros



  • KahuNZ
    KahuNZ Posts: 401 Member
    Hi Rosie - hope you enjoy MFP - we all encourage each other.
  • lunasenshi
    lunasenshi Posts: 2 Member
    Hello lovely kiwis!
    Checking in from the shakeyquakey city of Christchurch, it's been a really tough year and I'm on this site to get fit, healthy and happy again in 2012. Along for the ride will be my mum and hubby, as well as dear friends who also want to make big changes!
    It's lovely to see such support on the msgboards and I'm sure it will make the journey twice as much fun :)

    :drinker: :flowerforyou: :laugh:
  • RaroJuice
    RaroJuice Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Kiwis,
    I am Sonny at 195cms who has returned to Auckland. Since leaving 6 years ago to study in Dunedin I gained 20kgs - must of needed it for insulation from the climate - well that's my excuse.
    Anyway now back in Auckland and aiming to return to my ideal weight of 105kgs.
    Time to be healthier and wealthier in 2012
  • RaroJuice
    RaroJuice Posts: 4 Member
    Yeah super cool, another guy on here - I found one!!
    All the best with your goals - mine this year is to play in Rugby League Masters for a season, then build from there to one day run a marathon in the next 5 years or so.
    I got 2 boys Jordan(6) and Andre(3)
  • SmujnZ
    SmujnZ Posts: 47 Member
    ooh lots of new people! Please feel free to add me as a friend - my intro is somewhere in this thread! LOVE the supportive nature of mfp and am really enjoying getting to know the people on here!
  • Hi everyone, My name is Mel, I have 3 kidlets, and almost a farm with chickens, a duck, dogs, cats, rabbits, a cockatoo, and various other birds.
    I have had weight issues my whole life, had varying success with Jenny Craig, Weight watchers, sureslim etc but cost and time are always an issue. Oh and Im the queen of excuses!
    I managed to lose a few kilos before our wedding in November, but it has all been found ultimate goal would be around 50 kilos I think, but Ill start with the usual 5kg loss as my first goal, then under 100 as my second.

    I have a long road to travel

    Nice to meet everyone!

    Feel free to add me as a friend and give me lots of encouragement!!
  • kkmalay
    kkmalay Posts: 88 Member
    Hi everyone, what a lovely bunch we are!

    I'm new to MFP. My name is Kirsten, I live in south auckland. I have an 8 month old and a lovely partner, a few acres and working on the chooks, cows etc etc, so far only magpies :) I put on a ton of weight with my son and have been waiting for it to fall off, which is hasnt surprise surprise so here I am. I'm aiming to lose 13-15kg by May.

    Am so glad to have found this site, have lost weight before just keeping a food diary but this is so much better.

    Great to meet you all and looking forward to those 'after' shots.
    JECAREY Posts: 13
    Good evening everyone, I hope your first day back at work went well -very jealous of those people still on holiday until next week!

    My name is Joanne, I'm also new to MFP. I stumbled upon the Android app accidentally and decided to stick with it.
    I'm a 23 yr old Accountant in Oamaru.

    My weight gain has been due to:
    a) sitting all day in an office,
    b) putting all my concentration into study to become a CA, and
    c) the medication I have to take.

    I'm open to hear any advice and good ideas!
    Wishing you all great success xx
  • AriadneSnow
    AriadneSnow Posts: 131 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm so glad to see so many Kiwis on here.

    I'm Angela, I'm 33 years old and live in West Auckland. I work part-time and am doing a Masters part-time next year. I'm completely new to MFP, I discovered the iphone app just after New Year's and it's been brilliant so far.

    I'm 169cm tall.

    Starting weight: 68kg
    Current weight: 66.5kg
    Goal weight: 60kg

    I had been keeping a food diary, but MFP is so much better, it takes a lot of the guess work out and it actually has NZ food listed! I want to lose some weight but I also want to eat more healthily, I'm severely anaemic and this is a great way of keeping track of how much iron I'm eating and learning which foods have higher iron levels than others.
  • lisajnz
    lisajnz Posts: 16 Member
    Hi - I'm Lisa, 43yo - mother to five children from 20yo to 10yo, married to David. I've gone from 98kg to waivering between 68 and 71kg (currently 71kg :() over three years, I started with c25k and WW, I've since run lots of other 10ks, half marathons and three marathons. Now I want to get stronger and leaner and FINALLY reach my goal weight of 65kg (and perhaps lower ... but that elusive 65kg for now!), oh and I'm 5'4" ... so envious of you 50 something kg people ;)
  • Hey again, feel free to add me, and you can add me on Facebook too if you want,
  • Hey all
    I am Philippa - from North Shore, Auckland... just joined (well I joined before Xmas, not great timing!) and really this is week one for me... I need to lose 15kgs... have a year to do it (hope to do it sooner!). I have a partner who is really supportive (is bribing me with a trip to France if I can do it!) and 7yo 'child.'.. who has fur and four paws and gets me out of the house walking... so no excuse really!

