Week 2



  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    Week 3 - Day one complete - Core Synergistics
  • Natre
    Natre Posts: 14 Member
    WK2D2: last night was Cardio x. I HATE the yoga warmups but i love the steam engines and all the kicks. I even did 4 Dreya rolls! They weren't pretty at all, but I did them.
  • nevareg
    nevareg Posts: 260 Member
    W2D4 Yoga....definitely not my cup o tea... But I found myself more flexible than last week so I'll just keep pressing play!
  • stormy213
    stormy213 Posts: 632 Member
    Legs, back and ARX done! Dreya annoys me for some reason!
  • Natre
    Natre Posts: 14 Member
    I planned on doing Chest and Arms yesterday, but had a meeting at my house so wasn't able to fit it in, but did the spinning bike instead. I'm also going to a play tonight, but will workout at work. It seems I'll be taking two days of rest. Then I go to NC for the weekend, but I will take my CDs with me.

    I'm seeing results though!

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  • arsjcs
    arsjcs Posts: 22 Member
    I'm still in week 1 - but I have LOVED reading all these comments that say week 2 is better than week 1. Gives me much encouragement!! Chest & Back was last night and I think i managed 2 pull-ups per session. Eeeek!!
  • islandgirl1767
    W2D4 Yoga....definitely not my cup o tea... But I found myself more flexible than last week so I'll just keep pressing play!

  • nevareg
    nevareg Posts: 260 Member
    Wk2D5 (can't believe it's day 5 already) Legs and Back was a killer today, i did my best, and Ab ripper x will always be a bit of a challenge!! Here's to day 6 then a much needed REST day :)
  • libland
    libland Posts: 285 Member
    W2D5 - legs and back complete. No ab ripper :-(.
  • shaunl669
    shaunl669 Posts: 27 Member
    w2d6, On my way to do legs/back, will try some ab ripper as well!!! have a great week end all. Kempo on Sat.!
  • nevareg
    nevareg Posts: 260 Member
    W2D6- Kenpo X, this is seriously the one workout out I actually look forward to!! I <3 Kenpo!! Rest day tomorrow!! Have an awesome weekend P90x-ers :)
  • libland
    libland Posts: 285 Member
    W2D6 - Kempo done. I so didn't want to get out of bed this morning and then didn't want to workout. Glad that I did because I felt great afterwards. Rest day tomorrow and then on to week 3.
  • spartacus69
    Did my own total body barbell routine in place of Legs & Back the other day. Deadlifts, Bench Press, Squats, Rows and Overhead Press ... plus Ab Ripper! It may be a bit too much, and I might pare it back a little. But it's a killer.

    Took yesterday off.

    Weighed in this morning ... down 7 lbs so far!

    I'm off to a kickboxing class this a.m., which replaces KenpoX for me.
  • zoronqueen
    zoronqueen Posts: 10 Member
    Doing the lean, so will complete Cardio X today.
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    I haven't posted in a few days but I've been keeping up on the P90X.

    Week 3 - Day 2 complete - Took my rest day
    Week 3 - Day 3 complete - Cardio
    Week 3 - Day 4 complete - Shoulders and Arms / Ab Ripper
    Week 3 - Day 5 complete - Replaced Yoga with Kenpo (did I mention that I HATE yoga)
  • StevieBonezz
    On W2D2: I have been having the hardest time being able to press play on Ab Ripper X after the MWF workouts. Does anyone else do those on different days or have any success doing it at a different time of day?