    My goals are 7kg in first 12 weeks, 12kg in 6 months and 15kg in a year.. hopefully I can do it! I have been 'trying' for years but never really found the motivation.. but have a gorgeous new partner and he runs marathons and does Ironman... so that has given me a kick up the butt to get cracking!

    Really excited to start this journey... so many inspiratoinal stories on here... wish you all well and feel free to add me as a friend if you want to!

    Good luck everyone
  • piercedbeautynz
    piercedbeautynz Posts: 3 Member
    Oh yay!! Wonderful Kiwi's - I only joined today but am looking at 2012 as my year of change. I want to love myself and be happy in my own skin and the first thing I wanted to do was get fit and loose 7kg. I want to feel confident when I walk down the street or head to the beach.

    I am just under 6ft (or 179cm) and 77kg. I eat far too much junk food (thanks to the convienient 24hr McDonalds at the end of my road) and never exercise. I joined Jetts gym and had my first session yesterday. I feel exhausted but elated because it was so much FUN!

    Me and a friend (hi Louise if your out there reading this *waves*) are calling ourselves gym bunnies- a less masculine term for gym junkie hehe.

    So far I am really impressed with this website and will be getting the app for my phone so its easier to update throughout the day

    I am 22 and live in Auckland with my 4 cats (yep, I'm a premature crazy cat lady ^_^) and my wonderful partner of nearly 5 years who is joining me in living a healthier lifestyle.

    Rhiannon xx
  • Hey everyone! Just jumping in to say hi and hope everyone is living happy and healthy! My bf introduced me to this site (to make sure I'm eating enough for my gym habit)(snort)(I totally am), I think it's great!

    Would love to keep positive this year and help others have a good one too. Joined this with my lovely friend Rhiannon (hi back! *waves spastically*) because, like the website says, it's easier when you're not doing it alone!

    Here's to a great future!

    Louise xox
  • Hi all, I'm Kim and live in New Plymouth. I have two teenage boys and work at the fire station as admin. I live with my bf who I also work with!!!!! I go to Curves Gym 6 days a week and just waiting to pay off my running shoes to start doing the Couch to 5k programme.

    I think i have been on mfp for about a month - lost 3kgs quite quickly but now seem to be at a standstill and it is driving me nuts!!!! I am 172 cm tall and weigh 81kg - I want to make it to at least 75kg but would prefer 70kg. I have just started to try eating back my exercise cals to see if that will bring my weight down......

    anyway, please add me as friend if you want....:flowerforyou:
  • Hi, I am Louise - mum to 6 aged 20mths to 12yrs. I have gained about 5kg with each of them and now have 30kg to loose! I have lost 14.2kg of it so far so nearly half way which is a great feeling. I started at 96kg (am 164cm/5'4") my goal is 65kg. I would like to be under 70kg by May 2012 as I am going back the UK, where i am from, for my brothers wedding. Have lived in NZ for 11yrs with my kiwi hubby and children.
    I started with womens triathlons and used C25K to get me running and now love it. Mainly I bike and run when I can but if not jumping on the kids tramp or playing on thier wii keeps me moving!
    I am loving MFP to keep track and sneak that glass of wine in with a bit of extra exercise!
  • w3nch
    w3nch Posts: 23 Member
    Hi, I am Louise - mum to 6 aged 20mths to 12yrs.

    OMG that must keep you busy in itself!
  • dickie62
    dickie62 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello All
    I am Catherine and have been logging in for the last week after a very brief stint before Xmas... And have really found the site fantastic. I am a mum to a 16 and a nearly four year old girls. I am currently studying to become a Clinical Psychologist so spend way to much time sitting and reading and of course the dreaded snacking...... My aim is to lose 10 -15kg over the year... But 10kg by 30th June would be great.... I feel like I have lost the same two kg a million times before so hoping by using this site it changes that oh well start again next week..... So looking forward to getting to know some of you and looking to all the support and motivation we can all offer... And most of all loing forward to getting married next year .... 15 kg lighter than I am now....
    Ps what is c25k???
    Pss Living here in Palmy and truly hoping someone day is getting sun... In this part of the country.. Summer has yet to arrive with a bang
  • AriadneSnow
    AriadneSnow Posts: 131 Member
    Hi Catherine!

    C25K is short for Couch to 5km run. Here are the details of the programme on the Cool Runnings website:

    You'll have to copy and paste sorry I don't know how to make a link. I've recently done day 2 - I'm loving it so far and I am sooo unfit and have never been a runner.

    If you have a smartphone there are some great apps you can get that guide you through it, if not there are some podcasts you can put on your mp3 player apparently. If you want to join the Couch to 5K group (it's the biggest group on MFP) you can learn more about it and see if it's for you.
  • cinders_21_
    cinders_21_ Posts: 1 Member
    Hi All,
    My names Cindy, I have just joined MFP tonight. I don't really know what else to say... lol
    I'm a mum of 2 (7 & 5 yr olds), happily married and of course wanting to lose weight!
    I live on the West Coast of the South Island.
    Well that's about t for now!